Mage Tower too difficult? Boycott it

Lol you’re cute

Okay, then what do you want?

Because it kinda sounds like you want the content to just fall over without any effort

Are some challenges overtuned? Yes.

Can you make them easier using consumables? Yes.

You can beat them with above mentioned? Yes.

Casuals don’t want to do the bare minimum content, believe it or not. They want to experience the full package. But because of its difficulty and barriers to entry, they cannot do that effectively.

Same thing as I said above.

That’s true, but difficulty and reward have to be on the same ratio. You can’t expect someone to do, what is arguably, the most difficult content in the game at the moment for a reskin of a set that was released half a decade ago.

There’s games that make you “want” to grind, and there’s games that make it so you “have” to grind. WoW is the latter.

What effort lmao ,15s ,heroic raiding only require the person to have a pluse and able to push buttons on a keyboard lmao, all this effort talk

Absolutely. I don’t want to have to put in effort to enjoy myself. If I am enjoying myself, I will naturally play longer. If I feel like it requires too much work to have fun, then I stop having fun.


It wasn’t properly tuned in Legion and won’t be now.
And I feel like too many are against your stance and will continue to try to run it.

I personally just want them to have it out every timewalking perhaps.

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Where did they promise a MT where everyone can win?


Tons of people complained about it when it was current content as well. Don’t expect things to get handed to you. That is why this game is getting progressively worse. High difficulty makes it that much better when you finally kill it.

The solution to the difficulty back then applies now, wait until you have better gear if you can’t do it now.


They scale down your gear. They even nerfed gear. You can’t just outgear it simply like an MMO, you gotta do it the Blizzard way

It doesn’t. You are scaled now. Not matter what.

Your secondary stats + consumables do a big difference even with scaling.

That is not an option here.
You are looking at older gear mostly for that ‘edge’.
It scales too so you can’t just get better gear per se.

Many casuals, particularly on this forum, adamantly refuse to do any group content of any kind.

What is the barrier to entry for a mythic 0 or a normal raid? I’ll tell you now, it’s not very high, especially this late into the patch.

If the reward isn’t worth it, then don’t do it. The reward to many overcoming the challenge, not the set of gear.

Explain to me the difference, and why WoW isn’t something that makes you want to grind?

But some people like overcoming challenges, that is what’s fun to them.

Why is what you want more important than what others want?

I’m not calling it a boycott, but I’m not running it because, personally, I don’t feel the rewards are worth the frustration. To me, the set recolors are meh. The mount is nice, but doing all the towers for it, yeah, no thanks. If my not running it helps them decide to rethink the rewards, that’s cool, but that’s not my goal in not running it, enjoying myself while not wasting my time is.


They’re working on it.

Makes sense, you “need” something but aren’t willing to put in the effort to get it so you want it for nothing.

Blizz has advertised the mage tower as being a challenge from the beginning. You just set your own false expectations for it and are now disappointed. Also using hyperbole to reinforce your fake statistics isn’t fooling anyone.


This is the takeaway here.

It’s supposed to be challenging

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The mage tower just shows that there are players out there that think they should have an easy path to every reward the game offers which is just not how things have ever worked or should ever work.

There are literally hundreds of transmogs options out there that are easily obtainable. Having one armor set tied to a difficult challenge is not the problem. People need to stop acting like it’s impossible


Seems like an issue Blizzard should really address.

You didn’t even read my comment. I said, casual players want the full package, not just do bare minimum content. But it’s so difficult to actually step your foot into experiencing the full content, that the effort just outweighs the rewards and they lose interest.

It doesn’t feel good when you grind out something for an entire expansion just to have it become obsolete. It constantly feels as if your efforts are fleeting and doesn’t make a significant impact as to how your character actually progresses. Artifact weapons had this problem, Heart of Azeroth had this problem, and generally gear have had this problem as well where even the top of the playerbase complained that they had to lose their gear they worked so hard for just for it to be replaced by something that was nowhere near the amount of effort they had to put in. This problem still exists, but is now exasperated.