Mage Tower is too hard and needs to be nerfed!

I literally just want to buy/quest my way out of all the challenges so I can focus on role-playing and exploration with my best-in-slot armor on with rare mogs set while I parade around the game on my top-tier arena mounts, using fun toys and feeling like a kid.

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Wait…are we hypothesizing here? Or is the Mage Tower actually coming back for me to ignore because I have no interesting in a bow that grows flowers?

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Panda Laugh

You seem to know a lot about this playstyle…

Well it would depend on the covenant.
My Kryans would have a hard time.
They have a hard time with anything on level.
I probably just am bad at the table.

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Yes, and a solo challenge should be just that. Challenging. Not everyone needs or wants things spoon-fed to them.

Having said that, I’m not advocating for it to be insanely challenging, just something that makes you pump your fist in elation when you finally get it. Something a little harder than LFR difficulty like you seem to be promoting.


People were in tears about the difficulty level. I almost quit myself over the DH one lol, but had to get gud or no exclusive appearance for me :wink:

Then on the other hand BM was so easy, I walked in without any research and got it first go.

The vast majority of the content already is?

Anything hard has multiple difficulties, many of which are very easy and accessible.

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Shoot that’d be harder for me than the real one. Haven’t touched the table at all on most of my toons.

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This game hasn’t catered to any player over the last two expansions. That’s why the hard core players have left along with everyone else. Your point is both fundamentally incorrect and laughably stupid.


Why is everyone so against spoon-feeding? What, you don’t like soup?

LFR Sylvanas is an appropriate challenge level.

There are still people here, what?

I’m sorry hyperbole is beyond your limited capacity of understanding.

I will legitimately smile if Rastlin starts making threads again.

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World of Warcraft has always been the “casual” game. It certainly was that when it came out.

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LFR Sylvanas can and is often completed by a fraction of the people in the raid alive, let alone following mechanics. Don’t confuse artificial difficulty with true difficulty. Most of the “difficulty” of LFR is from people not doing what they’re supposed to be doing and having others cover for them.

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was not even needed to do it, there was a glitch you could do where the infernal would take aggro from the twin that was running at you and would keep aggro on it, allowing you to finish the run easily

Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the folks in LFR aren’t using DBM. But that’s fine, it’s LFR. It’s not suppose to be impossible.

So that’d be fine, because then the folks who don’t get the MT the first time around can keep trying. But it shouldn’t be riddled with difficulty that such a low percentage of the population gets it.

I’m fine with that, but a single player challenge should have some challenge to it. To this day I still remember that fist pumping heart pounding adrenaline moment when I finally achieved the holy priest skin from the mage tower. Don’t rob that awesome experience from people.

This may be true, but the Mage Tower, at least at release, was NOT casual content. Plenty of casuals tried it, but they essentially got it handed to them until the next grade of gear came out.

It was admittedly part of my personal motivation in grinding out the Feral and Resto appearances before it was nerfed through gear access.

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I did it with casual gear, no raid gear, on my bear and cat. It took me dozens of tries.

And the MT wasn’t the only thing to do at the time … there was plenty to keep a person busy. So you know there’s that. 15 a month sub fee doesn’t guarantee you success in everything you try.

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