Mage Tower - Heartbroken

This isn’t true.

Especially for challenges like Guardian.

Neither is it true that it must be trivial if it’s not super hard.

You keep pretending this is binary. “Super hard” or “trivial”. It’s not, it’s a whole scale.

What you’re doing is just trolling these threads to piss people off by low key bragging.


In the case of the Guardian challenge it’s mostly just avoiding the third infernal, then cycling through defensives for Annihilates in p2 while dodging stuff and using orbs.

I don’t know what my stats are, or which are best.

I don’t know what my damage moves do, besides that two of them are aoe, and moonfire sometimes lights up to do more damage.

Because it doesn’t matter.

And doing your DPS rotation near perfectly unless using cheese gear to soften the DPS requirement.

Let’s not pretend the Guardian challenge isn’t still slightly over tuned.

I don’t even know what these abilities are called, or which one does more damage.

The people failing this challenge hundreds of times are legit just auto-piloting and not doing a single mechanic.


I think kind of the general consensus most of these people have with it is it’s nothing that needs to be as hard as it is. The xmog is optional and doesn’t represent any traditional content, so you aren’t going to be able to link you did MT and get invited to a raid, or arena group, or whatever. So it’s kind of just overtuned… for no reason.

A large portion of the subs to this game doddle about in LFR, and mog farm, and do quests a couple hours a week–they aren’t 20 hour a week players like my sad self so naturally content like that for a timewalking event is going to be stressful to them. Along with their options for ‘casual friendly’ content shrinking by the day due to things like rating gated PVP gear ruining BGs/skirms for most of them. I personally wouldn’t see it being a bad move on Blizzard’s behalf to make it clicker-friendly.

But it is what it is–it’s caused a TON of animosity amongst the player-base the past couple weeks. I’ll personally be glad to see it go whatever they decide so I can go back to reading posts about Blizzard employees committing felonies or whatever else people want to complain about. lol


Eh, people wanted the chance to earn/unlock the artifact appearances/rewards from the Legion mage tower. It’s been a recurring request for years, and it’s always been about those appearances.

Whether this new iteration of the Mage Tower 2.0 is good or bad, it isn’t what they were asking for. The rewards are different (and, c’mon now, obviously not as cool), and the difficulty of the encounter itself is locked (unlike the Legion mage tower, which - as intended - got easier as players geared up toward the end of the expansion).

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It really is hilarious isn’t it, and the mindless fanbois will still pretend that its fine LOL


Because they’ve already gotten they’re prize lol with cheese before it was nerfed.

Thats what we call, a lie.


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If only there was something that we could do :frowning:

You could not give up.

Na after hours upon hours upon hours and still not being able to meet the dps in a “tank” challange just got to me finally :frowning:

Biggest tips for improving DPS: Go to Emerald Nightmare and get the ravaged seed pod from Nythendra on any difficulty.

also use the legion guardian weapons so you can put two enchants like lightless force/force multiplier.

The seed pod is the big one. It will actually help you trivialize the first nether horror pack and every second pack after that. Just use it on the active boss as well as the nether horrors and they will all die.

Ahh but you see transmog use to be what wow was all about. Back before tmog was a thing, you could basically tell how good a player was by what gear he was wearing. This vastly added to the reward structure of the game with gearing up and also added a layer of mystery and motivation for the newer players. They see someone with an amazing looking set and think “wow that guys got some unreal gear I wish I had that”, leading them to push themselves to one day achieve that.

Since tmog was introduced in MoP, this aspect of the game has pretty much been lost.
The ONLY prestigious items we’ve really had in game since were the mop challenge mode armors, WoD challenge mode weapons, Legion mage tower challenge artifacts, and now the SL mage tower armour mogs.

This is what wow has been missing… meaningful content with MEANINGFUL REWARDS.

Also these are all challenges… they’re suppose to be hard to get.

The RNG is ruining it for me. Raest keeps summoning shadowfiends on the soak circle. Just not fun in general. When I pop shadowfiend he moves and it’s hard to tell where the circle will be.


i just wanted the werebear. everything else, did’nt matter. still have’nt got that darn werebear, i can’t do enough damage due to scaling being crap. :frowning:

also, the idea of going back to older content to get gear for this, is the stupidest thing i’ve ever heard of. this isn’t zelda: botw where you need the snow-gear for the snowy area, this is the mage-tower, it’s supposed to be difficult, not impossible unless you have specific gear.

They have intentionally been making systems back and (eventually) forward incompatible. This has caused a mess in leveling, as Legion gear has gotten numerous nerfs. And now with this, seemingly unable to turn out new content, it’s turned out that old content is barely usable without a lot of specialized old items.