This post is not to complain or call for nerfs. I’m just interested in how the community is feeling right now. You can definitely call me a casual, and that’s 100% a skill/time issue for me personally. I took almost a year off of the game because of the usual shadowlands burnout, lawsuit etc. But more than anything I think I just needed a break from the game.
Anyway, I decided to come back and give the Mage Tower another whirl. Oh buddy…it’s pretty hard. In fact, I think it might be too hard for me. And that’s ok I suppose. So I guess I’m curious if anyone else feels like the game and all the changes in the last 6 years or so are starting to surpass them. Because that’s sort of how I feel.
I did the original version of the tower in Legion on my favorite characters with a bit of ToS gear, so say what you will about that. I still remember it being pretty hard. I definitely did the Aff lock challenge without the slow ring, and that was a nightmare, but I got it done.
After warming back up to the game, I probably got close to 100 tries on aff lock and maybe 40ish on demo. I had several good attempts, but I’m pretty solidly stuck for a variety of reasons. I kind of stopped doing M+ for similar reasons. There’s just so much going on all the time and so much of the design philosophy is…well, the way that it is.
And again I’m not writing this to say I think stuff should be easier. I know I could probably get better, but I don’t think I have time for that with work, life, etc. Smashing my face into the tower this week just really got me thinking about the game, and all the years I’ve been playing it.
I literally came back just to do the tower. But if not that, then what? Farm legos on alts? Shrug.
So does anyone else feel weird about it? Try not to destroy me. Or do…whatever.
I agree for a Casual player it’s almost impossible. I’m not sure how people were getting all the challenges done in like a day. Anyway I suggested there be 2 modes for it. A casual mode and a hardcore/normal mode. The mogs could be different colors so that casuals get the rewards and hardcore players can still flex. Win win for everyone.
Just like you I am also a returning player… From the burnout in S1. I tried Guardian Druid MT and boy it’s really challenging. Best I could do was 4%… 200 attempts in… I agree we should have the same werebear model with different mogs, one for casuals and one for hardcore. After all, we pay 15 dollars a month to enjoy the game! Games should be rewarding. Not punishing
Im pretty bummed i wanted the mount but it wont happen for me since i dont know that many classes and 2 of the ones i know share same challenge
I burned the candle at both ends the first time round to get the mogs I wanted and the mount. It’s challenging, but definitely doable. It’s a lot like progressing on mythic bosses.
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It’s overtuned and unfun. I can only see masochist enjoying such content…
No its not. Im a casual. Have not stepped foot in a raid in the last 3 expansions. I got my book when it was first introduced to time walking. If you dont do research and try it in shadowlands gear which does not scale correctly? Then yes it is. You need old world gear that you can put old world enchants on. Many youtube videos on this. I found it impossible till I watched a gearing guide and fight guide on youtube.
Im a scrub. If I can do it anyone can. But as with anything in life if you dont do research and go in without a plan it will not go over well for you.
See I hate seeing this toxic mindset of “if I can do it anyone can.” Not everyone is you, you aren’t everyone else. Just because you can’t doesn’t mean everyone else can too. I got my felbear skin from the guardian druid challenge but some people can’t. I would have no problem with it being nerfed for those people, wanna know why? Because it doesn’t affect me or hurt me. So much stuff is catered to high end players like mythic plus, raiding(especially if you want the mog sets that look good), etc etc. I have KSM and will be the first to admit it is not casual friendly at all. It is tough and requires hard work and time dedication that a lot of players aren’t able to give wether that’s due to jobs, family life, etc. So to sum it up how would it hurt you, me, or anyone else to throw casual players a bone and make mage tower easier on them?
If you know how bad I was and inexperienced in PVE you wouldnt call it toxic. You would call it just being honest
Shadowlands gear does not scale correctly its a known Issue. Its why there are so many youtube gearing guides videos out there. Your gear and enchants is most peoples issue
Like I stated elsewhere asking a casual player to do content similar to a mythic raid boss clearly shows a lack of understanding of what a casual is. 99.9 percent of casuals have never stepped foot in a current content mythic raid which is essentially what mage tower is. Your basically soloing a current content raid boss.
They already have fifteen years worth of easy legacy content to casually putter through.
It’s okay that they experiment with new and different stuff that isn’t entirely trivial.
That mindset is why the games dying. Why do they want to pay $15 a month just to wait 5+ years to be able to do what is now current content.
Again a point you never addressed how does it hurt either of us to make it slightly easier for them?
No need to be dramatic, it’s a set of recolored tier. 
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How is saying that the mindset of “we don’t need to give casuals more content” is making the game lose players dramatic?
No. Stop making excuses. Your “im a casual” statement holds no water. You are using being a “casual” as an excuse not to do research and follow gearing/fight guide videos. Like I said I am a casual and I am not a good one. I am also totally inexperienced in PVE.
Like I said “Shadowlands gear does not scale correctly its a known Issue. Its why there are so many youtube gearing guides videos out there. Your gear and enchants is most peoples issue”
If your not going to do research on things and just go into them blindly you will have a VERY HARD time in all aspects of life.
Huh? The Mage Tower is more content for everybody, including casuals. If anything it’s what lots of casual players wanted; something they could work on without committing to a group.
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It’s clear I’m dealing with an elitist so I’m not gonna waste anymore breath. Have a good one.
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If you think mage tower is casual friendly I have nothing left to say. Have a good one.
Kennie I think I covered it pretty well above. This person is just making excuses. Im a scrub and totally inexperienced in PVE. After watching some gearing guides and fight guides on youtube I got my book. So if my scrub self can get it anyone can that applies them self and does proper research to see what their problem is. For me it was the fact that I was in SL gear