Mage Tower is too hard and needs to be nerfed!

If you’re too lazy to do your on research I’d rather just let you believe that and then cry when they announce the Mage tower return is ONLY for the T20 reskins.

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“The earth is flat.”

“Prove it.”

“If you’re too lazy to do you’re own research…”


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Or the T20 could be from TOS timewalking raid. Or for completing all mythic +15s.

The fact is you nor I have no clue what content is required and WOWhead is just speculation.

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I’ll tell you what I do know, the mage tower appearances are never coming back, should have played and got them when they were up for that exclusive limited time window.

Imagine comparing the intricacies of law to flat earthers, that’s a BIG yikes from me dawg.

How did this thread even get onto the MT appearances?

I thought this was about difficulty and accessibility? To continue that discussion, it should be accessible to players. I think current MT is held by 30% of accounts. (Wowhead figures). That seems a bit low. So I think they could balance according to make it more accessible.

Granted other factors were in play with the original such as time being up and what not. But 30% just seems low to me. :confused:

I do have them.

Perfect then you have nothing to worry about, at least for those people who don’t they can get their T20 reward for doing it or what ever else they decide to add since it won’t be the mage tower skins.

The people who aren’t able to lord things over us anymore are really coming unglued.

You still have no clue what you’re talking about lol.

Remember when Tier 3 was removed from the game and they put on the BMAH…5 years later lol

They also didn’t specify tier 3 was a limited time thing that was going away forever like they did during Legion for the mage tower.

Can you please link your source for that 30% figure, because I can’t seem to find it on Wowhead.

Goodness, this has been discussed at lengths in other threads.

This is the promotion they did for the World of Warcraft annual pass. Players paid Blizzard for 12 months of World of Warcraft and received a mount. Due to that wording, Blizzard is not allowed to offer that mount again because it was advertised as a limited time promotional purchase.

You did not pay for anything aside from access to the servers in Legion. There was no money exchanged for the MT skins. They said they would be unobtainable after pre-patch. If that was the case, when Cataclysm came out, folks could have taken them to court because they removed the class quests. But they didn’t… because again, you are not paying for the MT skins. You paid for access to the servers, which you received. Blizzard can, and will, do what they please with their game.

Top right under quick facts: * Attained by 30% of profiles (Unsure if this means linked profiles or how they’re getting this data).

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Hey if you need a shoulder to cry on once you see I’m right and they won’t be returning, I’ll be here to help you cope with that upcoming difficult time.

Oh there it is, ok - thank you.

I don’t want them to return, I’ve been in favor of reskins. You’re just sprouting this “legal” nonsense lol.

I’d bet the slots in Vegas involve less RNG than WoW.

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Yeah, and you’re not timegated to two slots per week - and you know, there’s the free drinks :slight_smile:

There won’t be any reskins either since the models they used were also limited time slated never to return :^)

I believe they said the appearance was limited.

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