Mage Tower Exploits and keeping the Achievement

As a balance Druid I have been Struggling with Completing the mage Tower. I have AOTC and KSM. I have all my Torghast 12s with Flawless achievement in all the sections. So I am Struggling on the hands. I just cant seem to figure out how to put out enough dps to kill the hands while running for my life. So as any mediocre/Casual gamer would do I went to wowhead, icyveins and youtube. Seems for the boomy class there was and exploit that cyclone could keep the Hands from spawning and the rest of your mage tower experience would be kiting and chillin and waiting for cooldowns. You also have the Trinkets and other items that are being nerfed by the hour making this place harder and harder and all the while I see the Elites posting get good and this content isnt for everyone. We have all seen this in the forums this week. So my question is will anything be done with those exploiting or do they just get to keep the mogs and achieves and the rest of us can just get good to achieve the same? (I Do Understand some folks Play at a higher level than myself, so if you beat the mage tower without exploited buff and bugs grats this Post is not meant for you)


They won’t ban the exploiters over a silly reskin. They will only ban stuff when it hurts their wallet or if it is publicly displayed over stream like Preach did before :sweat_smile:

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At least nerf it to the point so its doable by any casual. Make those elitist feel our pain.

Alot of the mage tower has rng mechanics. Part of it is luck, for example if you get bad rune placement the 3 Vrykul fight you just lose if it’s tied to something like Val’kyrs on Demo lock, since there kit has no baseline movement speed. Sometimes RNG really helps with proper mechanics.

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I have definitely run into my share of bad rng in the 40 pulls I made tonight, typhoon not knocking back and the soak being place in the middle of the adds that I am supposed to be running from lol. I’m just finding it messed up for my spec to see that most that completed the twins as a boomkin cheesed it.

It is very frustrating especially with the tight tuning.

I wanna wait longer to do MT so I can brag to everyone that I beat it post-buff

Do exploit do early do little and win you do that and you never get banned :frowning: .

Ask history :slight_smile: I can’t recall Blizz ever nerfing something then coming back some time later and removing something from certain players. Either they action + remove something from players or you can just expect them to keep it.

There’s a reason why this is a saying amongst wow players

If you hear something you want to do eventually is easy right now if you do certain dance or whatever, you better stop what you’re doing and do the dance and get it because Blizz will nerf it and make everyone else do it how it was intended while early exploiters get to keep their ill gotten gains.

Actually edit: I like to be fair and I think Blizz did roll back some honor level exploiters during BFA prepatch. And to be clear when I say “exploit” I don’t mean legit exploits like they are using hack tools I mean something Blizz didn’t intend but aren’t going to ban people over. Blizz does ban people using outright hacks.


Especially not things that were previously considered just a part of the game and suddenly have become told to us are the devil incarnate, an evil that has been an exploit destroying the game from within for 17 years.

Thinking of putting together a timewalking set? In all likelihood they will find a way to nerf that into the ground after you have bought your tokens.

I mean, I wouldn’t even remotely call Clark an elite player. An elite TROLL maybe…

Many times they will slap-on-the-wrist action players and still let them keep the gains too (like one of the Legion AP exploits that people did to farm up weeks worth of AP in a day ended up getting just a 24 hour ban and still kept the AP, for example)

Exploit early
Exploit often