Hey there friendly folks of the GD forum. I just wanted to say, that if you wanted any of the mage tower appearances, especially the Guardian Druid Felbear, go get it now. The tuning seems to have the mage tower be either significantly easier, or talents just make it easier.

I just completed it on my druid, in maybe 10-12 attempts. The only old equip I had on was the Miniscule Mailmental in and Envelope Trinket, which amounted to 9% of my DPS. Other than that, I just went in with what I had on and some drums. I spec’ed fully into Moonfire/Lunar Guardian. I focused DPS to get to Kruul with 1 infernal up. Then just had to get my defensives worked out with annihilation. Once I did that, it was 4 pulls in the sub 10% range then victory.

I will try shadow priest tonight. But I say this. Go in there right now and get it done, before something happens and they say it is tuned too low right now, and they buff it.


Yeah, some of these are VERY easy currently, I just did the unholy mage tower in my first go without any old gear or consumables/buffs, imps died in 2 seconds and it was a breeze.

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Same, one try with gear I had on and no consumables. The fuming imps never dropped a puddle, they died so fast. In the shadow priest one, I was able to phase Karam within 20 seconds.

Interesting…I’ll give it a shot on my warrior today. I do want that armor…

:thinking: Either way is applicable.

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This right here, is why you should keep your mouth shut. Blizzard will see this, and we will undergo another 2 hour maintenance and they’ll hotfix it.

stares at OP maliciously


Too bad the Monk stuff is catastrophically mid. I’ll find that perfect transmog yet.

Hows the Mage one?

Very very rarely do they ever make content harder post launch. Usually it’s a piece of gear or something that trivializes it.

They probably took in the feedback from the last round, checked their numbers on completion % etc and found a difficulty that maybe was more appropriate.

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I’d love to, but Blizzard have decided not to let Evokers do the Mage Tower for some reason

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That reason is because Evokers were literally asleep during legion.


Arcane was already free back in Shadowlands, doubt it’s any harder now :


Outlaw rogues is hard with mostly old gear. Spriest is naturally easy since they’ve had a complete redesign every mage tower.

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It take sso long for me to kill Variss :frowning: how you kill him fast

Also, I think the thrash radius talent is bugged cuz i cant use thrash or swipe inside lmao


Going off that video, I can say our stats (at the very least our stamina) have gotten a major buff, just for an example the mage in the video has just under 6k hp, when I went in a couple hours ago I had a little under 12k hp, and I was pulling about 2.5k dps.

I’m trying but I keep getting stunned and it says “the mage tower crackels as time stops” or whatever.

Then I get ported out.

I didn’t seem to die. Is this a bug? Once I get stunned, I cannot do anything. Then I get thrown out.

I don’t like the mage tower.

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I did. It’s still the same.

(Looks at the purple nightmare that is the hunter armor.)

Nah, I’m good.


Oh well, whatever. I give up. To be stunned and then ported out, with no way to do anything, doesn’t seem to be designed very well.

I had given up on mage tower a long time ago, back in Legion. But it seems just as bad now as it was before.

Thanks for the tip anyway, I’m going back to the BGs. Blizzard can keep that other Guardian appearance.