Mage Tower is too hard and needs to be nerfed!

Yep but the model is apart of that limited apperance, simply changing the colour would be considered breaking that as the model is also apart of that limited time never to return that they specified multiple times over the course of Legion.

Already can guarantee that the new tower will be balanced for a Mythic raid ilvl. If they did it for Torghast they will do it for the tower.

Yep and the model/rigging is apart of apperance.

But it is not the whole appearance.

They’ve recolored other items before and it’s a whole new item. So change the color and it’s a whole new thing.

It’s already been datamined as showing nerfs.

Mechanics nerfs aren’t the same as requiring 252 ilvl health or dps.

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Nope, that doesn’t work since the apperance is limited and the rigging that makes up the models are exclusive to that apperance. The shape of the druid bear for example is what makes the apperance so simply recoloring that doesn’t work as it breaks the limited time going away forever advertising Blizzard told us during Legion. What they can do is make something completely different that has no resemblance at all to any of the Mage tower skins though.

Scarab lord mount had a unique model. Got a recolor.

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Yep. Most.

some however go I will mash my head against a wall for a few hours lol. Then argue about it. This is why my sub lapses soon. I want roll stomp legion raid. I ain’t getting it soon enough. 9.2.x I should. I can come back 9.2.x lol. Save money for next year or so. less headaches. Win win…

Why some need to play skyrim more. It had/still has, that famed wth is this crap scaling. OUt of the blue a mob or 2 spawns massively buffed. Like wth is this buffed.

You get 3 choices.

  1. Keep on dying till you win

  2. Save scum and go back to before the cell was entered and hope it doesn’t happen again. This is a per cell instance event. Save scum and enter again like its a first time you could get lucky and no uber mob(s).

  3. Leave that cell as is no save scumming, come back later better geared and beat the bad mob down easier.

Why, I remember doing my Demo one, which was the Vrykul one, and back then I was really bad at Demo, not to mention Demo itself was pretty bad at the time. But I was good at staying alive, and in that fight, at some point the boss decides to just… stop doing mechanics.

That fight was notoriously buggy. Sometimes the fight could just stop, sometimes mechanics would overlap in a way that was nearly impossible to survive without an immunity. (at least pre 7.2.5 when we got ToS gear)

I did end up doing it on three characters though, my paladin for her ret weapon, my mage for arcane, and my warlock for demo.

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There were seven different Mage Tower challenges according to your role/spec.

The challenges were much harder than max level Torghast at the time of Mage Tower release (7.2) due to the high number of complex, overlapping mechanics and the absolute requirement that you use every ability available to you (including CC), and move while casting in some cases. Even if you followed mechanics, you typically needed raiding gear in 7.2 to even stand a chance (as certain adds needed to be killed quickly, NPCs healed quickly, etc.).

However, some of the challenges did become significantly easier with 7.3 gear because you could get hit by a bad mechanic once more without dying, or you could kill the boss faster and had to perform the same round of mechanics fewer times over the course of a fight.

I would say that Mage Tower mechanics were much more important and difficult than in Torghast, but at least the challenge was over much more quickly and you could try again.


…if you had the Nethershards, anyway. Which was the main sore point for Mage Tower. You got one free attempt every time MT was up, but any further attempts required that you fork over some shards. It wasn’t as bad as the Visions currency was as shards were more readily farmable and attempts weren’t nearly as expensive, but you still needed to go out and get a bunch. For a main, that wasn’t really a problem, as you got a lot from dailies. But for an alt you specifically leveled up for the Mage Tower… yeah it was annoying.

I completely disagree. I love challenging solo content that shows I did it completely on my own. As it is anymore, any 14 year old with mom’s credit card can get carried to gladiator / AoTC / CE if they buy enough wow tokens.

Challenging solo content should definitely exist. Not in large droves that exclude people, but it has a place.

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Pretty soon we’ll know who’s going to be having meltdowns over the Timewalking Mage Tower rewards, too.


We already are… Look at the blue past about it being tier 20 recolor and the melt down from players not getting the weapon they never earn in the first place.

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I doubt it.

I think what we’ll find is it wasn’t the mage tower people wanted, just thy neighbors exclusive mog.

The content will probably flop but at least we have a blue post saying the exclusive mogs aren’t coming back for the obvious reasons.

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You really think they’ll balance it properly? You have to be out of your mind. Either it’ll be easy or way too hard. Then again look at the rewards lol. The druid bear is like the only interesting reward.

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I’m thinking they will make it a bit more easy, and more accessible. For sure.

It’ll 100% be easier

It’s going to be timewalking scaled, so get your azerite gear and corruption gear to sleepwalk through it.