Mage Tower is too hard and needs to be nerfed!

Hah Rastlin is returning with his nerf Healing challenge thread :sunglasses:

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Those scrubs are paying subscribers, same as you.

im ready for kill Agatha again

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You must be Ion.

I didn’t realize that reading one simple thread title could make my blood pressure rise. Wow, I’m getting old lol.

All the people screaming nerf the content were you given 4-10th place medals in school?

Doesnt mean you need to be handed a participation trophy where everybody else had to do some kind of homework and planning.

You can too. It wont kill you to actually have to try for something.


Can’t wait for all the crying over mage tower to start again once it comes out
I might be able to make an armor set with all the salt

Challenging content they should make it difficult but not punishing.

That is the main problem I see they have they do not make difficult content they make punishing content, which is not the same thing.
The mage tower was not fun, no one once they had completed it went back to do it just for fun?

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it was fun when you got it - and nobody went back in to do it because once you got it - was done. I gave a bad example before (I’m editing this post) - some ranged did the encounter once apparently - but for me, if I got it on bear I couldn’t go back and do that encounter again, I could however go on my cat and do the melee encounter but just once successfully. I suppose if I had bothered with balance I would have been able to go back and do it and resto the same. Thing is you couldn’t go back in on that spec once you beat it.

That is not what “casual” means. I did it on my DH and am as casual a player as one could be. I did it until I got it. Took a while. You are equating “casual” with “bad”. They are not the same things. The game should have content for every level. Mage Tower was content for solo players who were willing to spend time learning how to do it. LFR is for players who want to be in the raid without too much stress. M+ is there for people who want to perfect run mechanics. Etc. Mage Tower was as close as WoW has come to catering to casuals in a long time. It could be done at your leisure and by yourself.


I agree - it was a fun solo challenge - and for me it was a challenge! They need more of that. It keeps things interesting.

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If it’s not a challenge, what’s the point of even re-introducing it with rewards?

If it’s nerfed enough that everyone can do it, they might as well just put the reward on a vendor for gold.


If I spotted a murderer in the woods burying bodies and his pockets are stuffed with jewelry, that isn’t interesting. That’s dangerous and I’m going to leave and forget I saw anything.

Interesting would be a lever in a public park which, when pulled, made cool stuff appear that you could keep. That would interest me.

The mage tower shouldn’t be challenging and difficult. It should be lucrative and tempting. It should be hard to talk yourself out of doing it because it’s just that easy, and the rewards are just that good.

Works for me. It’s settled then. Mage Tower doesn’t come back. Instead, vendors will carry all the rewards for gold.

I’m sorry, but how does witnessing a brutal crime relate to a video game?

And if all you want is lever-pulled rewards, may I suggest you go to Vegas? Those slot machines require no skill.


It’s called a simile. It’s when you reference something unrelated because it has similar qualities. Guess they don’t teach that in school anymore, but that’s alright, this lesson’s on me.

The Mage Tower was like that murderer in the woods to me. I watched it pile up the bodies of others who were enticed by the jewelry (the weapon appearance), and I knew those people were more skilled than me, so I left and lost interest.

I live in Vegas. I’ve spent half my life pulling those levers, and 80% of the time, they just take all your money.

I prefer mission tables. 100% chance for your followers to obtain a jewel that gives you werebear form would be fine with me. WoW is where my idea of the reward lever comes from, so I’m not suggesting anything new to the game. I just want to see it applied to the MT appearances.

Hopefully the weapons aren’t coming back just t20 recolor instead

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Dudes been in this thread for 4 days trying to spin some kind of sympathy for his way of life. It’s pretty unappetizing. And we turn majority of Elf into food sources.

Hard-mode is hard, deal with it.

Also it’s easy to just ignore them and turn the thread into what it’s supposed to be. Lost in obscurity, cause the OP already made the valid point, the arguments against it are nonsense.

Peace :fox_face:

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Similes use the words, “like”, “akin” and so on comparing something to something else. Your statement is just disjointed and in any event, you’re so off base with your “simile” or analogy or whatever that it’s really not worth exploring any further.

Then go play your garrison. If you don’t like challenges, don’t do them. Don’t preach to everybody that it has to be removed or adapted to you.

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