Slow down, man. You don’t need to write essays.
People are questioning my intelligence and calling me entitled because they want to feel special.
So I’m going to reinforce my point. Lol.
They just ignore all evidence people post and mimic “People cleared it, it’s not overtuned.”
It has been cleared, though, by plenty of people.
If one isn’t capable of clearing it in their current gear then they have the option of either buying consumables from the auction house and/or farming legacy content (solo) for more power.
I completely agree with your assessment. I Really wish you would post that in CC forum for blizz to sulk over.
I did legion challenges as well as time walking. The only one I tried was bear bc recolors are not worth my time. I had over 400+ attempts and was just starting to get into kuul phase consistently. The boss should be dead by no more then 200 attempts tops.
This was blizz’s way of getting token sales and #timeplayed during a down time and when they were receiving a substantial amount of heat for their controversy. If they weren’t hemorrhaging subs then they would have made all the fights reasonably difficult.
I did most of the challenges in a few pulls with no consumables. Wowhead and Icyveins have guides if you’re unfamiliar with a particular class/spec.
Carries are still a thing so what really did this accomplish? If someone can’t do it then they either give up - or they pay someone to do it for them. If the latter it defeats the whole purpose of the challenge. Then again at the end of the day very few really care about the challenge and just want fluff.
Good for you, I couldn’t care less what YOU did, I care what 95% of the community COULDNT do.
I simply ran out of Nethershards. People seem to forget there was a cost to do the Mage Tower in Legion.
And there’s a reason I haven’t posted in the CC about it. I just don’t wish to elaborate as to why.
I never would have guessed a Mythic Raider would clear the Mage Tower even when it’s overtuned. Never in a million years would I have guessed it.
And only 8% of players have finished even one spec, according to wowhead. And as stated, many specs are insanely undertuned, so for all we know, 7.9% of them were doing one of those specs.
I joined a dad guild for a couple weeks and killed the first few super free bosses in Nathra.
That doesn’t really make me a raider.
That’s a lot of people for content that wasn’t available for long.
I forgot about Nethershards! Your 100% correct. Yea, so basically blizz’s mentality was “we won’t make them farm for shards but we will make the fights nearly impossible.” Sounds pretty familiar for them.
I understand why you don’t, but many people not in the 8% really wish you would. We don’t get listened to, you do. Cutting straight through the bs like you just did is what blizz needs atm. Might even make the game better.
18% have done the second wing of Sepulcher. So, no, not really. That’s rather low.
No offense, but those “solutions” are obtuse for something that was supposed to scale and be cleared at any gear. Is it IMPOSSIBLE? no. It is perhaps unreasonable as is? Debatable (which is what’s happening). It could use some looking into that’s for darn sure.
I don’t really get listened to more than the average player though lol.
And it was really well known in Legion that if you didn’t have the Luffa legendary, the Mage Tower was doubly harder than it should have been. And I didn’t, because it was a Feral Legendary. ANd I didn’t have the currency to outright buy it on my druid, an alt.
The issue is grouping all the fights together. Us the arcane mage fight unreasonable? Absolutely not. Is the bear fight unreasonable? 100% Absolutely yes.
We need to be more specific. The bad fights are being overlooked bc there are easier fights.
No, it really isn’t. I could maybe agree in the case of the Priest challenges, though.
I literally linked video evidence that it’s severely overtuned compared to BEFORE ANTORUS in Legion.
But sure, keep thinking that.
The Discipline Challenge in particular bothers me because you have to play counter-intuitive to Discipline to beat it all because of changes to the spec.
If anything the Legion version was undertuned by the final patch.
I don’t even remember doing most of the challenges because they just died a minute in.
The video I linked was 7.2.5, before the final patch. Try again, bub.
There’s literally a moment in that video when a single thrash and the DoT it applied killed all 4 adds before they finished their cast.
In Timewalking, it takes multiple Thrashes, Swipes, and Moonfires to kill them AND they will get the cast off regardless and you have to interrupt it, and if you’re even remotely slow, and let them get a single tic off, BOOM, there goes 40% health.
He isn’t going to listen to you, he is an entitled white knighter.
Honestly, it’s time blizz changes the druid forms. Make were bear standards provide the option to use the racoon form that no one likes. Just make sure the MT rewards are different then the norm were bear forms. Most of the community wants that form anyways which means it’s time for a change.
I’m glad that it’s reasonably tuned now
Yeah, that’s why they brought the challenge back