They could bring back old appearances there is no legal issue.
Ya, brutal slash was pretty fun.
Ouch, that legendary pretty much made dealing with the the guardian MT first boss LOL.
They can’t( because they were advertised as limited time never to return) and there is advertising laws Inn the state of California that deal with that so I’m 100% sure they are not about to break that.
I tell you, I felt pretty hard done by - somehow, somehow, in my walmart gear, without those bracers, I got’er done.
No, sorry, there is nothing legal holding them back.
the cloak was pretty OP as well, I used the cloak only for my 2nd druid to get it done. Cause that one didn’t have bracers
Keep telling yourself that when they announce the new rewards with no announcement about the old ones(because there is legalities)
I can’t remember what I had, I think I had the ring for my cat and for the bear… pants? I just know it wasn’t the coveted bracers.
There is no legal issue lol. The MT appearances were not paid for.
Ok just don’t act shocked when they don’t announce their return.
LOL do you think it will die down once the official word comes in? I think it will be a small last uproar and then die down.
I’m not going to, but there is no legal issue preventing them from returning.
Sorry, you are not correct. There is no legal concerns here.
There will always be a vocal minority crying about not having my amazing looking druid skins but what can you do, eventually they will figure out that the same legalities about limited time advertising that stops them from ever giving out that horde warbike mount also apply to the mage tower appearances and models.
In comparison to late legion mage towers. I thought a lot of them were easy, but I was more talking for the casual playerbase, none of them were easy at 900 most likely. By the end when they could easily be 940+, it was significantly easier.
Distinction is currency in an MMORPG
They can bring whatever they want back. It’s their game. They own the rights to it. It’s not the same as the motorcycle contest in 2014.
If that was true… everytime Mcdonalds did the McRib for a limited time they wouldn’t be able to bring it back… see how insane you sound?
What legal issues? Please cite some case law so I can go read up on what exactly they’d be doing wrong and what legal standing you’d have for a lawsuit since you’re so well versed in the law.
Keep that copium coming because you’re never getting my awesome amazing mage tower appearances (unless you already have them).
They were never advertised “never to return” Blizzard simply stopped let you queueing for mage tower, the assets and everything are still there.
Please keep spewing nonsense though