Mage Tower - Heartbroken

You feel invalidated because someone else has the same costume as you? C’mon now…

That’s a childish characterization of the scenario.

Some players went above and beyond themselves to answer the challenge and you want to take that away from them. That has nothing to do with how others perceive them.

And how does that get taken away if they did nerf it or make it longer?

Or do you only feel vindicated by your work if others can’t get it?


I tried it myself. It really reminded me of the gold challenge during MOP and some of the early Cata dungeons. Almost impossible to beat unless you were very good.

My sense of satisfaction is earned from defeating content that tested my abilities as a player. I proved to myself that I was capable of rising to the challenge. Nothing about my sense of pride was derived from another player’s dissatisfaction.

What you don’t seem to understand is that we both care about the feelings of other players. However, I’m not prepared to burn a bunch of them as some sort of means to redress the balance.

Blizzard made a mistake for sure, but I don’t think stripping anything from players, even if it’s just bragging rights, is the correct way to resolve the problem.


LOL because its not a cake walk? Its a challenge, always was OP.

More like separates and exposes who is willing to learn vs who are not willing to learn and want an easy reward. Most of the people rage qutting on it or complaining gave up after 5-10 tries because they don’t understand what challenges are, since wow has been raining on casuals easy mode levels of content for epic rewards.


I have no idea why do people assume that people did 10 runs and then gave up and came to forums /sigh

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That was all I needed to realize I didn’t want to bother. I could tell I wasn’t going to enjoy the experience enough for any sense of accomplishment I might get. It was a real let down from where my expectations had been set.

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It’s too late for me. I am burned out on this trash content.

Some folks got the transmogs. Good for them. I am done with it and maybe the entire game because of it and I have been playing since vanilla. Things were heading downhill and I had hoped MT was a sign the devs were listening. Nope.

The game sucks now and Blizzard is incompetent to fix it.


Just wait till next week reset as it will be the last week and maybe they do some changes if not well its always bad to lose players :frowning:

The heal from the Crusader enchant was half of my healing. Half of it. That is definitely not “mostly meaningless”.

Completely agree. I am 106 attempts into Guardian Druid challenge and got close to completing it. I’d say another 40+ attempts and I could down him, but I dread going into MT, I don’t even feel like playing this game anymore. The game is no longer fun for me.

Can’t defend the difficulty of this crap regardless of how you put it.

Peolpe will be People sadly .

I’m pretty sure they are just baiting us into subbing and releasing it overturned to keep us subbed until well into 2022 when it comes out again and only then conveniently announcing nerfs or some kind of gear gate to bait out subs again.
This feels completely like a cashgrab and hoping the playerbase will just shutup and defend it under the guise of “skill” when it’s being shown even professional players are struggling massively and is requiring pull counts on the level of world first mythic races.


Hitted them on the B bullseye !

I’m inclined to agree :100: lol. I’m still going strong trying to get that bear for. Although I hate this challenge with a passion.

Not fun at all for me.

By…not making completely optional cosmetic challenge content…trivial?

Don’t get me wrong, they’ve dropped the ball a lot, but the Mage Tower is fine.

It’s actually more than 25% as 25% of 300 is 75!

You guys troll a lot with this. But, this is reality. Most people want to turn this :

Trivial ----------------------------------------------------------------|- Super hard.

into this :

Trivial ----------------------------------------|------------------------- Super hard.

You know, dial it down a bit. This isn’t binary thing where if it’s not tuned so tightly no mistakes are allowed and DPS rotations must be followed to a T, then it must be super trivial with determination stacks.