Mage Tower - Heartbroken

The one announcement (MT) that got me excited for the first time during Shadowlands and…

You go and make it impossible for the largest portion of your player base to achieve.

Blizzard is destroying this once Titan of a game.

It’s sad. Kinda hurts honestly.


Here comes Clark to tell you to “git gud”.

Edit: It hurts to watch something be destroyed that you’re passionate about.


Hey you know that challenging content the mage tower?

Yeah well try doing it without abilities you had then, no legendary effects and no artifact weapon.

Good luck and have fun!


Basically this ^


Hopefully come in and fix it within 2 weeks


inb4 someone comes in to tell you to just drop 100k on consumables,sockets, trinkets, tw gear to beat ONE challenge out of a whopping 36.


Give me a list of things I need to buy and I’ll drop whatever have I have to.

Since Blizzard is going to come in and fix this mess.

honestly they should have already done an anounce of ‘hey guys, sorry we flubbed this’ and be working to fix it


You really expect something like that to happen from this company?


Don’t worry Blizzard will cave and nerf it.


Blizzard admitting they screwed up

Did the Jailer rewrite reality?


I presume that your doing this on a druid since your posting on one so here is a good start of what to use


goodness no, because that would be admitting they messed up and didn’t tune things for the overwhelming majority of people that would be doing the content, but rather, what they always due, and cater to the top 2% of players who are lucky more so than skilled


the big problem with that strat and a big sign bliz doesn’t know about class specs

-you have to be balance afin in boomkin form to do what’s supposed to be a bear tank ‘challenge’


For as many “git gud” comments there are I see the same amount of superficial “fix it now” or “woe is me” comments.

Yeah, they’ve clearly made some mistakes with some of the challenges. It’s not something they can just immediately throw out fixes for. Because of their lack of testing and foresight they have to wait on the meaningful feedback to come in so they can process it and fix it. I have seen some good feedback so far, so just have to hope that they are seeing it and will make the right changes.

Realistically you can’t expect to say things like “it’s heartbreaking” or “I’m so disappointed” and expect it to be fixed. The reality is that for now you have to make a decision:

If your challenge feels impossible or that you can’t do it, you can either keep trying until you get that perfect attempt or wait until changes are made. Does it suck? Yeah, but the only reason it does suck is that it is time limited and won’t be back for 18 weeks.

The only real criminal here is the time limitations. Not the tuning, not the balance, not the decision they made to retune it from the PTR. There’s a difference between mistakes (the design) and unhealthy/predatory design (the 18 weeks).

Yes, I’m aware my response will come across as mean or whatever. Just being real.


Just put it back to how it was on PTR, that’s all they have to do for the first pass here.


I mean, you could have started farming the socket gear the moment the announcement came out. The way timewalking works has never changed.
It’s obvious SL covenant thingies would get disabled. It’s a bummer however they havent turned on Legion legendaries, but I hope that’s just an error…

If I had to guess it will end up somewhere between what was on the PTR and what made it live. Sounds like they already decided they thought the PTR version was too easy.

And honestly, just because the PTR version exists doesn’t mean they have to restore it to that. I’m more or less trying to temper expectations here.

I was also very sad with the mage tower, I dont mind a challenge but when I know I am not getting hit by mechanics and spamming heals when I can while still dpsing the boss and just die to unavoidable damage I get a little dishearted. I was on the fence about renewing my sub since I was looking forward to the mage tower but now I see no point in continuing with it.


I like to know the quality of players that did the PTR. Are they part of the 1% or are they casual players like everybody else?