Mage Tower: Harder Than Original, No Original Rewards



Just because you didn’t pay for it, doesn’t make it NOT a carry. Hey Clark guess what
you got carried.


Do you ever stop gimmick posting? You’re detrimental to this forum in every sense of the word.


Not only that, he didn’t even clear the whole thing. He got the Sylvanas kill without ever doing Fate Scribe or Kel’Thuzad. Furthermore, Sylvanas was the only boss killed on that day according to Wipefest. And it was with a guild he’s not in. Denathrius was also killed alone. So he got carries for AoC on both.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. The difficulty is out of whack and overturned big time and the rewards are hilariously bad. Not a single set looks any good. The mount would be nice but it’s too much of a overtuned slog for it. So
meh. Ignored.


Don’t forget to show his logs for Nathria

lmao nice research bro .
Clark acts like a hardcore veteran yet buys carries and comes to forums claiming no matter what blizzard throws at him he has done it ezpz just cuz he wants to either derail /troll the threads.
dissapointing .


So i haven’t yet tried them all, and yes i will at some point i’m sure, since i have like every character type at max level, but from attempts i have tried. They are Harder then Normal.

Fury Warrior - No room for error whatsoever, and this was the first Appearance i got in Legion, and boy is this one a lot harder.

Arms Warrior - Lololol
 I got two shot by the Icicles in first phase multiple times. Didn’t even allow me to attempt to break out, was just like get wrecked Nerd.

Have not tried the tank one yet.

Assassination Rogue - Wasn’t to horrible, i think i could do this if i actually flasked, and fooded.

Combat Rogue - Agatha Imps nuked me before i could even kill them all, so i need some practice. But so far, her challenge has been the worst. An Impossible Foe is right.

I don’t even want to try Xy on the other rogue spec, cause if my warrior is struggling then Lol
 I’ll suuuuuuck even more on my rogue.

Destro Warlock - I like this one, it’s fun
 Still challenging but out of all of them i can see myself clearing this one first i’m sure.

Alright, posting all experiences here might be over kill so ill probably make a post once i do them all. Maybe
 But ive noticed anything done in Odyn’s halls isnt horrible
 Everything in Agatha’s is cancer, Xy is just No, Nope, not doing it right now. maybe sometime. Tank challenges i haven’t had to pleasure of attempting yet. Magespear is still my most hated challenge but will keep trying. Rock worm is still probably favorite one, and healer one can kiss my backside. Lol

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If Blizz can allow Legendaries and the Heart of Azeroth to be used in all the other TWing dungeons and raids, why can’t they allow the Artifact weapons just for Legion? What’s the point of them now, besides filling up bank bag space?

Spriest was pretty easy. I imagine it will be even easier when I do it on my Frost Mage later.

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i Just suck at his fight
 Lol. I have my frost mage appearance that i love. But i dunno if i want to do it again. Lol. Also i found this fight was the easiest on my Boomie. But i want new warebear so im sure ill bang my head at Highlord.

Now find my hunters since you’re willing to search

Here’s a head start

This is before I transferred my hunter to horde

I have posted on my hunter before so good luck

Why cant things just be a fun new challenge

Le sigh.

Nice job! Looking good :slight_smile:

You’re a clown, a punchline. You’re too pathetic to even be a meme.

:clown_face: is my favorite emoticon here. :clown_face:

Currently, the TW’ing Mage Tower is tuned as hard as it was during Nighthold for some specs(when it was designed and balanced around Tomb of Sargeras gear). While other specs are tuned WAY harder than Nighthold.

The current difficulty is way out of whack. I’d argue that doing Path of Ascension on Humility with a naked Bron is more doable than the vast majority of these Mage Tower challenges.

(For reference, I did several MT challenges in Legion during Nighthold, most during Tomb, and a few neglected alts during Antorus). The tuning absolutely should be around Tomb’s level. But its hilarious how much harder it is. Like I said, some are tuned around Nightholds level but some are tuned way harder. Which isn’t cool for a limited time event that we are only gonna have access to a couple weeks out of the year.


I finished path while Renown 44 or something. I didn’t think it was that bad. Annoying because of the currency though.

I’ll have more to say about it tomorrow since I really don’t have time to do it more tonight. I tried the Ret Paladin one and on my 3rd try I got about 1/3 of the way and then a Valkyr killed me.

I really only care about the Paladin and Warrior ones anyway. Might not even bother with the DK one since I don’t want to bother getting gear with sockets and enchants.

Which is why every time people started clamoring to bring the MT back I always said no, give us new challenges with new rewards. Legion legos, tier, and the artifact wouldn’t even help me cause they revolve around a mechanic that no longer exists. Everyone with a brain knew this was going to be a sh*tshow for exactly the reason you outlined above. I’m shocked Blizz even bothered trying.

I’ve been trying the guardian challenge all day and it feels impossible. I’m nailing the mechanics down aside from getting booped unluckily a couple of times, either off the edge or into the health orbs. I feel like one small mistake like that shouldn’t matter as much as it does. If you mess up even the slightest it’s over and not to mention the adds do overwhelming damage. I’m all for a challenge but this feels actually ridiculous. I can’t even get to phase 2 of the fight. I haven’t even gotten to try the other challenges out but from talking to many people outside of the tower as well as friends they all say the same exact thing. Please tune it down a little blizz. I’m not asking for it to be a cake walk, I’d like this to be at least doable. Many people have said it wasn’t this hard on the ptr either

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