Return to Outland with the Burning Crusade Classic Arena Tournament!

Lol. Fits the bill

Classic tourney, classic valued prize from 2007?
With inflation thats worth $2164 in 2021!

Where is the link to register?

How can it be 8+ months when it hasn’t even been out for 7 months yet?

Waiting for that new FFXIV 14 expansion to take the rest of your players to release 9.1 I see.


There will be people wearing S2 Arena gear that you currently can’t obtain in this tournament.


People can play more than one game, I know I do. FFXIV sucks anyway.

Oh sht no way? cool story bro!.

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whats the point of this when you have people running around in unobtainable s2 gear and 2set bonuses?

i. Don’t. Care. you folks have spent too much time here, get to retail.

Wrong thread, Blue.

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Despite everyone saying this belongs in the Classic forums, what I cant understand why its not in the PvP forums at least or even better, the arena sub-forums?

Maybe its because no one goes there because PvP doesnt belong in a MMORPG?

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We want 9.1 not classic crap

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People abusing glitches to participate in the tournament with Season 2 gear, this is gonna be incredibly fun for those of us that weren’t able to abuse the glitch to get this powerful gear. Remove the season 2 gear from those that have it, refund their honor, otherwise the integrity of this tournament will be compromised. If the tournament is allowed to go on, allowing those that abused that glitch have an unfair advantage, there will be a crapstorm of epic proportions.

In-game titles should not be locked behind participating in Esports.

Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

Was the prize pool decreased by a factor of 10 too?

So when is 9.1?

Will all the participants be on a fair playing field with season 2 gear or will it be limited to those who exploited bugs?

I mean 9.1 is on the PTR, would you rather they finish it or rush it out with broken and full of exploits like TBC?

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