Mage Tower - Heartbroken

Alot of them were running mythic raid gear or hyper optimized TW megasocket sets so that should put it into perspective


Heartbroken you say? Oh dear.

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meanwhile the sheep say
“WhEn MaGe ToWeR FiRsT cAmE oUt WaS tHiS hArD” while ignoring that back in legion the devs sraight up said that when mage tower first came out it was suppsoed to be unbeatable and that as you get higher ilvl gear, raid gear, upgrade ur artifact weapon more, it would be completely doable. Meanwhile with this timewalking all legion tier sets leggos artifact weapon skills are banned, along with class changes from all the xpac now where talents now have all ur big dmg spells in a same row and you can choose 1 vs having them all in legion + all BFA and SL borrowed power is banned too (even tho it works in other timewalking content). Clearly devs didn’t think for more than 10 secs about the reality of mage tower power bans. plus from ptr to live, the hp of the mage tower bosses increased by %150 and alot of utility and powers certain specs/classes had in legion were greatly nerfed by current SL, other specs were buffed so still again for many of these challenges its way overtuned plus you got 2 weeks then wait 6 months then all future tiems legion TW is up its only up 1 week per 6 months, so LOL.


Like I said earlier the whole shenanigans is just that… Shenanigans


Nothing wrong with being passionate about something.


I feel like a broken record but I want it to be hard. But they just need to tweak the constant dmg numbers and maybe some timing numbers for the twins. A frostbolt shouldn’t be doing 1 k damage if its the main cast of a boss. Sorry like that isn’t difficult that’s just not fair to get rid of 1/6 of your hp that way.


Is it actually 1%? Or is that just the assumed number because the challenges are difficult?

I mean I doubt that 70k HP Raest was difficult to beat on the PTR. I didn’t do it on the PTR myself, follow that feedback at all or pay attention to any of it but the information that came from that seemed to be that it was very easy to burst Raest down quickly before the mechanics could become overwhelming.

Tripling his health may have been a bit much. That drastic of an increase was probably a sign that it was too easy.

I got maybe like… 3 attempts in on my Warlock last night and realized I’m really going to have to strategize to do this one. The only hurdle though seems to be how long the fight takes and that it is apparently not viable to kill Karam. I like the challenge, but I wouldn’t be sad if they reduced the HP of Raest a bit, for example.

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jesus, epstein, mark zuckerburg, villians and heros all say the same

Felt that the PTR while short…(Thanks devs for the single day) felt just right in terms of MOST of the tower bosses.
Beat the Prot and Fury challenges during the testing, however as expected the Arms challenge for Closing the Eye is still wildly out of wack and it continues to be so in live.

Sorta wish they had just kept the PTR levels of difficulty and tuned the more wild ones down. So far this AINT worth it for a two week rotation and then waiting 18 weeks for another go.


wowhead logs the ammonut of ppl from wow database who have the achievement and wowhead says less than 1% and suprisingly they were all mythic raiders mythic+ 20+ers elite pvpers or streamers, shocking i know


Passionate about the correct things.

and lol tripple the health of all challenges, and forget they technically all have mechanic enrage timers and the fights were never 20+ mins in live legion if u took tht long u failed


like video games and gloating about being elite in a game vs making games fun and keeping the elitism to purely esports and compititions?

I’m a high end raider and these are still very hard for me. I want to say there are certain encounters that are overtuned for some specs, from what I’ve seen, but they do seem doable, albeit very hard. I sunk maybe 3 hours into it yesterday and got kind of close a few times but no cigar. I decided to stop going for it until their is further word from Blizzard on if it will be nerfed or not.

If it’s not going to be nerfed I have a little bit more of a fire in my belly to complete it, since it will presumably be rare rewards for more end game players. However currently I have the feeling that it will be nerfed into the ground and don’t feel like bashing my head against it in a pre nerfed state.

Just my $0.02


I’m sorry, but who are you to say who can’t and can be passionate about something? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

So it has specific percentages and on top of that shows who has completed the challenge along with what type of player they are?

I mean I’ve been seeing the 1% thing since yesterday afternoon not long after it launched. At that point I’d be very surprised if 1% of WoW players had completed a challenge by then because that actually seems pretty high.

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i just want to play the rest of the game. ive been in here over 10 hours and not completed one.


Seems rather silly to complain something designed to challenge you is too challenging.
I don’t know
It’s not like you need to do it for player power or anything. If you can’t do it, learn the fight, watch some guides and try again.


Also seems silly that within 5 minutes of it being live somehow it was too much. It’s the difference between the meaningful feedback they need to see and people just wanting something handed to them immediately - all 36 done within a day so they can be bored of the game again.


1% thats litterally 20,000, do u know how many elitists partake in esports comps, mythic+ mythic raids? sounds about equal