Mage tower is too easy now

While yes the post seems trollish, flag it and forget it.

There is a bug on certain mobile web browsers that doesn’t let you switch your character and defaults to WoW Classic.

Update: I’m 0/37 on the gdruid run. I’m just way too slow at grtting to everything. It’s hard…

How are other mages finding the tower right now?
I remember doing them back in Legion but this time around, Raest has an enrage that kicks in when Karam dies so the old strat of “kill Karam first to give yourself breathing room” doesn’t work anymore, and his HP feels so beefy that I can’t seem to get him below 40% anymore before I run out of momentum.

For me it took just getting as much damage as possible on Raest during the times Karam was stunned so that he didn’t have a huge pool left when Karam finally died.

This is so silly. So incredibly silly. Tryhards are exhausting.

I just wish people like OP could find something outside of the game to give their lives meaning so they wouldn’t have to complain nonstop about the perceived reward to difficulty ratio. It’s a video game, played by a lot of people. If you felt any amount of pride at all for doing something in this game, I urge you to find something in real life that makes you feel accomplished instead. This game is not worth the hours of time you’ve spent practicing at it.

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I tried to do this horrible piece of trash event back in legion, failed due to difficulty involved. Tried it again when stupidlands brought it back, failed again due to difficulty. Just tried it again, and failed yet again due to the difficulty.

I shouldn’t have to run something 300+ times to get “muscle memory” and hope to god I get lucky due to the stupid amount of mechanics, hard hitting things, and in my case having to deal with 3 seperate elites at the same time as a clothy. This is like the Warlock green fire quest all over again, where it is not skill involved that gets you to the finish line… Its simply and purely luck. Were you lucky enough to hit all the right markers at the right time and have the mobs not do certain things to do while trying to hit all the markers at the right time.

Why development resources were EVER redirected to this is beyond me. We’re still waiting for them to fix the trash that is legacy content due to their botched level/stat squish they did in stupidlands. Yet, this piece of old trash, gets development priority over something many players have been waiting 2+ years for it to be fixed… and now the same issue is affecting even more content.

I’m glad the 1% of the 1% are able to get lucky enough to do this “easily”. I wish they’d nerf it to the ground, as they should have done back in Legion. Yet those 1% of the 1% cry like little babies about how they had to wipe their faces 300+ times to eventually get lucky enough so EVERYONE must now do that so they feel exonerated in their own self-grieve.

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Any of you do the healer challenge? Which spec did you do it on?

The classic case of pulling the ladder up once you’ve got what you needed :slightly_smiling_face:


If they brought back the polar werebear I’d be happy. Original werebear form is so cool.