Mage Tower Boosters

Well, you’re not wrong. But the other issue is the more we complain, the more we get “solutions” like the authenticator. Which also solves nothing.

I doubt they’ll let this go. They really really really dislike account sharing.

Methinks you need to read a bit more. :wink:

Also: keep in mind that this was a Humanbeak thread, which is usually a troll thread. But we all agree it’s against EULA and needs stopped.

Again, the issue is people need to do what they can to make their gaming experience not annoying. And Blizz will try to “fix” the issue with poor crap like “NOW YOU NEED AN AUTHENTICATOR TO CHAT!” You know they’d do it.

Blizzard :clap:t3: logs :clap:t3: every :clap:t3: different :clap:t3: place :clap:t3: you :clap:t3:log :clap:t3: in.

C’mon now… I’m not the only one that knows how this all works with login attempts and different areas. lol

If you log in from a different location, it’s needed. And all of that gets logged. I’ve known many people who had to go through appeals who travel for work and got banned for account sharing due to their different login locations.

Eh, he’s settled down since Metrohaha finally got de-greened.

They don’t do that proactively. Their systems have some checks in them, but they can be bypassed if you’re letting someone use your account on purpose. As I said, I use a VPN that bounces me all over the West Coast and up into Canada. Not one protest from Blizzard. They don’t look for people that their automated systems, because they have been bypassed or disabled, don’t catch. Unless…

Someone tells them to look.

By reporting them.

Nothing will spontaneously stop happening without reports. Not especially offensive Trade chat trolls, not people using abusive language at each other, not harassment, not bots, not cheats and exploits, not RMT. There’s too much game for Blizzard to proactively monitor (or, at least, it would cost too much to be worth their while to do). By ignoring it and letting it be someone else’s problem to take two seconds to report it the issue will only get more pervasive and profitable for the scammers.


They are linking back to websites that do exclusively real money transactions and provide a number of eye-opening services. Do you have trade chat shut off or something? All of these mage tower carries ads link to sites like that.

And the service they provide has them logging into your characters to solo them through the mage tower. Account sharing is not even questionable, it is totally bannable.

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Why yes, officer. My child did indeed go to Bangladesh…errrr I mean Moscow, by themselves for a few hours and then I said, no! No more game time for you! So I took back control of the account. Thank you for your concern.

Boosting has been a real problem in wow for a long time now.

Didn’t you say boosting is fine? So is it or isn’t it?

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Yeah idk what these boost sites use, but it’s definitely possible these days to use one of many 3rd party programs where you grant someone temporary access and control of your system. I don’t know of any way for Blizzard to detect that as from their perspective all they’d see is someone using the game client from the same PC and IP as always. It’s also very safe for the end user as these programs let you monitor everything that is happening, take control at any point, or end the session whenever you wish. You can also be the one to login to WoW so they’d never know your password.

I only mention all of that because people seem to think they need to give up account info and will get hacked or caught by Blizzard which isn’t really true if they do it correctly. Which is probably why Blizzard should crack down on the advertisements more imo.

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I would not be surprised, at all, if Blizzard looks at chat logs with the advertiser/booster once they’re banned to see who they’ve communicated with and maybe exchanged gold with.

If I sucked majorly at Mage Tower, then after communicating with a booster/advertiser I suddenly went 7/7, I wouldn’t expect a very kind treatment from Blizzard whatsoever.

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They probably wouldn’t have much to go off of as almost all communication is done outside of the game via discord or other 3rd party sites. Blizzard can’t install spyware on your system to see what you do outside of their game client so they’d essentially be blind to it all.

Noone’s suggesting Blizzard installs spyware. What I’m suggesting is that there will be communication with an advertiser/booster one way or the other that Blizzard can see, unless the buyer just straight-up did a Google search or found a Youtube ad for boosting (but that’s not what this thread is about).

Buyer: “Hi, I saw your trade chat ad and want to buy your service.”
Seller: “we talk here [insert discord link here]”

buyer miraculously goes 7/7 on MT

It wouldn’t look very good at a minimum.

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If it was me I’d see the ad and go to whatever site/discord they direct me to and never talk to anyone in-game about it. Also doubt Blizzard would ban anyone without some additional evidence beyond an inquisitive whisper if they were dumb enough to even do that.

Ultimately all I’m saying is don’t let Blizzard off the hook so easily with policing these ads assuming the people will get banned. If they are even semi-intelligent it should be almost impossible for Blizzard to have any evidence of account sharing.

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That should be the case in all types of boosting.


That is only suggestive and would be wasted effort. If they really wanted to stop mage tower boosting they would do a sting operation. But they don’t.

Boosters know that nothing will happen to them.

That’s because Blizzard openly supports boosting in all forms.

Advertising for even types of boosting that are totally against terms will normalize the idea that paid boosting is the best way to achieve goals.


I think Blizzard is A-OK with that message. It encourages people to buy tokens to pay for those boosts.

When a dev promotes boosting, it sends the message ‘yeah it’s okay to do stuff for GOLD ONLY’…most boosters abuse that by offering RMT. NOBODY in the game just boosts to have millions of gold. The gold sold for real money makes lots of side money–there are people who make a living off of selling gold and boosting is the fastest way to make it.

Incorrect! If that were true, a bunch of people I know who travel for work wouldn’t have had to get appeals on their bans for being logged in elsewhere in their travels. Keep in mind, these people don’t do much in regards to content. And one was even just logging into his Garrison and Pandaria farm to get some of the pets and mounts and achieve, as this is all new to him. Which means he’s phased away from everyone.

And you can report all you want. No one’s stopping you. It’s the same people over and over. So report, use the add-on to block them and then go on with your game.

The point is: everyone has the means to report and block these people without being dramatic on the forums and letting it ruin their game. And the last time people flipped out here over spam ads, we got the LFG authenticator requirements. If you can’t use the tools given to you and move on with your gaming, we’ll end up with authenticator required chat channels.

No they don’t. They never have. Let’s not blow things out of proportion around here, hmm?

Are you talking about these people using public VPN services while traveling? Yeah that’s a YMMV scenario and it’s been acknowledged by blues as such.

Bad guy uses VPN service, gets banned, VPN IP used is the same as your friend’s, they get caught up in the process and just have to appeal.

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They don’t? Well, what steps have they taken to stop boosting spam? Oh wait Blizzard’s president advertised his personal stream where he was selling boosts.

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