Hmm? How do you figure? Or are you just throwing buzzwords around?
It is, though. Perhaps you’re confused and think casual means unskilled? Which is NOT true.
I accept your concession.
Hmm? How do you figure? Or are you just throwing buzzwords around?
It is, though. Perhaps you’re confused and think casual means unskilled? Which is NOT true.
I accept your concession.
No this persons idea of a casual is someone who does no research and never bothers to watch guides on youtube. So if they cant walk in blindly without a game plan and clear it by the 3rd attempt its not casual friendly in their mind. Thats not a casual thats just a lazy person. The resource tools at at your finger tips if you dont use them you have no one to blame but yourself.
Yeah, it’s not uncommon and quite an unfortunate misconception.
I have not completed the Mage Tower since it was re-introduced but I like that it’s as difficult as it is, because that makes it so I can make gold selling people old enchants and gems.
Also the whole finding-old-OP-gear angle is part of what makes it fun for me, and I was doing that since before the MT came back anyway, trying to see what old OP stuff I can find to make timewalking dungeons even more facerollable. Some people think it’s cheating or cheesing or w/e but they can talk to the hand
I actually thought this aspect was super cool; it reinvigorated old economies because suddenly there’s demand for old enchants, consumables, etc.
Might be a way of keeping that sort of thing semi-relevant with Timewalking.
Curious to see if they do mop/wod cm timewalking.
Its sad I agree.
She called me an elitist. I have done 0 pve this expansion except for mage tower. Im still have a 233 item level on all my characters. Getting called an elitist is like me calling someone with paralysis an athlete lol Im pretty much a solo player now days in my old age
Right? That’s what I thought was super weird. He plays more than you do.
So bizarre.
The being able to take an undergeared/forgotten alt and do the challenges was one of those things that seemed fun for me, and if I wanted more power I could twink the char out with some consumables or farm an old raid.
Mage tower? Pfft wheres my warrior throne of skulls and blood.
Flat out inspect me. Casuals are even more geared than I am. You can look at my toon and see Im pretty much a scrub. But oh no this person says because I got my 7/7 Mage tower done I am an elitist? Look at my achievements Its been a long time since I have done PVE at all. Im a scrub
My question exactly. You can inspect me and see the last thing I am is an elitist. 0 PVE achievements in a very long time and super low item level. I make casuals look like pros. Heck my mythic+ rating is 0! If anyone around here is a casual its me
Like I said. If someone as inexperienced as me got my 7/7 Book Mount anyone can.
No. Stop making excuses. Your “im a casual” statement holds no water. You are using being a “casual” as an excuse not to do research and follow gearing/fight guide videos. Like I said I am a casual and I am not a good one. I am also totally inexperienced in PVE.
Proof that even a self-declared “casual” can be an elitist. I’ve seen more mythic raiders and heroic raiders with high io and high PvP rating telling us they were “casuals” or “average players”.
You can inspect me and see the last thing I am is an elitist.
We can only inspect this character.
And “elitist” has absolutely zero to do with the gear you are currently equipping. It’s about your attitude toward other players. If you can’t tolerate players with different skills and interests than you because you think they’re playing the game wrong and need to be told so over and over again, you aren’t a casual.
Proof that even a self-declared “casual” can be an elitist. I’ve seen more mythic raiders and heroic raiders with high io and high PvP rating telling us they were “casuals” or “average players”.
If you had bothered to inspect me above you would see this statement is totally false about me inspect my achievements
Even a person who doesn’t play the game can be an elitist, who is someone who thinks that elite deserve more and casuals deserve nothing.
I geared up a level 50 in full timewalking gear, went in and got one shot by mechanics that all the videos showed us the player shouldn’t need to use defensives on.
And “elitist” has absolutely zero to do with the gear you are currently equipping. It’s about your attitude toward other players. If you can’t tolerate players with different skills and interests than you because you think they’re playing the game wrong and need to be told so over and over again, you aren’t a casual.
Not what I was saying at all. You really should read all my comments above before commenting. I was simply stating you cant run into mage tower blindly having done no research and watched 0 guides expecting to clear it the 1st time. thats it
Proof that even a self-declared “casual” can be an elitist
I like how a simple “guys look it’s really completely accessible to you” somehow gets spun like this. Some people really have no interest in learning and just want to be handed stuff. It’s just meant to be a fun little challenge.
I read your comments. This character is not elite, but you are definitely an elitist.
I was simply stating you cant run into mage tower blindly having done no research and watched 0 guides expecting to clear it the 1st time. thats it
Now you’re lying. I did a ton of research. Lots of people who were unable to complete them did, despite your claim that you are the only player in the game who did research.
I like how a simple “guys look it’s really completely accessible to you” somehow gets spun like this. Some people really have no interest in learning and just want to be handed stuff. It’s just meant to be a fun little challenge.
You mean unlike people who can’t be happy unless they feel superior to others who site in their computer chairs staring glazey eyed at the screen almost the same as you? You sound like you’re the one who’s upset you aren’t getting as much free stuff as you think you deserve for existing.
It’s just meant to be a fun little challenge.
Really? We’ve been told over and over again it’s supposed to be very challenging to the best players in the game, and now suddenly it’s been nerfed into a “fun, little challenge”? When did you nerf it?
just want to be handed stuff.
This 100% they want the Challenge part removed from the Mage Tower Challenge
Now you’re lying. I did a ton of research. Lots of people who were unable to complete them did, despite your claim that you are the only player in the game who did research.
I can only speculate but if I had to take a guess I would say then you most likely didnt apply yourself or dedicate your self. Its not just about doing the right research its using the answers you found. You have said absolutely nothing about what you did to try and clear it.
Did you use old world gear? Old world enchants? did you pop drums and other pots? or did you run in blindly fail twice and give up? Expect to spend 5K per character you do this on. For old world gear, enchants, pots and drums ect ect.
You can’t just say I couldn’t do it without explaining what you did to try to complete it
Which is tragic because I really like this model of challenge that you can complete on an undergeared or even abandoned alt. Gearing can be done with some relaxed legacy raids if you need a little boost in power, so no stressing about finding groups for max level raids/keys.
then you didnt apply yourself or dedicate your self.
Because you’re the only one in the game who is dedicated.
Hmm, maybe you bought a carry. A lot of people got away with that.
Did you use old world gear?
I see you read none of my post. Typical elitist drivel, making up stuff to fit your agenda after not even bothering to read what the player you responded to wrote.
No point in responding to you again, since you haven’t bothered to read my posts at all.
Gosh, that is a lot of Druids
It’s a really nice, quality mount, and I’m happy they put it in for completing a challenge instead of something dreadful like the shop.
I love how their response to being called out for the elitist behavior is to post pics of the mount to taunt people who don’t have it/can’t get it.