Mage Tower: Harder Than Original, No Original Rewards

I want the mage tower to be hard but there is a difference between hard and impossible.
The “7.3 outgearing” argument ignores the fact that in TW everyone scales down to lvl 45 and all gear scales down to ilvl 50.
Currently, it feels like the TW scaling is not tuned. The bosses themselves have a lot of health and their abilities do way more dmg while ours don’t.

On my havoc DH, I scale down to 7k health, razor ice from Xy has 1.7k health and does 3.5k per tick, while my immo aura only does about 800 dmg… I want there to be mechanics to do, but not unavoidable mechanics that kill me before I can complete said mechanic.


“You thought you did, but you didn’t”

It’s much harder than the original. In fact, it is way overtuned. Some specs cannot complete the challenge. Gear is irrelevant because we all get set to 50. You simply cannot do enough enough DPS to deal with some mechanics.

If you think it’s fine, then you simply are flexing epeen. Getting killed in an unavoidable stun has nothing to do with talent. Getting overwhelmed with adds because you cannot do dps fast enough while kiting or you simply cannot do any damage while kiting to avoid a one shot has nothing to do with talent. It’s overtuned to the point where it is impossible for some classes and specs.

They need to nerf HP across the board by as much as 10%.


Exactly. This company have too many elitist jerks :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Makes sense that Ion would sign off on this then.

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There are several threads for this now. I think maybe we need a Mega Thread and then maybe we will get a damn blue post!

Best part of the entire thing… Blizz has been silent on everything.

Come on guys… communicate on your thoughts…

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Shut up nerd

I watched a video of legion and a video of now for the mage tower healer challenge and the dmg the blade dance from the soldiers is doing now is like 4x the dmg from legion and its literally almost impossible to deal with wave 4 with double soldiers.

Blizz can’t do anything right

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I beat the feral one in 2 attempts in legion. I beat the fury one in 7 attempts in legion. I just wiped 20 times on timewalk mage tower as fury, then unsubbed and told them why. Agatha was possible for fury because of our artifact weapon ability Odyn’s Fury. Period. Without it it’s a fkn nightmare. Oh and the bracers that healed for rage spent was pretty huge too back then.


My guardian druid cannot pass it even I tried so many times.

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Legion Legendary? Nope, Artifact Talents? Nope. so is not the SAME challenge :c

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Looking at videos from way back Legion and yeah, look like now is mistunned
I think it should be tunned a little lower (ilvl 55-65) instead of what we have now (ilvl 50), it should be fun, not “subcription cancel” inducing right now… or just allow at least armor sets bonus (or at least the stats bonus) enabled

or maybe the issue is the whole lvl and ilvl re-sync working bad with unnintended concecuences and need to be changed and redesigned

This, especially when you consider how much bears have been designed around the borrowed power system since legion, yet that’s stripped away.

The only people I’m seeing complete it are mythic raiders, and even then they are saying what is live is much, much harder than what was on the ptr

I have been waiting so long for this and they do the this to us so sad i might unsub for the first time in 10 yrs! If they dont fix it soon…


No, they promised it was Legion only early on. You missed it. You also get a unique flying book mount for doing them all, not just recolors.

uhhh that’s wrong. They NEVER announced it with the original rewards. They said it would have new cosmetics.

Everyone wants to steamroll it if you have to wait 4-6 months for this event to come back.


How do you butcher such a word???

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I wasn’t around for tier 20 or whatever but this mog is straight fire. I wish they would have included some mog weapons to go along with it.

Woke up this morning thinking I’d see hotfix notes or some sort of communication.

But there’s nothing.
