Mage Tower is too hard and needs to be nerfed!

There is no indication it’s coming.
That Tmog T20 recolor could mean absolutely anything “Complete 5 Mythic Legion runs” or drops currency and u buy it…

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I think it makes sense. The T20 is gear not obtainable through the dungeons - it’s a raid set, and it’s obviously not going to be a power set, it’s a recoloured cosmetic and right now… no definable path where you earn it in Legion TW unlesssss…… the MT? Yeah, probably, for sure, maybe, the MT.

casual doesn’t = bad imo.

casual players are more than capable of doing challenging content. the game is usually nerfed for scrubs, let’s be real and not clump the two in one lol

remember when people couldn’t even clear torghast? yeah those weren’t casuals lol


I’ll be curious to see how they do guardian. No luffa, no ekko (you could do ekko, but ursoc is probably the way to go- assuming shadowland legendaries allowed), no RoTS, no adaptive fur (so either Variss is gonna hit like a truck, or a wet noodle) , only 2 frenzied rejuv that heal like garbo compared to legion…

I didn’t have the luffas when I did them on bear and it wasn’t pretty.

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We really needed yet another thread where some whiner was complaining about what he was sure people were going to complain about at some point in the future. There is seriously not enough complaining about other people, and we need more threads imagining what people might complain about so they can act preemptively to whine about it now just in case it doesn’t actually happen.

This warlock actually just plain doesn’t care. I got my green fire while it was current, and more importantly, while it was actually fun. Ditto with all the mage tower skins (for every class and every spec). I got em while they were current, and I had a blast doing it. My biggest regret was once you completed a fight, you couldn’t do it again just for fun, like you could with Kanrethad.

But the rarity and the prestige of having the skins? I just plain don’t care. I know when I got my cool skins and that’s enough for me. Don’t care if someone else gets them much easier. Especially since many of them became a joke by the end of the expansion anyway.

Heck, Affliction staff is a perfect example of challenge disparity. I did it 3 times, once for myself, and twice more for a couple of friends alts. On mine I did it the difficult, legit way, as I was a Destro main and still didn’t have the permaslow ring. One friend also didn’t have it, but for him I used the cheeky Infernal tanks the melee twin cheese. It was easier but still possible to die in phase 2. My other friend though? He HAD the ring. It made the entire fight a joke, even with the low ilvl. But yknow what? That didn’t bother me. The fact that I’ve done it the legit way made it all the more satisfying for me.

This is just one man’s humble opinion, though. I get why others might want their special rare and shiny to remain a special rare and shiny. I just personally don’t care what others think about how I obtained my stuff, I just hope they think I look cool! I mean, sometimes I even use the basic form of artifact skins if I think they better suit the transmog I’m going for!

Maybe for those people who do care about the prestige, if the skins ever were to be rereleased, they could also release titles fir people who already had em from Legion, like they did for green fire


It won’t have the same rewards so won’t matter lmao.

It totally should… there should be something for solo players to work towards as well in terms of skill level.

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I said overly difficult.

“it’s too hard! BlizZard caters to the elitits!!!”

“what about the casuals! BlizZard hates casuals!!!”

BlizZard will make the mage tower easy enough for everyone to get it.

I had alts in LFR gear get their mage towers done in Legion so yeah.

Not everyone is a decent player, everyone will get them done this time.

Uh huh, get ready for GD a couple years from now.

It wasn’t hard to begin with. I did the druid one with casual tier gear - took a few tries but once I got the strategy down it worked out fine. It should stay this way if they are bringing it back, nobody deserves the special skins if they can’t put the minimal effort to plan ahead of time to get them.


Yeah most of them were simply just getting the strategy down. Only a couple of them actually needed good DPS, notably the twins, and Kruul, but even that was generous as long as you had a half decent ilvl (not even raid gear, just catchup gear was good enough)

Why, I remember doing my Demo one, which was the Vrykul one, and back then I was really bad at Demo, not to mention Demo itself was pretty bad at the time. But I was good at staying alive, and in that fight, at some point the boss decides to just… stop doing mechanics. Because of that the fight was really easy for me because I’d just calmly avoid mechanics, not worrying about DPSing much aside from popping a couple of shields, and then once she stopped doing the big stuff, that’s when I killed her.

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I think that’s been true of most of the modes they introduced. Even Nazjatar and Uldum were complained about.

I’m not really a fan of the recolors tbh, maybe for the paladin.

I think mage tower difficulty was pretty well done. It was hard if you did it at 900 ilvl, and by the time everyone was in antorus (not just gear, but extra artifact power etc, and likely better legendaries) it was much easier.

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You’d think with the MT being up all the time, free, and our artifacts maxxed, everyone would have gotten it in Legion. One of the common reasons people asked for the MT back was supposedly because they skipped Legion, because of either WoD or because they considered legion a crappy expansion.

Cut to 4 years in the future “man, I wasn’t playing in shadowlands, it sucked/bfa sucked and I was unsubbed”.