Wrong wrong i can’t do it for medical reasons my hands sometimes prevent me from doing reg dungeons so your peacock strutting is so bad. It can be anything that prevents from only small bits of time to play to all the way up to physically problems but for you it’s allways they are lazy or " just want everything handed to them" .
I don’t know your specific situation, but I mostly play WoW with an Xbox controller due to nerve damage in my arm, which makes it very painful to play with a kb/mouse for more than 20 minutes/session. Using the controller, plus some targeting macros, I was able to get 5/7 challenges done in this way. Not as easy to do as with a kb/mouse, but doable, if you’re willing to put in the work, and much less painful. Might be worth looking into.
Just wondering what is easiest for hunters among the mage towers and is it possible say to go into that challenge then respec to another like say I main BM yet the MM is a lot easier so can I spec MM walk into it then respec BM while doing the MM one.
She wasn’t blaming you for that though. She was blaming another user for using the excuse that they’re a “casual” to explain why they couldn’t do the Mage Tower. If you have a physical limitation beyond that then what she said wouldn’t apply to you.
Lots of players are going to have limitations that affect their skill ceiling… physical limitations like yours, technical limitations affecting their machine’s performance, or mental limitations with their ability to focus or keep a rotation. (That last one is me with somewhat severe ADHD.)
For some players those limitations will hold them back more than others. It’s unfortunate but ultimately it does mean that not every player will have the same skill cap regardless of the effort or time they put in. You can work around those limitations as best you can certainly, but it will always be a limitation.
The Mage Tower, like a lot of endgame PvE content, was built with a certain amount of performance requirement in mind. Personal limitations are going to make it harder to reach that benchmark. But we can’t exactly tune the Mage Tower individually for each player. You might have a situation that prevents you from reaching the level of skill that the Mage Tower requires but that’s not the same as labeling yourself a casual and then refusing to put in the effort beyond that to clear the fight.
No. You cannot do another spec’s challenge as a different spec. MM will always get Twins and BM will always get Tugar.
I haven’t played Hunter in Shadowlands but I did get all 36 Mage Towers complete back in Legion. Of the three Hunter specs I’d say that BM was the easiest mainly because of those three challenges, I think Tugar is the least demanding. So I’d wager a guess that that’s still the case.
If I recall you need to get a little creative with the worm’s interruptible mechanic since BM’s utility kit isn’t as perfectly suited to the encounter as some other Tugar specs are (hello Windwalker) but it can be done and it’s not so bad once you have a plan in place.
MM easier than BM? Wut?
I beat BM in like 6 pulls. MM took me days. Double unbridled helped tip me over with MM though.
I refuse to gear for old content… buut its whatever. Came close on paladin but fights are so long i dont want to keep going
I wasn’t saying it was easier it was just a hypothetical situation since I don’t know what one is easier.
You wager correctly. I basically never played BM and it was free. MM was horrid until I went full pay-2-win and SV faces Xyleem which has a challenging DPS check p2 without p2w (I’m waiting until DF talents to try SV again).
Yeah I’m not looking forward to Xylem due to how rough phase 2 is. I haven’t decided yet what spec I want to do it on for the book mount. If I was going purely off of my memories of Legion I would have picked DH since with meta they had enough leech to take a bath in the goo. But my understanding is that DHs don’t have that much leech anymore. So I’m not sure which spec would be best.
And Twins is just Twins. I don’t think any spec has an easy Twins.
I tried it in December. The convoluted gearing system for it put me off completely. I’m not farming weird TW gear to do it.
bUt yOu dOnT hAvE tO!
I don’t care, I’m not doing that.
It’ll be better with DF talents. Insta-wipes will still kill you and you’ll want to optimize dps a bit but not to the extent currently on some fights.
Wait, I’m not sure I understand the complaint? People are saying you don’t need to do the convoluted gearing strategy and your response is to tell them you’re not going to do the convoluted gearing strategy? Isn’t that exactly what they were saying?
I think he means he won’t do MT at all rather than “got gud”. Which is valid. I think TW sets are dumb and I hate that you save huge amounts of time with “cheese gear”. Makes me want to wait for DF nerfs rather than pay or grind.
I recommend going with what you’re more familiar with, over what is considered easiest by consensus. I found twins to be easier as MM than frost mage, for instance. For Xylem, I felt I had more ways to control his casts as havoc, over arms.
Ah I see. I can agree with that. Personally I would have preferred it if they gave you a preset set of gear upon zoning in to the Mage Tower. That would make it a lot easier for them to tune individual specs to get the level of challenge that they wanted too.
I’m not a fan of playing the gear game for a specific piece of content that isn’t useful for any other content either. I did it on my Druid but that was only because my guild master offered a full Mists PvP set free of charge. She can only do leather and Mail though so I won’t have that option on other classes and I’m not sure I want to put that much effort into them.
That’s my plan for every challenge Druid has access to but Druid doesn’t have access to Xylem. So I am equally unfamiliar with every Xylem option. I haven’t touched any class other than Druid since Legion so I have no idea how any of them have changed in the intervening years.
I suppose I could try to pick the one whose rotation felt the most natural to me back then since I doubt the core idea of any spec has changed that much… but I don’t think I’m working with much more than zero for any spec in particular.
That’s correct.
How is convoluted? Just run legion raids for like an hour. Don’t like your stats? Keep running! It’s the simplest thing in the world.
Frost DK has to get three weapons to min-max xylem. But the trick to phase 2 is positioning. I learned late there’s several ways to maximize the arena. I streamed for a friend and he pointed it out to me. beat it in 2 tries after. later posted on forums about it, and someone said theres also a trick to fight in the middle for a bit, and then move him to the edge? something like that.
I think it’s silly that one needs to essentially re farm old gear just to min max the mage tower experience. Then the reward for completing is not the same. Why re introduce content that is ridiculously hard with very little reward? Seems like filler material with no thinking from the team in charge of executing it.