Mage Tower - Heartbroken

This is easily the worst part of it. I don’t care about difficult. Needing to get low level gear, enchants, gems, consumables, etc. is stupid especially when some of the characters I want to do it on are on lesser populated servers that don’t have good auction houses. Or I don’t have any gold on the server.


So far I’ve done 3/4 druid challenges and the arms war one, was gonna look at DH next. I’d STRONGLY recommend that you ask for help, or record your play so you can see where you’re dying and learn from it. I am confident that anyone can clear any of the challenges based on what I’ve seen so far.

So far I haven’t needed to farm any chromie or old crafted pvp gear, but BFA consumables are INSANELY helpful.

It’s really frustrating to me to see people complain and complain and complain, but not actually analyze what’s killing them and instead go “oh, it’s too hard, nerf please”.

It’s not even a comment on elitism or players being too casual, it’s just frankly inexcusable to have a challenge mode that was meant and intended to be a challenge be so frequently complained about when it hasn’t even been out a day… It’s disappointing tbh. I can understand frustration, but if you’re not going to try and fix things from your end then you just don’t deserve to complete it tbh.


The rewards for the mage tower in no way reflect the difficulty of the event.


I think many people feel the exact same way


So everyone that has a challenge done is an elitist too?


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New mage tower is overtuned compared to legion version and needs huge across the board nerfs for boss HP by like 50% at least. Fights take way too long compared to what they were in Legion.


I’m a decent player. I’m by no means on the same level as someone from Limit or Method, but I would say I’m above average. I’ve played Guardian since the start of BFA and have timed higher keys as Guardian (15-20s). I did this on the PTR and was constantly getting to phase 2 of Kruul. I had many wipes at like 5%ish or so. It was 100% challenging AND doable. It was actually really fun!

Now…it’s just…as OP said, heartbreaking. It sucks. It’s not fun.


Nah they’ll say you don’t need any of that, just to get good for all 36

Bro, you guys did easy bosses. The complaints are for the overtuned bosses, not the ones you did by simply logging in. There was a frost mage on my server that got the set within 30 minutes of servers going up yesterday and every warrior in the game has it because the fury challenge is a joke. Same with WW and Ele, these are literally free sets that I saw all day yesterday.

The complaints are for healing fights, a few tanks, and dps like havoc, MM, destro, etc. Keep in mind there’s a feat for doing all 36, can’t well do that when a 3rd of them are borderline impossible.

It’s gonna be gone in 2 weeks.

I wonder who had enough influence to say that the PTR was extremely easy.

Because of the sudden buff to the bosses really makes it miserable


More than that, I wonder who at bliz thinks this radio silence is good when they really should be doing some serious damage control atm


They don’t care about the integrity of the company anymore


no, and they don’t care about how heartbroken this is making players. I made this toon specifically after the anouncement so I’d have time to level and learn how to bear tank cause I wanted to unlock felbear for a fun RP concept I’d been bouncing around for ages now…

And then it’s not even about your ability to tank, but your ability to spank…


Exactly, I did most of the mage tower challenges in legion for the appearances I wanted, many of my alts were able to do it without a good legendary and they had gear obtained from WQ, I even leveled two classes just for mage tower. It was still challenging but not impossible, there are serious tuning issues for health and damage and I’m not about to buy some twink set just to be able to make a solid attempt, also shouldn’t be expected to. Should scale and should be a skill achievement not gear achievement.


Look, I don’t want to burst your bubble but…

That’s EXACTLY what it is now.

If that’s true, then it was antorus WQ gear, which was higher ilvl gear then when magetower first dropped (pmuch nighthold equivalent with maybe a couple ToS pieces), so you outgeared it by two tiers.

Except…it’s not.

The bear tank challenge isn’t about tanking.

It’s about…CAN YOU…BOOMKIN???


probably why “WITHIN” would be the keyword here…


Exactly lol kinda silly the tanking challenge requires more balance spec. Kek


If anyone says there is no problem with the MT show them this

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