I wonder if you’ll ever respond to me. You support boosting but only a certain kind of boosting? Hypocritical much?
Last I checked, hotel WiFi isn’t VPN. They don’t do the kind of work where they’d even know what a VPN is.
Fair, but we’re still talking about shared services in that context. Appeal the ban and move on.
I can’t help it if you can’t read “do it legit or quit”.
Does that go for M+ and raiding as well?
So because you don’t see accounts get banned means they don’t do anything? And the outrage over the LFG authenticator requirement was fake? LOL okay.
That’s not
Gold boosting has existed since Vanilla and guilds use it as a way to fill the guild bank for the next tier of progression. If you can’t separate account sharing from paying someone gold to get carried through a raid, then I don’t know what to tell you. Stop spreading false information.
I see you missed my point entirely. lol Its also hilarious that you’ll tell someone to appeal and move on, but dislike when you’re told to report, block and move on.
Connect to shared services, risk a ban. It has nothing to do with location and everything to do with using a shared service used by a bad actor.
I mean, what exactly can us as players do beyond reporting these people? Keep yelling at blizzard to make the bad people go away?
I’ve not heard of the first booster or boostee getting banned. Normally you’d at least hear about a “ban wave” but nope, nothing like that since the start of the heavily advertised boosting.
And now you can officially buy gold in the game so you can get boosted through as much as you want. You honestly believe Blizzard doesn’t support more money coming in?
That’s what reporting basically is :\
No one is ever given information about who gets banned. Ever.
And the “ban waves” are announcements by Wowhead, never Blizzard. It’s assumption based off of some popular guilds who exploited. Not carry communities. Your information is incorrect.
Absolutely nowhere near the same thing as RMT and account sharing. The fact that you’ve even twisted that in your mind to think RMT and account sharing is the same as buying a token and giving someone in game gold is beyond me.
I mean i guess? but also not really? because its like saying reporting a crime to the police is the same as going on facebook to yell at the cops and tagging them in your posts. sure technically in both cases you’ve reported the issue to the proper authorities but one is much more uh…whiney.
I’ve heard of bans of all kinds but never heard about a single boosting ban.
You don’t think these big boosting “companies” aren’t making RL money?
Please don’t be that naive.
Buying a token with the intention of using it on a boost is pay to win.
/s is an internet short for sarcasm.
The OP is an advocate for boosting and doesn’t want to believe that it’s primarily being done for $. He has a post floating around here with a title exclaiming that he is proud to pay for boosting services.
He flip-flops like a fish on the dock.
No, it has never been a problem.
As long as it’s for gold.
It isn’t. The average “booster” is just another player looking to make a bit of gold.
Sure, if you believe clogging up chat and LFG isn’t a problem.
Polluting LFG is a problem, sure. Trade to a lesser extent because realistically it’s not used for anything else.
So it is a problem.
It can’t be used for anything else because it’s so clogged with boost spam.
Because they’re from people who post and whine about them on social media and Wowhead picks it up. No boosting community is whining about account bans. They make more and continue to advertise.
So you ignored what I was saying. Gotcha.
No it isn’t. It’s pay to skip until the next patch or expansion makes it obsolete. And still giving someone else in game gold. Not real money.
Your perspective is very off. Take a step back and rethink what you’re saying.
RMT and account sharing is not the same as handing a character in game gold.to be lazy.
Solve your own problem. Turn off chat or use the blocking add-ons.