Mage tower makes me want to die lol

i have one macro for interupt, and I mouse click any ability that isn’t 1-5.

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I’ve watched people do the mage tower and I’m not putting out near the dps that they are. I watch them do it and it takes mins. And I Can’t get past the first phase and these guys are jumping between moonkin and Bear form. Set up the same way they are and I still can’t deal as much dps as them.

Do you mean gear? talents? buffs?

If you are set up the same and doing less, then you aren’t doing exactly as they are.

I Have all Shadowlands gear Talents and consum. and I still can"t get past the first boss. and Because of the gear nerf all my gear is IL 50. and when MT was in Legion everyone had IL 60 how is this fair and i dont have time to sit for hours trying to time the whole fight. I do have a life.

If you’re still stuck in phase 1, there is clearly some major mistakes you are making. if you are interested in some help, I don’t mind going through what you are doing.


this is a negative thought line, and isn’t helping you at all.

Same here I even have one set to death grip on my focus target. Sadly by the time I get to the 3rd set of ice everything is on CD.

I can get to P2 most attempts (occasional goofing on P1 still happens time to time) but am absolutely convinced I simply lack the DPS to clear P2. Happy to take the obvious “git gud” criticism, but still convinced this thing is overtuned.

Hold my beer until your over 500 and still have your sanity like me!

Can you get past the 3rd annihilate? If you are getting to 4th annil and has alot left maybe dps?

i ran crafted dread, old legends, mech and dragon trinket but did it with full buffs and fury pot…still had to get past 3rd annil

if you’re dying to the 3rd smash, it sound like you haven’t planned out your cds properly, whats your cd order for each smash?

Its mostly they are doing actions faster…takes practice

/target tormenting eye
/cast moonfire

Auto moonfires the eyes without having to target them if they’re in range.

Youve almost beat my Deathcharger’s Reins farm count of 226! Listen did you know that the national animal of Scotland is the unicorn? Now you do.

If I could make a few tips for the fight (and bear in mind I’m working on Phase 2, super casually, because Endwalker)

Work on the Guardian/Boomkin rotation a bit so your comfortable with it. Maintaining dots through the whole fight helps a lot. At all times Variss should have Thrash, as high as your able to maintain, Moonfire, and Sunfire. Also you CAN go into eclipse states with Balance affinity, so keep that in mind while you practice.

Leech makes the nether horrors aggro onto you a second after they spawn. If your not running leech, you can self-cast a heal to grab aggro.

Typhoon can interrupt the Drain Life cast as well as skullbash, so you don’t have to charge into the aura if your stacks still haven’t fallen off.

I’m not sure why, but I haven’t been able to interrupt the nethermonsters with war-stomp. Shouldn’t really affect you as a Nelf, but I think it’s a bit weird.

Get an addon for it. DBM has Kruul-encounter specific tools, as does Weakauras. There’s a weakauras that will alert you whenever you have to click your interrupt macro, track orbs, etc… which makes that a lot easier.

If your using a macro for skullbash, your probably using it on your focus target. Make a macro to change your target and focus to Kruul and throw it on some obscure key (like, say F5 or something) and just click it to make the transition less hectic. I died once trying futilely to click Kruul with an infernal in the way, and that sucks.

You can incarn at the very start of the fight, and it will be back up for the second half of phase 2. You can also incarn BEFORE variss activates (during the RP) to open with 3x Thrash if your finding that Incarn isn’t up when you need it in Phase 2.

Practice dodging and juking the infernals, just ignore Variss and play with the infernals for 15 mins or so. You can root them, Typhoon them, and probably other CC I haven’t tried yet. Keep in mind that you can wild charge (or even skullbash) out of the knockback if your fast. Glider works too for this.

The new things are the pandaria dragonling and the seethe trinket from Hellfire citadel, though I wouldn’t go too far out of the way to get them as Blizzard is (slowly) nerfing OP scaling.

Make Cooldown Cycling macros, and take SI off your bar. Let me explain what I mean by this: Make 4 macros, one for each annihilate you have to take.
1 - Just /cast Ironfur over and over a few times
2 - Same as 1, but with Barkskin
3 - Same as 1, but with SI
4 - Same as 1, but with SI and Barkskin
So then set these to F1, F2, F3, F4. With SI off your bar, you won’t accidentally waste it with muscle memory when you get low. When your addon announces “Annihilate 1” Click F1. When it announces “Annihilate 2” Click F2… etc. This will give you peace of mind too, knowing that you already have your answers keyed up and ready for his big mechanic.


as does melee damage on variss

woops, fixed.

but then nobody would want it anymore.
it’s only cool because it’s unique.

$35 on the LF carry website.
Saw in on FB lmao

I was kind of tracking with you up until this point.

That’s a fat negative, big turkey. This is a challenge anyone can overcome, not a participation trophy everyone should get.

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I have some helpful tips, experiences, and macros gathered here: Experiences: Guradian MT scaling broken (Updated)

Are you talking about the Guardian one? The 2nd phase feels impossible lol
Congratulations to anyone who is able to pull it off.
Even rank 1s and gladiator players struggle with it.