Mage tower overtuned

Imagine trying to gatekeep when Warlock is a questionable mog. You could of easily exploited the fight.

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I’m so glad I managed to pull the Shadow priest one off before they changed the fight after a while. This challenge is a prime example for way overtuned challenges that haven’t been adjusted to drastic changes of the spec, its talents and missing powers. I don’t even know how the fight would be possible with the current strat.

Except that I did demonology, and after the affliction exploit was fixed.

I’m starting to wonder

It seems like I’m stuck with a choice of kill Karam and die to Raest when I eventually run out of self healing, or try to dps Raest and eventually die when I can no longer outrun Karam

Makes me miss the old surrender to madness

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So heres the main issues I see with it.

  1. It is undeniably tuned for when it was a challenge in legion but the rewards are arguably much worse then they were in legion. If its as hard as it was in legion why aren’t the original rewards in? After all having completed now is much more impressive then it was then in most cases.
  2. the ways to bypass the difficulty are both existent and weird. They went out of their way to block ways to power up your character from powering up in the mage tower and in typical blizzard fashion left only the weirdest solutions available. So instead of having borrowed powers to work from people can just make clownsuit socket sets from chromie time, and buy consumables(best from bfa) to significantly ease the difficulty of the encounters. I also see people talking about the trial character clears, if you watched those he does all of them with bfa consumables and the gear loss from being a trial character is basically nothing because they start above ilvl 50. I respect biceppumps for making guides to show the easiest ways to get the book, but that isn’t a proof on how the mage tower is easy if you get good, its a guide to show how to make the mage tower easy with minimal prep work.
  3. The challenges are not created equal. This was true in legion too but with the scaling tuned as tightly as it is some of the challenges are pretty unfair in comparison to others. For example you have some challenges that are in ways easier then they were in legion. Fire mage for example is a big winner in depruning, your talents are your legion legendaries, arcane explosion is strong enough to kill the imps when in legion it wasn’t in your kit, and you have more defensive options then in legion. On the other side you have cases like the most of the twins encounters where classes lost mobility options but still have to kite forever without the legion method of just finishing the fight by heroing and bringing the main boss for 100 to 0 with really big damage. One thing that struck me when I tried balance druid was that in 9.1 they put a cooldown on starfall making it so the starfall move and cast talent couldn’t have 100% uptime, that was not the case in legion and it felt really really really bad now.
  4. Despite being “evergreen” content class changes significantly change the difficulty. Between the previous tw mage tower and now we’ve had 9.2 and it made much easier for some and much harder for others. Is the mage tower going to have to be retuned every time they make pve class changes? I hope not, but its tightly tuned enough where that sort of thing might be justified.
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Yeah, and that’s the failure in current design because the old strat from Legion for every caster, where you have to burn down Raest before Karam gets to fast, doesn’t really work anymore. Raest’s health has been drastically increased so he has too much HP and the burst and self healing to get to the kill is also not there anymore. Shadow priest also doesn’t have the tools to drag the fight out a bit longer, like Frost mage for example.

For me the fight was doable only because I could kill Karam and then start a long and slow sequence where I kite tons of adds, run to Raest and DPS him and then run away again to outrange his casts and regenerate myself. It was long, it was painful, it needed a lot of focus - and I already hat optimized TW gear and all of the finest consumables
 but after I’ve finished it they changed it so you can’t outrange Raest anymore, iirc. They completely changed the fight, it’s an objective fact that it’s not the same as in Legion.
I’m really interested whether some Shadow priests have actually managed to finish this challenge now.

As someone who beat it when it was released while wearing Nighthold gear back in Legion and as someone who beat it the first time it was re-opened in Shadowlands; it’s overtuned. Not impossible, but still overtuned.


#timeplayed, token sales, and disruption from the office scandal.

Overtuned for what? What is suppose to be tuned for?

The only one that gets to decide what the difficulty level should be is Blizzard and it seems to me they are done with the nerfs, so they say this is the difficulty they want it to be.

It’s just a misuse of the word.

The difficulty is intended. By definition, that means it isn’t “overtuned”.

I think people just like the word overtuned more because it makes them feel better about failing it.

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It’s not overtuned, its just not easy.

This is a major problem with the WoW base they hate difficult content and want to be spoon fed rewards. Anytime they die instantly they cry nerf.

Overtuned compared to the Legion version of the tower, even at launch. That’s easily verifiable by checking old videos and data.


Frost mage tower is broken. They nerfed the blizzard frost orb cooldown reduction mechanic this patch which was the entire basis of the challenge. Now the challenge literally cannot be beaten

I beat it this patch. It’s a skill issue.

Well yeah, lets say it is harder than the NH version. It shouldn’t be? Legion was 2 expansion ago, everything that is a “challenge” is harder now than it was back then, raids and dungeons are considerably harder and more complex.

Mt the hardest solo challenge should also be harder than it was 4 years ago. Still doesn’t mean is overtuned.

Its a pretty easy thing to see when its revamped content. Its over tuned in comparison to legion, and don’t give me the whole “but muh nighthold mage tower” because a chunk of the difficulty in nighthold was having the right legendaries at the time of mage tower release. The forums exist for people to be able to talk about the game, including opinions. You don’t represent blizzard either, how would you know if it is or isn’t overtuned? Blizzard not changing things quickly is a pretty common thing even if its something that has apparent need for change.

Another incorrect use of the word. “Overtuned” is starting to lose its meaning.

Because they haven’t changed it yet.

When they first reintroduced it, they made plenty of changes to it. Are you forgetting that or just ignoring that?

By your definition emerald nightmare wasn’t undertuned because blizzard didn’t buff it after it got cleared in a week. Despite that every raid tier after was made significantly harder. Their design intent has plenty of consideration beyond your silly definition. They are still free to make changes too for all we know we could get one tomorrow, some announced on april 12th, or some with the next expansion, and so on.

Not my definition, it’s the dictionary definition. The first raid tiers of a new expansions used to always be that easy.

Irrelevant statement.

Just use the word difficult instead of overtuned and your complaints will make a lot more sense. Doesn’t make it anymore valid, but it will make sense.

Spare me the this is a forum rant, I never said people shouldnt cry about how hard the MT is for them, go ahead keep doing it.

It still doesn’t mean is overtuned, I dont agree that is harder for every spec but it is for some, like for bears, but it was a free one back in Legion and it should be harder to do now.

Is older content being brought back with new rewards, is clear Blizzard wanted to keep the original design of hardest solo challenge intact and they succeeded.

Well it wasnt, it was the first raid of the tier and they are always the easiest(and shorter) of the whole expansion.