Mage tower overtuned

Wonder why you were never able to complete it in Legion :thinking: As far as I’m aware, you’re not getting better gear to defeat the mage tower in ZM, current raids, etc. IE content you’re already doing which was the case for Legion.

It is funny people like you that didn’t complete it on patch release in Legion have so much to say about it’s current iteration being ‘fine’.

Same for this person, November and not April. Surprise surprise. Curiously didn’t take as many months as it did in Legion for you.

Same here :thinking:

and this one, 2018.

This one

and this one, 2018.

Noticing a trend here, people that conveniently couldn’t get it in Legion until much later saying ‘this version is fine’ when comparing them. Simply because this time around they could find some broken gear, enchants, and consumes to push through for them.

I unsubbed around the launch of the MT :slight_smile: I don’t think I had any pulls during legion. I love when people creep through old achieves try to "get " people then hide their own. cowards lol. Plus isn’t this version much harder than legion? Since the people with opinions now did the harder challenge shouldn’t we be the only ones with opinions that matter?

when i completing the mage tower in legion has nothing to do with what the current state of TW mage tower is now.
You also have no idea what gear i was wearing when i completed the challenge.
And since you can in fact farm better gear for completing the challenge, its the same point as saying “well i could only do it in a later patch with better gear”

Mage tower cost currency to attempt in legion…
akadruid says he hits the 5th tank buster… this is just simply showing he is not properly maintaining dps on the boss.
point at my achievements all you want, or how about you comment on the actual point i made. if you hit the 5th smash, its a you problem.

as opposed to the people claiming it was only doable before because they had powerful weapons and legos?
Its the same point from the other side.

How about you focus on the current back and forth? akadruid says its mathematically impossible.

Edit. so im out of practice, but in shadowlands gear and only shadowcore oil as a buff, I can get to 25% on phase 1 by 2 min 26 seconds. that is 2 infernals, and at that right 3 infernals by for the phase change.

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Fun thing about that one: if you believe the character he claimed in another thread, he got his MT done 3 days after getting crucibles promise (fully unlock the netherlight crucible)

It does, actually. Because it shows with a reference that you don’t know how to compare it to early legion mage tower which is what this ‘challenge’ is supposed to be based off of.

Do you have a video of you doing it in whatever gear you did it in? :3

In old content that you’re not already doing, IE taking more time to grind out JUST for this instead of for your character and all content as a whole like it was in Legion.

Which was eventually removed (Just like now, wow!) You also forgot it wasn’t always up then too.

Not until you do the current challenge on a level 45 with no enchants/consumes and no ‘special’ gear.

Which was somewhat true on release, people that had high end raiding or M+ gear were able to complete it a lot easier early on compared to people that had to wait to get up to higher gear levels or a specific legendary. :3

Your achieves say no, including the ones in 2018.

Mine are not hidden, not much to be expected from someone with special character names though~

It should be HARD to complete. I want an actual challenge. By 7.3 many were not extremely challenging. They weren’t easy…but they weren’t “hours of attempts to get one right” hard…especially since I learned how to play unholy, arms, feral, WW, and all warlock specs in the MT challenges

Mage tower came out in early 2017.

I mean, I could post on my priest, war, dk, or pally, if you’re looking for FoS prior to ATB? And not everyone spent absurd amounts of gold to complete the current MT. I managed with nethershard gear, pvp gems, and a pod trinket. Other players completed them with even less prep.

I love how you think a random achieve means I was actively playing bud lol You seem hell bent on insulting/ cherry picking/ and trolling.

lvl 50 alt + hidden profile= not hidden? genius

If you wanna troll you’re going to have to try harder than that sweetheart


I’m not currently comparing it. Akadruid says its mathematically impossible unless you cheat. I’m saying its not. There is no comparison in the context of that topic.

it is a challenge. and just because it is based off of legion does not mean it has to perfectly replicate every aspect as it did then. the encounters are fundamentally the same.

how many goalposts will you move, and why is this constantly an attempt to disregard my points about the current mage tower?

How about just talk about the current mage tower as it is?

That doesn’t matter, just a strange attempt to make the similarity a difference. its still just
“if you are having trouble, you can always work towards some better gear”

But in this case with aka, its really just some form of rotation mistake. not sure what because hes so convinced everyone is a cheater, that he doesn’t want help.

Its not about forgetting, its pointing to very good reasons why it could have taken someone more time to complete the challenge back then.
I tried WAY harder this time around because i knew about the mage tower leaving.

oh wow, another goal post.

Not even shadowlands gear. we’ve really done a few laps now.

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how many shots do we take when they ask for a video with us naked on a level 1 doing the challenge?


are you blindfolded while doing it??? if not you cheated you dirty cheater!

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What do you mean you couldn’t kill mythic jailor on the 2nd reset??

on a controller, mouse and keyboard is too op.

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Tbh i didn’t care for it in Legion, just did it at the end to see what was it all about. Didn’t really care for cosmetic rewards until i saw the Feel bear in PTR datamining.

Yet i didn’t use a single broken gear, enchant or consumes, i used all i had at the time from SL’s Mythic+ and consumables but i guess projecting is better to hide the insecurities.

Either way, is the same as always, if you can’t defeat the challenge then you gotta overcome it people being doing it since day 1 back in Legion and now in SL’s and if you can’t rise to the challenge then quit it.

TL’DR: Git gud.

Took me 30 pulls to get it the first time, it’s all about player skill.

If it was about the challenge, and it’s a ‘skill issue’ then people like you would’ve done it at level 45 with no enchants/consumes etc. But you don’t, it’s why you went around to outgear it via other means.

Not a ‘bud’ so, bye bye for misgendering for one

You cannot hide armory for one, so no. More evidence that you had to outgear the current MT.

Compared to the post I quoted? Nope that wasn’t what you said.

No, they had to change some of them especially the ones that specifically required the use of certain spells/abilities we no longer have.

Not a goalpost, you want to now claim that you didn’t outgear it, so you’d have to prove that.

Sure, it’s a poor remake because Blizzard absolutely fails at scaled content every time they try. It would’ve been better with a Legion-esque template, bringing back classes how they played in Legion and with your choice of one legendary. Choose your stats, etc.

It does matter, because Blizzard is making sure you go out of your way and spend time in older content for their ‘time played’ metrics. In Legion, all I had to do was current WQs, Dungeons, or Raids to get gear for MT. That is not the case this time around.

Uh huh, I’m sure. Except it would always be up x amount of months. Woops.

It scales you down to level 45, that’s the ‘Legion’ levels you wanted isn’t it? Goalpost isn’t moved, but anyone claiming it’s ‘about the challenge/skill required’ sure are not doing it on level 45’s are they? Nope. Disproving their whole point.

Ah, you haven’t linked a video.

Also not on a level 45 with no enchants/consumes either. Curious. Rules for thee but not for me, take your own advice~

Too bad none of you will, proving it wasn’t ‘the challenge’ or ‘skill’ or about how people should ‘git gud’ and will instead deflect talking like the current iteration isn’t a poorly implemented, poorly scaled mess and for some reason defend it going after people asking for changes. :3

I completed 5/7 of the challenges using an Xbox controller. It’s yet another reason why I can’t take these complaints seriously.

only 3 fingers per hand can be used also, thumbs are considered cheese tactics

Prove that you can do that before holding other to that standard.

Right back at you.

I dont know why pawzer is so gung-ho about putting everyone down about legion MT. It must be projecting about their feeling inferior not accomplishing the original when it was hard so they need to make sure everyone feels the same.