Mage Tower should come back once a year for a week

I have never been a fan of time gated content, since things change, characters you want to play change. Even if you did the work at the time, things still might have changed. You want a different main, what have you.

They have plenty of ways of capping you ilvl now for challenge modes. It would still probably be harder for the Mage tower stuff since you lost the borrowed power.

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I unlocked all the mage tower appearances and even I agree that they should be brought back for others that weren’t able to.


The main issue is that the devs will have to keep rebalancing the mage tower. It was meant to be really difficult for the time (but not impossible) and I would be disappointed if it was easy if brought back. I just can’t see the devs taking the time to balance it when they can’t quite keep up with current content.

I kinda wish it came out again at times because I don’t play the characters that I earned the appearances on anymore and would like them on the ones I play now, but it is what it is.

No 10/chars

I think they should bring it back without the cosmetics (or perhaps make a new set of cosmetics) just because that content was awesome and super fun. They’d have to retune it of course to make it challenging again. Wouldn’t be worth bringing it back if we could just rolfstomp it.

You know what? From all the same threads, of “bring back this or that” you made sense and i agree woth you.

I usually didnt care much about those sets or weapon artifact apperances but yes, you are right.

People who couldn get those need the oportunity to get them, just saying no to players that can be as good, as you, and want to put time and effort into doing it should have the chance

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I don’t think blizz is gonna scale and completely retune the mage tower to be doable with how classes are now. As we are now, we wouldn’t have a chance without artifact weapons, class sets, lack of some talents from legion and 2x legendaries. They also aren’t gonna give it a legacy debuff to make it piss easy either. They are gonna leave it as the time sensitive event it was. maybe we might see the appearances on the bmah one day though.

Maybe you need to turn “Time-Locking” into a trendy buzzword like “Time-gating” - Get all the streamers or whatever on board, and then the unwashed masses will agree with you OP?

i earned 2 appearances, outlaw rogue and ret paladin. but now my main is a warrior so OOF

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No, it shouldn’t.

If you didn’t earn the appearances while Legion was current then you’re sol.

It would be a bigger ask than say, Timewalking, but as others have pointed out- should the need arise that it would generate enough interest for new subs and potential engagement, then it’ll likely happen again.

Honestly, I kind of just want to see new flail appearances that can be used on Death Knights and more “classic” looking flails that can be used on Warrior.

Unfortunately, I think flails will forever be exclusive to the Mage Tower appearances and that they will never again do another flail model to keep those Mage Tower appearances special.

What if you started playing after the release? You’re punished for not “putting in the time” in a game you never played or maybe didn’t know about?

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Ok then bring back challenge mode sets and elite pvp sets.

I wouldn’t object to it. I’m not so precious about the ones I managed to get to think that others shouldn’t be able to get them as well. Hell, I rarely even bother using any of the appearances!


Oh I certainly hope not. Even though the physics on them are a bit janky they’re still an amazing addition to the weapon lineup. There are so many possibilities with them.

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I agree, and I think a lot of people actually want more flail appearances for transmog, even those who have the Mage Tower ones.

Blizzard so far hasn’t shown any interest at all in making any more flails, however, and have never commented on whether or not we will ever see another flail appearance added to the game.

As such, I’ve been under the assumption that the devs want flails to forever be exclusive to the Mage Tower appearances, but I hope they do more flail appearances someday.

Exclusive content adds a “ooo!” effect to it. It makes it cooler and more worth while to obtain since you cannot get it later.

Just because I am jealous of someones Merciless Gladiator’s Netherdrake does not mean I am entitled to having an opportunity to receive it as well.

If you didn’t get it when it was current, then that’s that.

Quite frankly so long as the window for obtaining them is still difficult and requires a lot of commitment, sure, why not?

After hitting 1800, I’d be equally as down for an “Elite Armor Token” instead of a transmog set directly. That way, I can choose which elite set I want instead of being stuck with what may be an ugly set like what we got all of last expansion shudders.

edit: besides BfA season 1 ofc, those sets were pretty dope. Well, plate and cloth anyways :wink:

I missed the MoP appearances. I got the WoD weapons. And I’m 36/36 for Mage Tower.

Honestly… I don’t want any of it to return. Each system existed in a unique environment that can’t be replicated.

I would be open to getting some reskins out there, however, through an equitable system.