Mage Tower too difficult? Boycott it

My expectations are based on difficulty of all other timewalking content. Mage tower supposed to be same difficulty. But Blizzard failed to deliver properly tuned quality content.


You’re so mad lmao every comment you’re mad, I love it. Can’t wait to see some more

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I think the idea of organizing a “boycott” is pointless. People who are not happy, who feel they subbed because of misleading advertising are leaving or will leave on their own, because there is so little to do in the game right now for them. I mean, that’s why they were on break.

Based on what? When did they ever say the mage tower would be the same difficulty as a time walking dungeon?

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I think he’s referring to MT as it was in Legion.

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Timewalking means timewalking difficulty. Simple as that. Not mythic or heroic difficulty. Timewaking.

Hahaha you really are spare parts bud

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How is it not exclusively a player issue? They’re choosing to not partake in content in the game.

How is it difficult, in what ways?

So what is the solution to this? Never get anything new ever? Never upgrade everything?

How do you propose we add new things to the game if you never want to phase anything out?

He’s definitely not. Also after the nerfs they pushed out this difficulty is very much in line with how difficult MT was when it first was released.

It means whatever Blizzard wants it to mean. The mage tower return was always advertised as the return of the original challenge. Just because you refused to read that or acknowledge it doesn’t mean that Blizzard lied to you.

This is the first timewalking challenge mode they’ve done. This is timewalking difficulty. If they did timewalking challenge modes from MoP, they’d probably be pretty difficult as well.

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Until its nerfed i just won’t bother. Only reason I wanted to do the tower in the first place was to get artifact skins and since those still aren’t available its pointless. Wouldn’t even care if I one shot the bosses in it.

With overtuned towers and simple quests from as far back as tbc still being bugged as all hell to this day and the underhanded tactics blizz used in their false advertising of the tower, it speaks volumes of how dead this game is becoming.


People made that assumption based on two things:

  • marketing was targeting average players and saying it was a timewalking event
  • the version tested on the PTR was considered tough but fair

I don’t think there was any reason players should have assumed it would be harder than when it was originally released, broken mechanics, and consumables usable during legion banned.

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AKA overtuned. It should be similar to end of legion difficulty or even easier because they disabled all tools (artifacts/legendaries/tier sets/class reworks happened) we had back then.

Agree with disabling the consumables and gems.

In some cases it was a bit overtuned. With the current round of nerfs I think that’s a good place in terms of keeping it challenging but also attainable for players that are willing to dedicate the time to it.

I did a tiny bit of archeology, and just stopped at some point. I didn’t necessarily boycott it, I just ignored it.

Lo and behold, it is all but ignored by the Devs.

On the flip side, I have a similar stance with Pet Battles, yet Blizzard is still releasing content purely for Pet Battlers.

So yes - do what you want, and do less of what you don’t want.

Seems like a problem for Blizzard to fix if players are not wanting to partake in content.

The top-end content is very difficult. Mechanically takes a high level of skill. Dedication-wise, it takes a very long time. The rewards? Replaced next patch by world content. That’s a huge problem.

Sidegrades. I’ve teased this idea for awhile; next expansion they should keep the max level at 60, open every single area in the game to be a 1-60 zone, and new tiers could have interesting effects to them that alter playstyles. So for instance you could use a Firelands tier set for a current raid tier because of a tier bonus it could apply.

Just one problem: No one will want to have to raid Firelands again if they can already just one-shot everything inside of it. They don’t want to be weakened

It’s not behind a pay wall. Boycotting an event is useless.

Since when did the $15 subscription you said you pay, give you any of that? $15 doesn’t get you that, it gives you server access, just like it has since day one in vanilla wow before anything you just mentioned even existed

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I would agree with you if it was currently impossible but it’s not. I understand your point but there isn’t a single boss that has been deemed “impossible” especially post nerfs.

Whatever marketing they did that showed it as a time walking event also included that it would still be a difficult challenge. Sounds like a case of selective reading or just not doing the research for themselves.

I agree it shouldn’t be harder than it was back then and since the nerfs went live it isn’t.

Nah. This sounds like more fun:

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