Mage Tower is too hard and needs to be nerfed!

So you do know what simile and metaphor are! That’s great news.

It comforts me to know you were only playing dumb. :slight_smile:

Anyway, I hope Blizzard removes the challenging nature of the Mage Tower and brings it back in concept as an effortless, all-inclusive piece of content that rewards the same appearances.

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Your attempt at condescension only works if I respect the author.

So it doesn’t work.

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I can’t seem to finish reading your posts. Sorry. Maybe it’s your character’s outfit. I’m not a big fan of white.

Max level? What kind of try hard nonsense is this? Blizzard hates casuals!!!


IDK how they gonna tune it when it was built assuming you had your legos and artifact weapons. You gonna have to equip them again? The power disparity between those players who had them upgraded during legion vs those who just got them after legion is gonna be HUGE.

It’s like how my max geared BfA tanks can out-dps any SL geared dps toon in TW dungeons. Even without corruption gear, i’m pulling twice the dps as you.

It’s the Mage Tower who cares.

Got the druid appearance I wanted so I am good until this game closes.

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They are all first place prizes today!

I don’t know, Guardian druid at 900 ilvl was pretty darn easy. You had 2 of the strongest tanking legendaries and could melt anything with galactic guardian procs in the Mage tower

All of the druid encounters were easy. Got all four appearances on alt that was leveled only for Mage Tower.

I wasn’t a fan of the feral one. with the imps etc, but was interesting encounter

Not for me. I doubt I had 900ilvl at the time, I wasn’t aware of the cheese stuff until it was too late - and I had the wrong legendaries (I didn’t get the Luffas until the expansion was almost over, what a kick in the teeth).

I remember Brutal Slash basically mowing down the imps.

Yeah, that does suck!

Lol it so did, I was so mad… oh man… oh well.

Did mage tower in full heroic nighthold gear lol

Nah I’d say we’re more likely to see people crying over the fact Blizzard can’t legally bring back the mage tower rewards/models as California has laws against that since it was advertised for that specific time period before going forever. And since it’s just going to be used for brand new rewards like the T20 reskins who cares about the difficulty.

if it has the same rewards as it did before it should be equally as hard. if not who cares what they do with it. eventually everyone will outgear the place which alot of people did then finished before. i got what i wanted in legion idc but anyone who thinks they should have the same rewards if it comes out like that with way less effort is crazy and flat selfish and you know it.

I don’t think there is anything legal to worry about in this Mage Tower case. They could bring back anything they wanted to for this case.

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I need to be able to one shot everything in the tower in level 1 greys or naked. Otherwise nerf.

You’re right since it’s only going to be used for brand new rewards and not the old ones there no legal issues they need to worry about.