People buy it so it’s not going to stop. Nothing we can do about it, but report the spam. It’s up to Blizzard to see how much they care.
with that kind of mentality. “sigh” no wonder people meme our community.
This community is a meme. Just look around and see how people act.
Care to explain?
clearly you did not read the comment that i also qouted clearly explaining why i said that.
There is no assurance blizzard will catch everyone who does this stuff. That’s why people break the ToS.
Let’s just ignore people buying piloted carries. Don’t know about that one.
Had a longer post but I think this gets the idea through.
To quote an often mis-attributed quote (yes I googled to check):
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing
Dumb people are still people, and deserve just treatment.
the mentality in the sense that “idgaf” because it does not affect me despite it affects us all naturally.
im not saying you should care in that sense im just saying you shouldn’t claim it isn’t an issue when clearly even it is an issue regarding ToS.
or here a better real life example - someone is drunk and driving; they hit the wall at a high speed and die. i shouldn’t care right i wasn’t involved in any accident according to you. fact is that driver is putting not only themselves at risk but others as well. could of hit me and killed me, could of hit a pedestrian, etc… what does that driver get in return? possibly life in prison more likely less time tbh. what does the person/family get in return for pretty much driving sober? mourning the death of a loved one or possibly 2/more.
that is what i am saying. it may not affect you in ways that you are thinking but it does affect you.
It’s why we should have more metadata for wow related activities. Allowing the community to shame and make fun of people who receive this help is an effective tool to stifle future indulgence.
Like just look at pvp, from just armory alone, you can’t tell anything besides Feats of strength and current rating with # of matches played. No seeing who played with who; when stuff was done; match damage breakdown; gear/talents/borrowed power used; duration/map; starting/ending mmr and cr; etc.
For mage tower it would be easy to see if the game/armory output how many attempts each person had per challenge on that character and the gear/talents used plus % enemy health left per failed attempt.
Noticeable shifts in player skill jumps would jump out to be seen more readily by the population.
In short an internalized warcraftlogs; raider io; drustvar/subcreation (and other sites) expanding the armory and accessible within game would help everyone.
Also having % earned by population for achievements would put the sock in peoples’ mouth memeing how ubiquitous supposedly “easy” achievements are.
If people want to be dumb, then let them get banned and learn the hard way. It’s more proof for Blizzard to use to ban the scammers, as well.
You misunderstand my viewpoint. I never said I don’t care or Blizz should ignore it. I’m saying let people get caught and get banned to get rid of them.
thats the problem as well.
blizz is just as lazy and issue will just go on as i stated they been advertising this prior to MT even being released.
blizz likely will let it go and i want to assume rely on the automated system to ban people doing this.
so yea i mean in end not much will likely change regarding this unless it starts to become more frequent like with the hackers in Classic.
Because your stance so far has been, “Who cares what they’re doing, just ignore them, and the only people that they’ll hurt are stupid and deserve to be taken advantage of”.
We could also just ignore people setting tigers loose in the supermarket. Only the least agile among us will escape, and watching people get eaten will be funny, and what people deserve for not doing their cardio, I guess?
It’s a bad take, sis. Accept your “Your Take Was Bad This Time” award.
People Don’t
People get caught when people care enough to take three seconds to right-click report them instead of taking three seconds to type out /leave Trade.
The authenticator requirements didn’t stop any adds but did arrive just in time to make it safer for more people to use services like paying someone to do mage tower for you.
Or do you need to use the authenticator every time you log in?
Has anybody actually been banned for buying or selling a mage tower carry? I have not heard of anyone. I’m pretty sure the reason we see so many ads for this is that sellers know there will be no consequences.
I aint no snitch
Just download the BadBoy addon and setup the filters. Problem solved.
I tried to get a boost I even offered to throw in my social security number… no takers
If getting rid of bots was as easy as simply writing a line of code that said:
if account = bot, then ban.
Then bots wouldn’t exist literally everywhere on the internet.
I don’t see the problem.
The sellers are probably just using the gold to pay for consumables or black market stuff anyways. How does someone paying for this affect you? /s