The duality of man. Where we no longer have our legendaries, artifacts, or whatever else, but we dont want stinky trinkets to replace them either.
You keep reiterating this point, but I don’t think you realize just how small of a number that actually is. You used that database site earlier, but (and unfortunately you’ll have to trust my word on it unless the site has a time graph) the number did not change at all post ban wave. While I never said it was easy, it’s doable. And I’m right here. Still with my book mount.
I get it, it’s frustrating. You did some high key, you did some mythic raiding or whatever your resume is, so you have a hard time believing other people can get it done and you cannot or struggle to. It’s okay. I’m bad at pvp, so I get the frustration (my last rating was 1241 or so, if it makes you feel any better). But yes, people have done it in shadowlands gear. Plenty of evidence to suggest so. Hell, I even pulled it off as a challenge after beating a boss, though I’m sure you won’t believe me.
And I don’t do raids. I don’t do high keys (over 15). I don’t do pvp. My only claim to fame is ksm starting with shadowlands. My achievements are public, so go ahead. btw I still have my mount and will have it forever because I didn’t cheat.
Most of the really OP stuff was nerfed really early on. Exploits were removed within few days, and only one I recall is trapping an infernal, which only marginally helped anyways. Crusader? nerfed like 2 days in? The event was up for a month. BC gems? Nerfed in a week? and super difficult to actually pull off anyways (required a leveling character).
I farmed legion gear, aye. But the difference it made was quite minute to non-existent tbh. Real purpose - to save on repair costs. You’re an actual masochist to go fight in shadowlands gear and spend 500g in repairs per tries when I can just spend 20g for the whole ordeal with 1 hr of farming of legion stuff. It did help with secondaries, for sure, because hey I could pick any I want, which is a big win. Only actual OP stuff was the BC gear, which I never used, and was nerfed anyways.
You’re way overblowing the cheating and gearing aspect or whatever cope you’re inhaling.
I have. MT - my thoughts, tips, advice
UH mage tower - #12 by Hendrietta-the-underbog
I posted across different characters giving some tips, or used this character to help people out. I also asked for help, and got tons. I had a youtuber who posted on DK forums help me with frost. I had help from an hpal for healer challenge, whos main was in my thread above. You’re more than welcome to stalk my profile for further inquiries.
And just to throw my opinion out, there’s nothing wrong with needing gear and consumables. The idea that people should be able to outgear content because they remember legion being that way while at the same time shaming getting gear and trinket advantages is just bizarre tbh. You need gear and to push higher content, you need consumables to min-max. This is the most accessible gear has ever been for challenging content, you’re given TONS AND TONS of content with multiple tries to get your bis and you think that’s problematic WHILE complaining about a lack of borrowed power, legendaries, or missing class spells? Seriously?