Overtune isn’t even in a dictionary its jargon. And its an appropriate word to use considering they did what they could to limit the powers players could bring into the mage tower. That implies tight tuning, and some of them are tuned much tighter then they needed to be. The reason why I say its overtuned vs difficult is that some of the challenges really aren’t difficult mechanically the issue oftentimes just comes down to straight up numbers checks.
I’m talking things like p2 xylem where you can do the entire p2 correctly get 5 sets of adds kill them all and be standing in a void zone with the boss at 30%, or killing the disc priest challenge in 12 minutes because its a tedium challenge due to numbers that doesn’t change mechanically after the first two minutes, but lasts an uncomfortably long time because you have to kill both bosses at the same time now. In the case of disc its even mechanically easier then it was in legion because you have aoe dps spells now that kill the eggs, it takes forever though. And I even checked there are legion vids where people didn’t even attack the worm before killing tugar.
It certainly isn’t overtuned for every challenge, but I don’t think it should be handwaved as fine when plenty of parts of it are still questionable. The mage tower encounters were always a little buggy to begin with since you had things like being able to outrange the tank p1 circle or warlocks just removing karam from the fight with a well timed mortal coil. There are plenty of things in the timewalking mage tower that I’ve seen that just never happened in legion. The feltotem enrage mechanic now feels like a hard enrage, same with the twins. The healing challenges all have at least two phases per healer that are significantly harder then in legion and one or two that flop over in comparison to legion. I get wanting to defend the mage tower being challenging, but there is work they could and probably should do.
Are you serious, where the hell do you come from for God’s sake?
Do you consider it “fun” to do something 300 times for stupid transmogs spending money, resources, and time?
Dude, please…
I’m only here to discuss the fact that it’s overtuned, not whether it should or should not be difficult. Yet, you seem to be mixing the two terms. Being difficult is not married to being overtuned. Overtuned simply means that by bringing back the challenges, while still referencing the Legion ones with “The Timewalking Mage Tower Challenges may be the same as those that players experienced in Legion” (quote from the Blizzard announcement) that they can be directly compared. And in doing so, it is clear to see that they are overtuned compared to their original versions.
If Blizzard truly wished for them to be the same as those that players experienced in Legion, they would have not made them harder, overtuning them, requiring different tactics and heavily specialized gear in order to defeat the challenges.
You can argue that being harder is intended (and there is proof to support those claims), but to state that they’re not overtuned in comparison to the originals is not something I can agree with.
Another good example is agatha. At the moment agatha should do way more damage and have way less health. The fight itself isn’t particularly difficult, but due to health it takes forever, and if you know how to use defensives its pretty easy to do even with things that should be one shots like the boulders or letting her dark fury for 20+ seconds. I would be fine if they made agatha more difficult by making her damage relevant for the classes that outheal the fight, but only if they lower her health pool to make the fight more in line with what it was, a dps check with a soft enrage vs an endurance contest with your off healing potential.
Except they botched it and there’s trinkets that do 30-40% of your total dmg in encounters, legacy trinkets you have to go back and get from Legion raids (Which btw, have fun soloing on a level 45 which is the level you can go into mage tower.) It’s a poor attempt at ‘evergreen content’ because Blizzard is AWFUL at doing ‘scaled’ content and always will be. It’s why the level squish and more got so botched and COMPLETELY made lower brackets have all sorts of broken stuff and weird items.
People currently just cheese it with improperly scaled gear, consumables, enchants, etc. In THAT gear it’s easier than it was in 7.2 especially if you were not in raid gear.
Of course that’s all missing right in the character tab, though.
How would you know if you haven’t completed it? Lmao.
My bad, what you say is totally true.
Masochists enjoy hurting themselves, don’t they? Too bad of me to think that something like that can’t exist in a game.
Brother, I easily had 80+ wipes on Guardian Druid challenge and about ~100kish gold spent, other GD’ers had 200+ wipes. Then there was that one GD’er who allegedly had 1100+ wipes before he beat his challenge (…unconfirmed, just according to his own word/posts). Meanwhile, from what I remember, you threw in the towel after like 1 week and then ragequit WoW for a few weeks (according to your December posts anyway).
The rest of us persevered, kept wiping, picked ourselves up and wiped some more, refined our strat/read up on Icy Veins and wowhead, double-checked wowhead comments section for any “obscure” tips, wiped some more, then had a few more low % wipes, and then finally the stars aligned and we got a boss kill
The point is, you simply “gave up” rather than stick to it.
Well, not many other words than “entitled” for your proposing of such large nerfs… and enabling Shadowlands borrowed power/Convoke inside the instance is a pretty large nerf to the content
Seems like you just want to walk in, do maybe 6-7 attempts, and walk out with the goodies. That’s even easier than the Antorus version was, come on man
Difficulty varies wildly by spec – I took 45 attempts to do “Thwarting the Twins” as a Shadow Priest, and no idea how many tries as Feral Druid against the Imp Mother back in Legion.
The fact that Legion legendaries had their effects disabled, even in this content, coupled with the fact we no longer have access to the power/abilities that we had from our artifact weapons at the time (such as tier sets and special abilities from artifact weapons) make these challenges more difficult, especially when they were originally designed with these bonuses in mind.
Can’t confirm that, so press X to doubt as those that usually sit there talking about how it’s not ‘overtuned’ either cheesed it with legacy gear or found other avenues to get around stuff.
Yeah, it’s a waste. As someone that did it in Legion, I had a more difficult time this time for Guardian despite already knowing the fight!
How about those legacy trinkets doing 30-40% IE top dmg for druids and many others, I think that ‘nerfs the content’ quite a bit huh?
Right, and I did 36/36 on level 45 in greens. It’s all totally verifiable.
Stop posting at me and following me into every thread I post in, kthx~ From now on all that’s gonna happen between you and Snoz is getting a link to exactly what you tried to reference.
I remember it being overtuned in Legion. There’s a line between challenging and hitting your head against a brick wall. Mage Tower was hitting your head against a brick wall. It’s probably balanced around top end players for some stupid reason of stupidness.
The funny thing is that it being a solo challenge make it so people cant blame other players, so they come up with multiple other excuses on why they are just not good enough to complete them.
Like some posters saying “everyone” that clears them had to farm older gear or use “cheese” trinkets/enchant, they cant fathom the idea of people just not being bad at the game.