I like how people try to get the last word then say they’re leaving but stick around anyways.
Its is I am done fighting with these people. My 7/7 took 20+ attempts per challenge. the healing one took about 40 while the demon hunter one took 50+ it came down to timing and timing things just perfectly on havoc DH. But as usual if someone fails 2-3 times they get discouraged and Call it impossible then give up.
I went it expecting it to take multiple attempts. A lot of this comes down to a persons mindset. Psyching your self out is an actual thing. But I dont have a defeatist attitude
I completely forgot all the healing boss mechanics so I’d have these straight shot attempts right to the end boss that were super clean then the group imploded and I’m back to square one.
This was honestly one of the hardest ones, yeah. Everything had to be super clean or you’d just die. Or p2 you just couldn’t do enough damage.
On the healer one which I did on a Pally the guy died a split second before I did. It was such a close fight that my eyes saw both of us fall at the same time. I thought I had failed and was cussing at the screen . One second later and it would have been a fail. Timing is everything in MT and it does take multiple runs to get everything just right
Your experience is highly, highly atypical. That you’ve been able to accomplish this does not mean that others who have not aren’t also applying determination and effort. I’ve seen you do this before and it’s never constructive.
At the risk of exposing myself as a bad player, I’m having a very, very hard time with the Frost Mage challenge. I keep hearing people say it’s one of the easiest, how people have beaten it in 10 pulls or less, etc. But 100+ pulls later no luck
I did beat the Fire challenge, but the Twins still give me trouble.
I hope this helps you a bit. I watched a youtube video of the supposed best classes to do each challenge on.
This is what I did my 7/7 on
Eye – Havoc Demon Hunter
Heal – Holy Pally
Tank – Guardian Druid
Agatha – Unholy DK
Sygrin – Ret Pally
Twins - Warlock (Afflic)
Feltotem – Warlock (Dest)
I’m gonna address this topic in 2 ways.
On the topic of the original post, sure. I can see some people feeling that way. The game right now is incredibly fast paced, and despite what Blizzard said involving this expansion’s design choices, they haven’t exactly been thorough on keeping that idea at the forefront. The reimplementation of the mage tower, however, wasn’t too difficult in my mind and I think people can do it with enough practice and time provided they apply what they’re learning throughout the pulls.
However, on the topic of this:
This is the worst thing which could have been done for the mage tower. Creating a “gimmick mode” or a “casual mode” for something outright said in every incarnation to be a thorough challenge which will test peoples’ skills just tells people that Blizzard will cater to them regardless of situation.
Which shouldn’t be the case. A challenge should be a challenge. Rise up or don’t.
Thank you! I have a Warlock so I’ll have to try it on her! Gonna reference this for the rest of the bosses too.
Glad to be of help. The video stated some classes are easier for certain challenges than others. Luckily I have a lot of alts. So I hopped on the suggested class then followed a gearing guide and challenge fight guide for each of the fight/class combos. I didnt care about the mogs except the Guardian druid one so if you are mainly after the mount like I was I hope this helps you. I love that Mountain Dew Bear more than the mount
once again
Eye – Havoc Demon Hunter
Heal – Holy Pally
Tank – Guardian Druid
Agatha – Unholy DK
Sygrin – Ret Pally
Twins - Warlock (Afflic)
Feltotem – Warlock (Dest)
It’s perfectly ok, for sure. But don’t sell yourself short. It is extremely hard but if you learn the steps, get in the zone, and come up with a coping mechanism for the losses you can push through. That last part is the hardest if you ask me. I think going into each run assuming that you will fail is the way to go. Even as you get within 5% of victory, try not to consider the idea that you might win, because that will only increase the sting if you fail.
Follow the guides, get the BiS gear they recommend. Just give yourself every edge possible. I believe in you! Took me around 150 tries for the frost mage one. It was a nightmare. The upside is I came out of it far better at playing the spec, and with far better keybinds!
You’re not a bad player. It was easier. But then in 9.2 they nerfed the damage of frozen orb and blizzard, as well as the cooldown reduction for orb by blizzard. Both those abilities are critical to victory. I was lucky enough to get it done in 9.1, but plenty of people have reported it is a hell of a lot harder now.
Also look at which class is easiest for each challenge if you have a lot of alts to do this on
That is if you care most about the mount and less about specific mogs. The MT Dew bear is what I wanted most out of the 7/7 challenges
Same in the original Mage Tower. A small number of people got through it quickly, while most found it incredibly frustrating. The Twins are easier on a few other classes/specs.
This is the specific video I followed to a T for Twins. Once again I hope this helps and Good Luck! The Damage proc Racial and extra tele Racial from Void Elf helped quite a bit I feel
I duno, i crushed it soon as it came out. No desire to do it again. Its a one and done kinda thing like current torghast
Still waiting to hear an explanation how it hurts you or anyone else if casuals had a mode where they could have an easier time.
Truest statement in this entire thread! never going back!
I tried the MM Hunter MT … did around 6 or 7 or so attempts. I felt like I was making progress but my inability to get a handle on my frustration is really what did me in… mostly. Plus I’m old and confuse easily
I tried it on a hunter first and found it easier on a Warlock. Im old too. Born in 64. Linked the video I followed above. Hope this helps you
You’re not gonna like what I have to say – but not everything in the game is meant for you just like not everything in the game is meant for me. If something is too challenging for you, then you should accept not being able to have it, because other people actually enjoy challenging content.
You are not a be all end all customer who should have every single need of yours met. You are not the reason something should be coded and have more development time put into it because you are somehow wanting something when the reality is this was said to be a challenge, and thus, it should remain a challenge.
It has nothing to do with other people being impacted by you having a completely separate game mode catered to you and created simply for you because you refuse to adapt and succeed. It has to do with the fact that neither you, nor I, nor anyone else, should have game modes specifically tailored to our capabilities and our skill levels because we just so happen to want something.
Either rise up, or don’t. Your call.