Mage Tower, Oh my

I have plans to eventually get all 36 specs of Mage Tower done eventually, I just need to sit down and actually work on getting it done. Starting with leveling up every non-Druid class to 60 since I don’t have that yet. :stuck_out_tongue:

I was able to get Feral done pretty quickly after the rerelease. I can consistently get to phase 2 on Guardian but I keep messing up there. I know why too… I keep panicking and using up my healing tools too early and have none left after the Annihilates. I just need to show more diligence. Haven’t tried Resto or Balance yet.

RIP. As an actual new player that started in shadowlands. I completed a few MT challenges! Don’t say that this content isn’t for new players because it is and so are M+20s and so are Mythic Raids.

Believe it or not WoW isn’t that hard of a game to learn.

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For what it’s worth I do think that the Mage Tower difficulty is fair. Even in SL gear it’s possible to complete but only with a high level of mastery with both your spec and the encounter itself. For something that you can try as many times as you want with no punishment for failure besides a repair bill I think that’s fine.

You don’t need to beat the Mage Tower today. You don’t need to beat the Mage Tower tomorrow. The Mage Tower will be there for you whenever you’re ready to progress through it.

It’s casually accessible. You don’t need good gear, or even to be max level.

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Arguably it’s more accessible than a Normal Raid since that requires you to find a group willing to go in. You don’t need to coordinate any schedules or work with any PuGs in order to do Mage Tower.

Max level is probably pretty heavily advised though. The gear I understand but you probably at least want your full kit going in there.

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The closest I got was sub 20% on Agatha. I inevitably get hit by a boulder or fail to kill the Imps fast enough.

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Similarly, I am fed up with the toxic mindset that puts other people down from achieving their goals. This whole “I can’t/don’t want to do it, so others can’t/shouldn’t either!” is bad for the game, and we need less of it.

You accuse other players of boosting and slyly say they should be banned, all while putting down people from trying to get the mount and you call others toxic? Seriously?

The biggest issue with MT is that people are putting others down for doing it and enjoying it. Of course everyone can do it, the question is whether they will.

It is a challenge. It’s meant to be difficult. Instead of insinuating people with book mounts should be banned, why don’t you post issues you’re struggling with and ask for help and advice instead? Ya know, creating a healthy environment.

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Yeah, that’s the cool thing. If you’ve got 20 minutes then you can put in an attempt or two, or just pop out whenever you’re not feeling it because you haven’t committed to a key, arena session, raid time, etc.

It’s the kind of thing that I hope they make more of.

He’s just coping.

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Mage Tower 2 being announced would do so much to turn my opinion around on Dragonflight.


I didn’t do this for Shadowlands but back in Legion I recruited the help of my sister who doesn’t play WoW. I pointed my camera towards the back and have her say “rock” every time she saw a rock. And if my camera was pointed such that she couldn’t see it she’d tell me to move it. My own flesh and blood DBM. :rofl:

That helped me a lot with the rocks. Just having something that reminded me to pay attention to them helped a lot.

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Let’s try not to conflate the two definitions of casual. I’m talking about skill level. Contrary to popular belief, more time /played doesn’t equate to being a better player.

The mage tower is tuned for people who are masters of their class. You can play 40 hours a week and still be bad at the game.

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Ain’t that the truth.

It’s not. It’s just challenging. Something isn’t overtuned just because you can’t succeed on your first YOLO attempt.


Exactly gear yourself with some of the recommended old world gear and get the proper enchants, pots ect ect. On top of that research what the best class to do each Challenge on is. Once you do that the most important thing is to not get discouraged and expect it to take multiple attempts. One of the biggest factors to not get in it completed is your own mindset basically don’t psych yourself out

Know that it’s going to take multiple attempts and if you find yourself getting a little stressed out take a break and come back and try it again. You have to time everything perfectly and that’s going to take multiple attempts


I hate seeing people constantly equate “casual” to “unskilled”. They’re not the same. Plenty of casual players have completed the tower.


Late reply but wanted to say thank you for linking these videos! Hopefully this makes getting my Spelltome a little smoother. I hope you have an awesome week :slight_smile:

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It would be interesting to see how the mage tower works after dragonflight’s talent revamp. Think it will get easier? Harder? Stay the same? Maybe 2.0 mage tower is retired and a mage tower 3.0 comes out for dragonflight instead? Also what happened to the Brawlers Guild stuff?

This is the best part to keep in mind. The Mage Tower challenges are designed to have basically no margin for error. If you screw up a mechanic, you lose. Period. It’s difficult to keep up the constant level of perfect play required by the Mage Tower for the 7 or 8 minutes it takes to beat the challenge. So the advice I’ll add on is to learn to take breaks. Recognize when you’re tilting and your play is suffering from it. If frustration is eating at your focus then mistakes become more likely, which is a much larger barrier to your success than gear is.


Much easier. You will still need to do mechanics but there are so many strong traits in the tree that you are getting “for free”. The dps checks will be a joke.


I think it will get easier. Part of the reason why the Mage Tower is difficult is because you go in without all of the borrowed power and additional trappings that any particular expansion gives us. But talent trees aren’t borrowed power, they’re baseline power. Many of which are effects that replicate some of the more powerful borrowed power effects we’ve seen over the years. I fully expect a Timewalking-scaled Dragonflight character to be more formidable than a Timewalking-scaled Shadowlands character.

Besides that… the new talent trees offer a much greater degree of precision when it comes to fine-tuning your build. Choices that used to be mutually exclusive no longer are. Many specs will have their access to utility expanded and even the ones that aren’t will be able to trade in utility that they don’t need for the encounter for some extra survivability or something to provide a softer cushion against the MT’s punishing nature. With the Mage Tower you want to tailor your entire build to a single encounter and talent trees make it much easier to min-max that sort of thing than talent rows do.