Mage Tower hype pretty much disappeared

The multiple 500+ post threads on this topic?

I was not happy to see the NCR ranger outfit was not only a pay item (I’d have paid say $15 none the less)…it was they went oh no no…you must pay for this new service with a $100 price.

Really? DOn’t want the service, Todd. I want the outfit only. why todd put it there. pretty sure a few whales gave up that $100 jsut to get it.

I know not much about Fallout 76 but I have seen plenty of FF14 videos the past months because I might try the game out.

Levels of hype aren’t constant but that doesn’t mean people suddenly don’t want something they were hyped about.

It’s ludicrous to think people are going to talk about one topic or else you think they don’t want something

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People wanted the mage tower to have a shot again at the transmog weapons, even if it’s an alternate color.

On top of that the devs are insulting us with the Felbear because they are taking us for a bunch of idiot:
If their excuse to put this form was true then what about the Feral? They have an unique model too, do you see it anywhere? No.
My best guess is that someone in the dev team wanted to play this new color so they put it ingame under a false excuse

The reward must be the same for anyone, simple like that and we asked the minimum: A recolor for each weapon.
But as usual, the minimum at least for the cosmetics is too much to ask.


But they are giving druid tanks a new skin with this. So that to me is them going back on that. I think they should have made new artifact skins for the rewards instead of recolors of a tier set.

Ehh I didn’t really care about mage tower nor its appearances.
. Honestly feel like it should have stayed exclusive

Yeah, there really is nothing to be excited about anymore with WOW, there is no innovation left in them. They’re more worried about being politically correct then selling a good product.

They can keep their alternative colors to themselves. I don’t need a pink recolor when I need a black one for the transmog set I wear.

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Yeah but you don’t actually know that. You don’t have any say in Blizz’s decision making lol. You’re just assuming they’ll keep their word.

get over it they aint there. you have no clue what will eventually be in there might have better looking appearances than the weapon ones. quit crying and just do the place as they add stuff. im just curious how the scaling will be cause alot specs are totally different from what they was in legion guess we will see. and so many specs and alot people had to use legendaries to do. i couldnt stand half the appearances they had in there i could care less i got everything i wanted and quit on weapon appearances.

I am still excited to try it.

I never cared about the rewards, it was always about the content.

But I have to admit I am disappointed that they choose to make it TW instead of just putting it back where it belonged.

you have forever to do it. if they just had it all the time everyone just want something else in no time. that was the whole point of the place make it special why it was limited its fine the way it is now.

Another disappointement i have is that all the azerith stuff will be disable in TW Legion and most likely the mage tower as well.

What i enjoy in the TW is to be able to use past stuff like legendaries weapons, not being able to use my build with the azerith in TW is very diaspponting.

On top of that our artifact weapons are still disable as well as the legendaries from Legion.
If i can’t use my azerith gear, at least give me back my weapons and my legendaries in their full glory if you trully want to give us the challenge of this time.

It’s also unknow if the spells from Shadowland will be usable or not. If i have to take a guess, they will be disable as well.

Frankly, nearly nothing is motivating me to do the mage tower once again:

  • The recolors from sets are mostly bad, it’s even harder when you never liked most of them. I would have preferred the Antorus sets.
  • No chance to earn the appearences i missed, not even an alternate color for what i have.
    Even if i have a druid, they can go to hell with their Felbear for all what i care.
  • The mount of the meta achievement does not interest me.

It’s not worth the pain that i will have to do the challenges again as they are not fun for me.
I clearly remember the pain that i had in my arms when i failed a challenge after a 5 - 10 minutes battle.
Even a raid never gave me such physical pain and even if i managed to beat the challenge, i only wanted to smash the face of the guy who designed this rather than enjoying my victory.

Don’t get me wrong, i do understand that many people enjoyed what i am unfazed of, but the rewards does not worth the effort in my eyes and i have no trust in the dev teams to adapt the mage tower correctly.

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They said the Artifacts weren’t coming back during Legion and doubled down on it recently. Not sure how you are surprised about this and many of us think it is a good thing.

The thing is that it doesn’t matter what woke blizz says, the community remembers mt for its weapon transmogs. Providing crappy recolored gear just insults the community.

Plus, look at the rotation. 6 months between cycles. If blizz thinks people will even remember mt after the first rotation, they are wrong.

That’s one reason why this game is dieing. Bad management of poorly rehashed content with even worse rewards.

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Since they’re removing all borrowed power we’ve gotten this expansion but not giving us back the borrowed power we had in Legion the Mage Tower will likely not be something I’ll be doing. All of SL we’ve created our builds based on Covenant and Legendarys but in the Mage Tower we won’t have them and will have to completely rework our play style. No Thanks.

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yeahh so my friend and I are no longer excited about this, that means no one else is excited or hyped about it, because people aren’t even making threads every 5 minutes about the mage tower, and my friend and me aren’t hyped, so no one really cares about the mage tower coming back

Shoot wOD was better than both BFA and SL up until it ran out of content. I’d still give it the overall edge.

Assuming Blizzard was going to revert limited-time-only game items was your first mistake.

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