Ah another elitist. That’s why the game is losing people. Stats have shown most new players don’t stick around long. When people like you are saying they shouldn’t have more content I can see why. Also once again you didn’t explain how it negatively impacts your gaming experience. You have plenty of challenging content. Go mythic raid, go do pvp, go do mythic 20 plus and up keys. Are you mad casuals may have something besides Darkmoon faire to do?
You have said this about 4x in this thread. This exact line. I am convinced you are trolling at this point
Dont even get me started on peoples attitudes back in Vanilla/BC era. This was a differant game then. You would have REALLY had complaints
I dunno, I haven’t really found any of the tower challenges to be similar to a mythic raid boss, either when they were current or now. You learn the pattern and just do it. (Same thing does actually go for Mythic, just with a lot more crap going on, but still. That’s any content that you can’t just spam one ability to kill your way through things.)
Why is it a problem for there to be a piece of content that requires a bit of attention span and thought that isn’t raiding/M+/PVP?
Because it’s a mindset many of you are portraying with your opinions
No its buzzwords. I rate you 3/10 in your what is now obvious attempt to Troll
On the other side of the coin why can’t casuals who don’t enjoy raiding/mythic+/pvp have more content?
Your mindset is why we are losing so many people to other games. For crying out loud RUNESCAPE has more players than us currently.
Accepting that there are things in this game not meant for me, and adapting to challenges I think I can complete does not make me an elitest. You keep tossing around that word in the attempt to make other peoples’ arguments mean nothing.
Spoiler alert: The game is losing people because the game is bad. It has nothing to do with the argument you’re trying to make. People are leaving because leveling structure is bad, there’s no investment, and Shadowlands as a whole is a failure with Season 4: Season of the Recycled right around the corner.
This is a misconception. You are confusing content, and rewards. You want them to make more content specifically for your skill level because you cannot adapt. New players? They have loads of content. They can do so much. There’s over 15 years of this game people can explore whenever they want.
Just because you cannot get the mage tower done because you are not adapting has nothing to do with new players, it has to do with you.
Because it doesn’t have anything to do with this, and I said that.
Please read this once again. I have answered your question. It has nothing to do with making my experience negative. It has to do with you not needing everything made for you.
I do PvP. I’m a 2400 experienced player who multi-duelist pushes regularly. I do keys, I’ve been working on doing 19s and 20s throughout the week and trying to better myself. I do raid, although I only heroic raid.
And I did all 36 mage towers back in Legion. I did MoP challenge modes. I got my book the first time it was around. I still consider myself a casual, as there are people far better than I out there, but I do these things. And if I can do them? So can you.
But only if you put in the effort, and actually try. Just because I have challenging content does not mean the game should have less challenging content. It is a challenge. I will repeat that for you so there’s no chance of you missing it. It is a challenge. Rise up or don’t.
They do, though. Why does one of the few pieces of content that has some semblance of difficulty need to be sacrificed on the altar of casual content when so much of the game is already more than accessible enough?
It’s not like you need a single thing from the tower for anything else in the game.
Its too obvious he is just here to troll. He even had me at the start. When he started Id rate him 9/10 for trolling. Now hes down to about 3/10 because he keeps repeating old statements like its a script
Fair, but sometimes it’s fun to throw crumbs at the trolls.
Ok I’m done responding to someone who clearly doesn’t care about anyone but their selves gaming experience. Good day.
Mage tower : garbo.
Clearly you don’t want casuals to have more stuff so idk what’s left to say except have a good one.
Ah yes, because that’s exactly what I said.
Hey, ready? Wanna know why I do all the content I do? Cause I RP on WRA and MG, and I like to look cool while I do it. You should use motivation like that for your success.
Also, if you actually cared about people other than yourself? You would try to get better so you can help other people achieve difficult things and get nice and snazzy rewards. Not asking for the game to be lowered to your level that you’re comfortable with. I coach people in PvP and PvE. My friends and I? We all streamed the tower for one another. I had people on these forums message me asking if I would sit in a call with them and help them out where I could, whether it be by assisting them with addons, or information, or just watching their attempts and helping them do better.
Know why? Cause I care about other peoples’ experiences. You should give it a shot.
Oh noes, you don’t get a transmog set and a mount.
Woe is existence, do we live just to suffer?
Ah yes I’m a troll for wanting my casual friends to have stuff to do
Sounding like a schoolyard bully doesn’t help your point.
Sounding like someone with a compulsive need to be included in things they have no actual interest in doing doesn’t help your point either, but yet here you are.
I mean I’ve done it. I have 2/7 challenges so far but pop off and assume some more sis. I still stand by my statement it’s too hard for casual players.