Mage Tower - Heartbroken

I’m sorry you’re hurting OP. Hopefully the nerf makes it better for you.

I’m with you. I know people usually scoff at posts like this, and I did too, because I generally really enjoy WoW. But I don’t know how much longer I can pay a full sub to play on a Public Testing Realm. It’s heartbreaking to see them drop the ball on the game we love. I don’t know how those of you who have played for much much longer than I have deal with the frequent disappointment. It’s really tough.


Learn the mechanics and learn to play your class and utilize the abilities in your toolkit. It’s far from impossible.

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Don’t hold your breath.


So you know, when MT first came out in Legion less than 2% of the playerbase completed it, too. Most of them found it much too difficult, frustrating too and then by 7.3 a lot more people cleared what they wanted out of it.

A lot of people want to do it in less than 50 tries. That’s not nor should it be possible. It should be something you get into the rhythm and keep going and going and going then do it and you’re happy you did it after trying so hard to do it.

Some of those challenges people can do in less than 10 tries, especially if they’re awesome at their class, but a lot of them are designed for around 50-100 or more attempts.

The only nerfing they should do to this is by allowing legendaries to work as legendaries worked for it in Legion, too.

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The Blizz testing is ABSOLUTE garbage.

The only they are ever good at is frustrating the players, and harassing employees.

Like why do pro streamers with tons of gold themselves need SEVERAL tries to unlock their main spec Mage Tower reward? It is so much harder than what it was in Legion.



your gamer juice is gone sour, time to retire

Toughen up. It’s one part of the game and they’re likely going to nerf it soon.

Not every challenge is made the same difficulty as others…

It’s about using your whole kit and for Druids that means using their DPS forms when needed. Every spec has to do things outside of their usual “rotation”.

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It was this way when it came out in legion as well. A lot of players complained like now. I do not mind it being this way.

The problem there is, if you are bear spec, you HAVE to choose balance afin, you can’t use resto afin, you can’t use feral afin, you have to boomkin AND heart of the wild.

You have no choice in approaching it from a different play style as druid, period.

And, even with balance afin, if you aren’t popping HotW you still don’t do much damage in boomkin form compared to bear form

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As a Star Trek fan since the 1970’s, I agree.

Isn’t it only around for 1 week though with the Legion Timewalking? I am assuming it will be around then every time Legion Timewalking comes around so like once every 3 months?

You had to use Balance Affinity in Legion as well for the extra range. What’s the issue?

it’s not really a challenge if every karen can do it, isn’t it?

if this is a cause for heartbreak, may I suggest to grab some fresh air?

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To be fair I don’t think it’s intended to be completed by level 46s.

  1. This aint legion and weren’t there Legiondaries that massively upped the range on thrash to begin with?
  2. Legion was designed with entirely different kits
  3. We are squashed down to an ilvl that’s LOWER than what the 7.2 gear tokens can roll into (ilvl 60 if your dauntless token procs into warforged dauntless. I posted a screenshot else where showing that legion gear is getting squashed down too)
  4. They stealth buffed between ptr which was hard but people could, reliably, clear at the higher play levels
  5. this was the ‘main event’ content they advertised with 9.1.5 at a time when they needed a big W and they made it to drive away an already dwindling player base
  6. This isn’t for original rewards, outside the Fel-Bear most people are saying they are doing it ONLY for the mount that was supposed to be a free reward from a community contest
  7. Most people who remember MT fondly remember it when they were over geared for it and after tons of nerfs. If that’s what people remember fondly, that’s what should have been pushed out as the start point and made easier over time from there since this isn’t for the original rewards
  8. Not every one had the chance to play it in legion, I for instance was in a more transient state at the time after a few personal tragedies and having to work 60+ hours a week to make ends meet before getting into my current job

There is no mess up. People whined about wanting mage tower back. Other people said mage tower is very hard. People said we’re fine with that, we just want it. Mage tower releases. It’s very hard. People whine they can’t do very hard content, demand prizes anyway.

I haven’t even tried it yet, and even if I did id probably fail based off the feedback, but the absolute whining about difficulty from this community is sickening. It’s ok to have challenges. So what, you can’t do something. Get over it.