Mage Tower hype pretty much disappeared


They start with the transmog armor, which honestly look terrible except for warlock, priest, and werebear. Peole will get bored, and complain.

Later they can bring it back as an added feature down the road to get the artifact skins.

Most of them aren’t actually all that great anyways. I feel the worst for Druids, since they basically lose out on actual character models, which there aren’t a lot of for them. All other characters get to transmog away except Druids. It’s why I can’t play them…too little options.


You’re making a lot of claims based off of your personal narrative.


Yeah, they should have recolored all the weapons.

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I mean if Blizzard isn’t really bringing back content like the Werebears and only in fel form then honestly what’s really the point of bringing back something if it doesn’t have that set reward from the past to begin with. So much for making Timewalking bit interesting sadly.

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They didn’t even need to do that. If they wanted to be stingy they could have just given us one choice of weapon color. But they won’t give us anything :confused:

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well for one its because it’d be good for the game. Mage tower had a very solid system going for it, take a spec run it through the mage tower, do progression get a cool weapon. Now its pick the easiest spec for your class do the mage tower on that, never touch it again on that character. It ruins what the mage tower was about which was encouraging players to play multiple specs and challenge themselves.

As it turns out good rewards sometimes make content good. For example one of the biggest reasons why torghast is ghastly is that its rewards are awful for for what the content demands. I never expect blizzard to make the right call these days, but they should consider bringing the weapons back if they aren’t going to bother giving rewards out for multiple runs on a class.

Can’t say I thought it would happen though, them announcing the mage tower was a good sign for it, but its pretty stingy to hold back on the weapons tbh.

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Whats there to be hyped about? Broken classes that have to rely on Borrowed Power to not feel like garbage wont be able to use any of it going into the Tower…

I wouldnt be surprised if it made it to live broken and then had to be “fixed” 6 months later when its due to cycle back up…

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You see, now if you reply to me, you are undermining your own argument by not accepting my no.

(PS: I got all the appearances I want back in legion, I have no personal stake in the argument… but witholding appearances years after the fact is stupid).


Another very reasonable person!

but my god how are you level 67 :scream:

Blizzard’s no overrules all no matter how many threads/post you rant about mage tower appearances

I only remind people their message to remind everyone that they say no and you accept their no, its their NO

I am still because I wasn’t with an active account when Mage Tower was

Forums logged me out and back into a random character… :shrug:

I know all the words in this sentence but it still looks like a foreign language. Needless to say, the longer you complain, the more likely you are to get your way. Proven time and time again with Blizzard and WoW. Why would we ever pretend that Blizzard won’t change their stance on something if it seems likely to cost them money?

Smoke and mirrors to try and keep us intrigued. the teaser till we get what we really want. 5 shot legion raid bosses. 2-3 minutes too long. hell 1 minute would be too long.

and other legion fixes. I am aware some mechanics are not solo friendly at this time. Fair enough. PLain old no more than 2 player mechanic bosses need to not be 10’s of rotations.

If arthas with monologue is faster than the boss fight…it is wrong.

Final Fantasy 14 developers would have likely done this. Or putting the former FOMO-items into the store.

i just want the weapons tbh.

It is the nature of hype to disappear quietly. Hype is like a test presale of vaporware. It happens a lot in this game that a promised feature is very much less impressive on implementation than the hype led people to believe.

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Patch 9.1.5, d.o.a.


I’m suddenly less excited for solo island expeditions.

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it’s sad isn’t it


I don’t mind a bit of shilling, but how about something decent like Fallout 76.

They also said 2h Frost was not going to return either. But hey its back.

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