Mage Tower should come back once a year for a week

This is the part where you find out I got what I wanted, then unsubbed cuz legion was bad.

The mage tower appearances would be trophy worthy if they only were available before the final raid was opened. They were less of a challenge and became a ‘just go and do it’.

If you thought Legion was bad the game is better off without you. People like you is how we ended up with WoD.

That’s not irony

Quote where I called them a “trophy”?

Oh I’m the reason blizzard made wod? Because I didn’t play the game? :clown_face:

You didn’t I did I was just pointing out that once the final raid opened they lost their specialness

Same here.

I’m not in competition with anyone. I want us all to have nice things.


So you are whining about pixels in a game you have barely played. el oh el.

I suppose that depends. I missed the first half of Legion because WoD was so bad I quit for 22 months. By the time I was doing Mage Tower I had no gear. I wasn’t over 904 ilvl on any of mine. Not sure where that falls on the spectrum.

Depends, some of the mage towers were easier than others, vastly easier. Without special gimmicks the first that comes to mind is the Disc Priest tower, the fury warrior tower and any spec that did the same fight could be trivialized if the command center was up as the procs from the command center happened in the tower.
I didn’t have much gear on any of the specs I played, 0 raid gear except for my Sub Rogue I couldn’t meet the dps check so I had to do LFR and get a couple upgrades. Everything else I did below LFR item level

Unholy was the easiest one for me.

tl;dr, NO.

Convincing GD is a waste of time, because the topic has nothing to do with either side on GD.

It’s not about those with it lording it over those without.

It’s not about those without /those virtue signalling for those without.

The decision is likely based on: how can we stimulate subs for a certain time period by offering limited time items.

If nothing was ever taken out, players could unsubscribe for years then come back for one month and knock out the past decade of challenges in one go. Great for players (fun); bad for business (1month sub Vs months over years).

Then we come to the meat of it. If we bring back tower skins after making the player base scramble to get them, the vast majority who were capable already have the rewards. You’re putting in lots of man hours to make a small fraction happy by retuning existing content (let’s not pretend the entire player base is capable of finishing the challenges)

Or you could put those same man hours into making new challenges with better appearances which EVERYONE can benefit from.

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I thought the same thing, he was like one of the biggest FFXIV shill on here lol.

Yeah. The thing about the mage tower is that gear gave you more cushion for error, but anyone that could nail the mechanics and/or get good RNG for gear or timing could easily get their tower appearance in a go of 10-20 attempts (as long as they weren’t, like… in full greens or something). Or, at least, this was true for the tank mage tower trial.

Like, Guardian Druids that got the luffa bracers or Ekowraith were at a major advantage and basically handicapped the encounter for themselves through sheer ‘luck’.

I also had a DH tank friend that quit Legion after EN, came back specifically for the Mage Tower, and got his appearance after like… 4 attempts or so. Was severely undergeared for it, from what I thought, but it was a cakewalk for him.

Meh. Exclusives are fine.

Trust me I’m kicking myself for not doing the WoD CMs, and quitting HFC Mythic Prog before Grove Warden Quest came out, not getting some Elite Sets.

But getting those would invalidate them. Basically people want these transmogs because they’re exclusive.

My only complaint is the removed MoP/WoD Lego Quest Lines, and the removal of the Mage Tower Challenges at all. Lore should never be removed, and the Lego Quests were not prestigious. For the Tower removing the skins should’ve been enough.

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You seem to be implying that it’s a necessary evil? This is similar to people saying that loot boxes are necessary becomes games are too expensive to make nowadays, when the opposite is true. What you’re talking about is manipulation. The game itself has been losing overall subscribers for years, which kind of throws that argument out the window. Yes, Shadowlands launching increased subscribers, but the Last of Us 2 sold lots of copies when it first came out, but we know how that turned out. If they just make a game that more people consider worth subscribing too, then people will subscribe more.

If this were the case, then people who have been playing since Vanilla would easily have been able to collect almost every achievement and cosmetic in the entire game by now, simply because they’ve been playing the longest. Not to mention there would also be repeatable current content, like raiding, PvP , and Mythic+.

The vast majority of players don’t have even a single Mage Tower appearance. In regards to not everyone being able to finish it, they would have unlimited time to do so. If the challenges themselves can’t come back, for whatever reason, the appearances themselves could in some way.

If that gets removed too, the list of things people can’t get is just going to pile up. Also, if we’re talking about utilitarianism and what benefits the most players, then removing rewards isn’t even an option.

I’m so sad I wasn’t playing disc priest back then. I’d have loved to have gotten the mage tower stuff I don’t see the logic behind people being stingy with pixels.

If i got it I would have zero cares if others got another way to get it. It’s trivial.

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As someone with MoP CM sets, WoD CM weapons, 30+ Mage Tower weapons and a Warbear, I’d be totally not fine with them putting it on a vendor for gold…

BUT if they could bring all that stuff back with some equally difficult content, sure why not? :slight_smile:

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