Mages are the worst class at Torghast and beta testers failed us

I agree with this. Mages do Torghast so slowly it’s painful. Other casters that also can’t tank just blitz through it (looks at Shadow Priest). I have no idea why the devs are still looking at kiting through a red tinted lens, it doesn’t always work - especially in SL where many mobs just dash to you.


I honestly don’t remember the name, but so far I haven’t failed at Torghast because my mage is a Mechagnome who can both pop illusions and then the mecha illusions as a means of distraction. I also take the 10k hp pots with me. I’ve been lucky to get the Anima that gives all 3 shields + the one that buffs up shields by 40%. I also find the Mechagnome emergency failsafe as quite useful in Torghast, it’s saved my butt countless times though for some reason it doesn’t activate on floor traps or swinging axes, etc.

Just finished both Soulforges and Tower on the highest difficulty allowed this week without much of an issue

Is this the big colossus-like elemental thing on a round platform in the middle of a lava pool? Sorry, I’m horrible at remembering names. If so, I managed to solo him on my first go at the max difficulty allowed this week. You can spell steal his 50% damage buff that slows you down by 75% (but you can mirror image at this point to divert his attention).

I do agree that mages handle Torghast very slowly + the lack of an in-combat self heal is just annoying, but the place has no time limit and you get enough Anima powers to the point where you can pretty much follow a certain “style” and plan your kills that way. Eg: Blink reduction cooldown + Blink making a MI + Stronger MIs was one of my setups.

I didn’t find it too bad doing the first 3 levels of one side last night after a few beers. I ran as Frost for msot of it until the final boss because I found it easier to pull larger packs and kite/orb. Level 3 suprised me a couple of times with stronger mobs or rough pulls until I remembered that Polymorph existed.

All said and done though, there are some huge differences if you get lucky or unlucky with anima powers. 40% shield plus all 3 shields and you can facetank even the bigger dudes, and the 2000% AB from invis is a bit OP for those final bosses. My final run I got pretty much 90% covenant upgrades, and not having defensives or more offense felt bad.

I’m sure there’s classes out there who can do it quicker and more efficiently, but that’s not what I’m here for.


I’ve done everything available in torhghast as solo frost mage. 1 word - frostchipper

I did all of torghast, and went back in to layer 3 for my legendary power.

I never failed to kill a boss.

I was ilvl160. Frost Mage.

If youre not doing it, its because you are not playing it well.


On my final run I had MIs upgraded to where they use CoC/Comet/Blizzard and had like 6 illusions popping up with Blink giving me a free MI as well. It was fun watching the final boss appearing so bamboozled. Especially because I sent in two additional illusions from my Mechagnome racial (those are melee and just funny to watch).

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Torghast is really easy for mages, I had no difficulty with 3’s even at 155ish ilvel as Fire.

It should be even easier as Frost… As Mages, we have so many baseline tools to deal with stuff. Mirror Images to distract enemies while we blow em up, Nova and frostbolt for kiting (If I can kite as a fire mage, you can do it is a frost mage lol), dumb burst, alter time to face pull (use it on prepull, face pull burst, use it again when you are low on health, pop mirror images blink away and kill whatever big elite you are fighting). If something gets out of hand, invis and eat to get all your health back, and you have time warp for extra tough elites and endbosses…

Also be sure you adapt your playstyle to the powers you get on higher floors, but even baseline Mages have enough tools to handle nearly everything Torghast throws at us.

Honestly the only classes that have it easier than us are Hunters and Warlocks.


I am having trouble with this. I’m on my first run through and getting to the top boss was easy. No probs. Beating him? Whole other story. I’m probably bad. I’ve not been playing long so I’m still learning. But best I’ve done is get the dude to half health.

I wouldn’t mind so much. I’m the type who can plog at something all day til she works it out. And thankfully if I am about to die, I can go invisible and reset the boss so essentially unlimited deaths.

What is pissing me off is the 5 minute cool down on health potions. I have to wait 5 minutes between each attempt because I am going to kill this dude. If nothing else, I’ll be better at my tool kit by the end of it (I’ve never really had to make use of “slow” before for example. I’m using it on this guy) but I wish I could reattempt a little faster. It’s frustrating.

Edit: Damn and my next try I get him to about 20%. I guess I’m getting better. So close.


Some general tips if you want them. I haven’t had any issue but I’ve had to be a little creative sometimes. Definitely buy the 10k hp pot. If you have the chance to get a blink CD and an extra mirror on blink then I’d take them. Alter time is a 100% hp heal that I always use when barrier is off cd the boss won’t 1 shot you. Also choose skills that help like arcane has a skill that does 2000% arcane blast when cast from stealth. Mirror images are a bosses wet dream because he goes straight for them thinking he caught us lol. I also stack the shields they provide for anima which last 5 minutes and take as many time warp buffs as I can. Just some ideas but I’ve soloed everything so far.

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The upper reaches can be hard for clothies especially mages. The increase physical damage on enemies couple with low armor and no self heal.

I usually don’t pick defensive anima power but the layer 3 upper reaches is waaaay harder than the soulforge. I probably have to get more defensive just for this wing next time.

I only had issues with the Upper Reaches because of that debuff…It doesn’t help that I literally hit like a wet noodle atm lol…

I take any and all tips. That is how one learns. Take the tips, then try them out.

I’ve just realised there is one that gives health and mana. Playing arcane this time round so that is now what I’m using. Unfortunately I upskilled my alchemy after this run so I was using the normal potions. That is the 5 min kill down that was annoying the crap out of me though.

How did I not realise that healed. That will definitely change how I use it.

Mirror image and time warp were two other things (in addition to slow) that I started using. Generally haven’t needed to use mirror image for any game play I’ve done and time warp… well I just use that when my guildies tell me to. I’ve never needed it solo before.

I’m actually kinda looking forward to doing more torghast. As frustrating as it was, I will learn to use my tool kit better and be a better player as a result.

Unfortunately I did not beat the boss. My next try (after my last post), I didn’t quite invisible in time and I was on my last death. I can see me jumping into torghast quite regularly for a while though. Until I got this down pat.


For stealth arane blast charge your arcanes before you get to the boss then enter with stealth. You should have enough time to keep them before you hit him.


Depends on the boss. Quite a few caster bosses you can’t kite around. I def see where the op is coming from, having major trouble vs casters right now.


i’ve cleared all torgast this week and died once it seems pretty easy, can take some time but there is no timer if you gotta wait for cds for a pull wait for cds

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and if its the final boss (so nothing else to charge up your blast on) you can charge it on him. what I like to do is Timewarp>AP>touch of magi>invis>AB “opener” for ludicrous damage.

its become my “go to” power for a level if i’m struggling with it, will just reset if I don’t get at least 1 stack of it by floor 3.

I did both wings and cleared layer 3 on both solo just fine. Choose your anima powers wisely and you only need to use half a brain in there. I had mirror images have enchanced abilities which they were basically convoke the spirits when casting combo’d with blink having no cd and when i blinked i left a mirror image. When I didn have these I still had no problem, you DO however need to gear up a bit before doing Torghast.

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Tried it solo a couple of times. Died to the 3rd level bosses a couple of times each but I was only yolo’ing and not really paying attention to the nuances of the powers.

Once you look at the ways you can use the Anima abilities to your advantage, final bosses weren’t THAT bad.

I thought it was pretty faceroll ngl