“Significantly harder than Legion” is not tuned right.
No, they brought the challenge back bc they needed a distraction.
Everyone has enjoyed the new form since it was released in legion.
I think that non-trivial is reasonably tuned.
Hope they do more challenging solo content.
Disc is actually pretty easy. You can cheese it really hard with Mindbender. If you do it correctly, you can never die.
I think my kill pull lasted almost 12 minutes lol.
Yeah, that one can take a while. I think BM and WW were both like 10 minutes.
Haven’t done Disc, but Shadow was super rough.
I would say 8% completion rate minimum for all specs would be extremely fair. If Blizzard has the stats then outliers should absolutely be reassessed. I don’t believe many of the challenges should be nerfed but having done them all at 50 I do think there are some that are extremely tightly tuned. If I need to level to 60 to be able to beat a challenge because there’s too much character power backed into the rank ups then that challenge should be looked at. Even then Frost mage many would say was easy, but it fell into the category of being far too tightly tuned at lvl 50 because there wasn’t enough character power to beat the fight without perfect execution.
Yes they’re difficult but that’s what makes them so much fun.
Like I said in another post.
They recycled old content built around the tools provided in legion. Then they removed all the necessary tools, prevented the use of new tools, and pushed it live going “you wanted a challenge, here u go!” This is completely obvious in the bear fight with the puddles. Plus, they haven’t taken into consideration how much influence borrowed power has had on specs. We see this in the bear fight. Bear’s dps is completely garbage without borrowed power. Hense legions 1-2 thrash kills verse 3-5 thrash kills meow.
Pretty obvious it needs substantially changed.
Where do I find mage tower? Is it some sort of content we can do?
Difficult content with nice rewards?
Its now available permanently
Thanks a lot, I’ll go try it.
Good Luck, and don’t give up, its doable and the reward is worth it, at least badass, and feel good knowing you beat content designed to be a Challenge.
Is it anything like Torghast?
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My suggestion is to removed the outdated aspects of the fights that we no longer have the tools for.
Just referencing the bear fight:
- Remove the puddle. That was only manageable with an old legion leggo we no longer can use. Before the “use boomkin” commenter, this is a BEAR fight, not a DRUID wide fight.
- Significantly decrease the adds health pools. They should only need to be interrupted once before they die, which shouldn’t need cd usage. If, for some reason, they don’t die in time that’s why there are orbs.
- The eyes should NEVER spawn behind the dang pillars. That’s just bad.
- Velon should be able to take a hit, especially in second phase.
- Infernals and eyes need 15% less health. Bears have garbage dps without borrowed power.
Now b4 all the “you just want to be given stuff” ppl come in, I think the fight should be tuned properly.
- Make the fight more about survivability. Make the first boss melee not just cast spells.
- Keep the knockback on the internals and the casting, but make the spells do less dmg and make their melee do more dmg.
- Kuul phase should be able survivability not managing interrupts, which we have 2. Have them do more melee dmg, less spell dmg, and have the orbs heal more.
- During the kuul phase have everything move 15% slower. We are bears, not DHs and our movement is slow af.
These changes would substantially create a challenging fight that is created around the PRESENT bear, not the past bear. It would make bears play to their strengths and prevent most of the unmanageable situations of the fight.
In other words, it should be an old style, smash mouth physical dmg fight that bears excel at, not a spell based fight where you run around like a chicken and interrupt crap.
I’ll be honest I wasn’t expecting this big of a response when I was tapped out after quite a few failed attempts but I’ll be giving it a few more (hopefully less than a 100 as some of you have posted ) chances lol. After thinking it over I hope it stays the same and doesn’t take a nerf , I think the reward of finally completing will be that much more sweet.
DAMN so it’s back to basics… sounds nice.
Who cares? Too much drama for nothing.
It feels overtuned for some specs
My mage only took 16 tries to get it down. Meanwhile my shadow priest is on like pull 200 something
Really annoying because shadow has been completely redesigned since legion and doesn’t work at all like it used to… very frustrating
Mage tower just super unfun since so many classes are tied to borrowed power and without it feels like half a class.