Mage Tower, Oh my

This isn’t how I want to spend my time.

Fair enough that you don’t want to do it, but it’s by no means convoluted. Worst case just go to the lfr guy and marathon all the way down. :woman_shrugging: heck, if you REALLY want a fast track, if your heirlooms arent maxed out you can do that too. I used heirloom weps in most of them.

You don’t have to. I mostly did it for the repair bills, tbh.
But given the amount of people complaining about the book mount, going as far as to ask to put it on the shop, shows rewards are pretty worthwhile.

Yes it is.

Again, how?
How is entering into tomb of sargeras convoluted?

I, too, am here calling for nerfs.

The book mount is what I voted for when they had the poll. It was beaten by a season-changing tree. I am salty they put it in the Mage Tower and made it nearly impossible for casual players to complete. It’s elitist.

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Have you see any of the literature/videos on how to optimize gear for the Mage Tower?

Ah, you can do it, back in Legion it took me about 45 tries and a bunch of guides to do it on my Guardian druid, wasted a bunch of money on the right flasks and foods and I still hate Velen with a passion lol.

It’s meant to be a challenge, just keep doing eventually you’ll get it.

Was this directed toward me or someone else?

In Legion I thought it was possible to out gear the “Challenge.”

It was meant to the OP, and it was but not when it came out if I am not mistaken, only around late 7.2.5 it became super easy to get it if you had a raid group and could get decent gear.

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Agreed. Put the book mount on the shop, Blizzard.

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It was, just like it is now.

Nope. :innocent: High quality mounts like the book (and slime cat for raiding next season) should continue to be awarded for playing the game.

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You’re not Blizzard, you don’t know.

And peace should prevail in all situations. Get outta here with that.

I know that the book isn’t on the shop and likely won’t be.

And that’s a good thing!

Yes, but some gear is still better.

I thought it scaled now. Which is why the jank gear is a bonus.

…yeah, some gear is always better than other gear

You have my sympathies. I voted for the nerubian mount, and it’s prob never coming.

Nah, casuals got it in the bag. I was a hyper casual before shadowlands, you can check my achievements for proof. Unless you got medical issues (which Im sorry to hear) its completely doable.

Just let us know which one you’re struggling with and how we can help instead.

No? Why would I do that? I just did LFR for like an hour, and then went out to specific Legion raids if I was missing something or wanted a particular trinket (with 3 or 4 tries per raid per week). I literally only farmed gear for the repair bills. Gear is not the make it or break it in these MTs. That’s just a forum cope. Entering legion raids is NOT convoluted.

Skill > consumables > gear>enchants in that order of importance for min maxing, imho.

Yes, it is a bonus. It is not mandatory.

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agree to disagree

Yep. No amount of gear nor consumables will fix people who simply try to brute force the fight.

It’s silly to mention this as a reason for taking a pause from the game. This is company issue. You’re still using phone or gaming equipment that has parts inside for what little kids are forced to do hard work to survive. But lawsuit where few money hungry individuals tried to get easy money is more Important

As for the rest of the whole post yea I agree with you. Mage tower is “content extender “ and it was not designed to be played like this.
Yea I know there is people who lift 120 lb on bench easy, but that doesn’t mean I have to do that or anyone else. Mage tower basically is forcing everyone to lift 120 or quit the gym because you can’t put gear it like we could in legion.