Mage Tower, Oh my

Would you not say it’s the same as legacy raids? It’s nearing the end of the expac so obviously it’s gonna be less of a challenge than when it first came out.

Legacy raids shouldn’t have been a challenge at all but as per usual blizzard borks the legacy scaling.

Something something something not all content is for everyone and that’s okay.


So should I be rubbing my aotc mounts in people who couldn’t get thems faces?

Spoken like a true troll. I wish you were more like Shreds. At least hes funny. You are more annoying you are down to 2/10 now

Just stop you have been called out as a troll by multiple people in this thread. Just stop.

I love how you respond to every comment except the one I made that you can’t argue with lol. Your incoherent blathering has made me decide to block you as well now since you’re not providing constructive criticism and merely being a bully. Good day.

until people cry enough and blizzard hands it to them on a silver platter.

that tower ranger title was so hard. i pounded my head for hours upon hours. dying on the final 2 floors for like 2-3 weeks. because it takes a solid 1 to 1.5 hours just to get there.

then wooooot i finally got it. i destroyed jailers gauntlet layer 8. got my tower ranger title. equipped it for literially a month. 9.2.5 patch notes come out and “tower ranger” will now only require layer 4. WTH. me personally, i am sick and tired of blizzard nerfing stuff.

people either need to keep wiping and grinding to get it or just move on. there are so many guides, and gearing options in this game.

i think for this mage tower in general the people that are unable to do it only tried maybe a handful of times and went in blew all cds and died. they dont realize you need to fear, sheep, trap, stun, silence, interupt, cc, cc, cc, cc, cc, kill kill. prioritize target and so on.

blizzard needs to really stop nerfing stuff like this. its getting old and stale fast.


I can’t comment for other classes sense iv only done the legion and timewalking version with my druid (I TRIED prot legion but by then was burnt out) and though guardian required a different strategy the amount of attempts came out pretty close - though in legion I had the proper lego and for the timewalking I spent a lot of time farming up the top of the line gear mostly, but trinkets and comsumables are honestly the real deal breakers. Oh and luck, the good kind not the ‘got slowed inside a infernal slam and punted into space’ kind of luck.

That being said having looked at the talent trees for druid in the next expansion, a lot of these will make the fight MUCH easier - so if you absolutely feel you cant do it now, try during the DF prepatch, if they don’t tweak the tower to account for the changes too much it should make the fight way way way easier. (with increased thrash range and beefy multitarget moonfires in particular)

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I’m mostly finding the time investment is becoming a bit silly to do what i want to do compared to mop and wod where i just hit max level, grinded out a pvp set and played bgs without being on the backfoot

Now theres so much to do before hand it really sucks when i know it can and has been better

Mage tower wise, i didn’t have issues clearing it on a class i’ve mained for multiple expansions, but i definitely struggle on classes i’ve never played before. I’d probably play a class at max level in content for a few months before i felt comfortable enough to do mage tower on it


I enjoyed the mage tower and getting 7/7 for the mount because I took a break from early Legion to late BFA so it was new content for me. It wasn’t too difficult but item level capped content is my favourite content in the game.

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I understand how that would be frustrating. I kind of have had the same experience before, I really liked the Sylvanas mythic mount, but I knew I didn’t want to raid an entire tier to get it. I just don’t find mythic raiding enjoyable, even though I could find a guild for it if I wanted to.

As someone who did all the mage towers in legion and timewalking the first time around, you should look into old world gear and enchants. I did the tower with and without them, and with some of the old trinkets encounters can get entirely trivialized. Ravaged seed pod off of 1st boss in emerald nightmare does massive damage, potion of unbridled fury also does huge damage. I didn’t try any with old gear with sockets etc so I can’t comment on that, but I do feel like if you got close without these, then you can absolutely do them with these.

Also not sure what your goals are if you just want warlock transmog or what, but if you do get ravaged seed pod, destro challenge is extremely easy with a few macros.

Here’s another useful video that may help some people

It all depends whether or not you’d rather buy greens off the AH or whether you would mostly Farm the gear. Everyone’s gold situation is different


You sound super entitled.

It is casual friendly if you consider it gives casuals something to work towards. They can go through old raids/dungeons and get gear. It gives people a reason to go out into legacy content and experience it. It gives people motivation to level alts to collect transmog.

Just because some people will never have the skill to complete it doesn’t mean it’s bad.

And if they can’t get MT there’s plenty of legacy raids to get mythic appearances from. The mythic Tomb of Sargeras set is pretty easy to farm now anyway.


You managed to say what I was trying to convey 100% Only I failed miserably on doing so

Did the mount when Mt first came back over the course of a week. Some specs have it like 10x easier than others in certain challenges I will say. I feel bad for Holy priests and Havoc dh. Their challenges are so much more difficult on those specs. I did 100 pulls as Havoc and then swapped to my arms warrior I hadn’t played in years and did it first pull. Imo most of the challenges are tuned very well. A lot of it is a skill issue if you’re struggling.

If Mt shows anything, it’s how bare bones some specs are without borrowed power and legendaries. The Legion Mt felt amazing because you were at your most powerful. Now it just feel bad.

I barely remember most of the legion challenges because I did them towards the end when we could waltz in with our mega charged artifact proc and just kill them in like 2 minutes.

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I don’t understand this notion that casual content can’t be hard. The mage tower is 100% casual content, that is also hard. You can beat each one with SL gear if you’re good enough, there’s no pre-time investment necessary. I know casuals that have made alts for classes and specs they’ve never played and beaten the mage tower on them to get the book mount. The mage tower’s current difficulty is fine. It’s tuned similar to if you did it the first time it was up in Legion with Nighthold gear.


Did you get it pre or post enchant nerf?

Pre. I got it before it was permanent. I got it when it was still temporary back in December

The mage tower is not casual content, and was never intended to be.