Mage Tower artifact skins should still be obtainable

I didn’t ignore your point. I saw your point but you replied and called it good until this reply. This guy refuses to answer the question. He can’t tell me why they shouldn’t come back or how it would affect him. He just wants to be an absolute contrarian.

I certainly can. But like I said,

I feel bad for any prospective partners in your life.

Because it doesn’t hurt anybody, anything, or even “the integrity of the game” if they’re brought back. They were cool looking sets and I didn’t want to go outside of my guild at the time. Did you miss that part?

Anyway, look at all the Twitch drops of super rare items that have happened recently. Now tell me with a straight face how it would negatively affect anything about wow if those sets were brought back.


Awwwwwwwwwwwww yeeeeeeeeeaahhhhhhhhhhh

Better than the OG. Kind of like the flails that dropped from the ZM sand rare.

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36/36 legion mage tower, also got all the rewards in new mage tower but didn’t bother with the feat of strength. New mage tower is harder then the “get lfr antorus gear and win” mage tower of late legion and really should just include the weapon skins.

And for context I did most of my mage towers that way. I did the ones on my mains at the time in nighthold/tomb but at the end of expansion it was as easy as get double bis legendary, do some world content in argus, maybe queue lfr and get a +2 weekly chest for the classes I really didn’t get at the time.


That’s not a reason to compel Blizzard to do anything. That’s your justification for why it would benefit you personally.

No. Again, that’s a ‘you’ issue. Notice how you said “I didn’t want?” That means it’s your fault.

Okay, I’m looking.

I… what? How are you connecting the above two issues? That’s one heck of a logical leap.

But ultimately entertain the question:

First, I’ll defer to an answer you already received:

I’ll elaborate on this by stating the obvious: the time and resources players put into getting these rewards while they were current needs to be respected. Many players went out of their way to beat feet to getting these under the presumption they would be gone once they were gone. In principle, bringing back the same rewards would take a dump on the sacrifice those players made.

And again, per the devs, these rewards are effectively a badge of honor for doing the content at that time. You didn’t do it then, you don’t get the reward now. It’s effectively the same as AOTC mounts.


It’s the same thing. It was limited time it was offered. Just like mage tower.

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Also its a bit sad that new mage tower is more pick the challenge that is undertuned and get your class set rather then focus on what you might be playing. This is mainly a thing because the reward is classwide instead of specwide which is a unfortunate decision.

I love when people parrot that Mage Tower was “challenge content.”

So challenging you could walk in with LFR gear and 0 clue about how to do anything, and come out one-shotting the boss.

It would benefit the entire player base. Not just me. It would benefit anyone taking a break during that content or didn’t start until after MoP.

It’s a video game. You talk like these players stormed the beaches of Normandy or something. Sacrifice lol.


No, it would benefit the small contingent of players who feel they’re entitled to not having consequences to their (lack of) actions.

Or people who just flat out chose not to do it. Like you.

I’m sure whatever comes next is going to justify why your take on this video game is more valid than anyone who disagrees with you.

Oh. It’s not. Color me shocked.

Yes. Sacrifice of time, gold, gear/currency grind. You know, those things you never did and now assume are valueless because you never did them.

No it’s not. Challenge content has never once come back and blizzard has been adamant challenge content is in its own separate category. Comparing Tyrael’s Charger when they’re not the same thing at all is just a weak attempt at making some kind of argument.


Then those people who do not have them should’ve done it back then? What is the issue here? For many people, it was not that easy and still challenging even at the end of the expansion. I know many people that struggled with some of the fights and asked for help back then.

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weird. I just got the green bear form for completeing the mage tower challenge as a guardian druid. It makes NO sence to give you new transmogs and hold back the weapon transmog. I bet they wil do it eventually.
If they do, I also hope they release the transmogs for weapons from the challenge dungeons in Warlord of Draenor. SOme of the best appearances ever

Doubt it would be small but you’re entitled to think whatever you want.

Or you can call it, wait for this shocker, playing the game. If you’re playing wow you’re already “sacrificing” time that could be spent on something else.


I have a bunch of unobtanable items/MT Skins, but i do feel everything in game should be obtainable one way or another.


Do you actually believe that everyone who is playing the game today had an opportunity to play it back then, regardless of whether they had control of their circumstances? You know, things such as age, real-life issues, etc.?

What exactly is wrong with bringing these things back on a difficulty that’s harder than it was in Legion? The towers right now are definitely much harder than near the end of Legion when they were free.

Guess what? You’d still have to sink time and commitment into completing the MT today, just like back then (before they became free).

Anyways, I don’t have much more to say since the dev’s philosophy is changing for the better and at some point these will come back in one way or another.


Blizzard stated in no uncertain terms that the bear would be the only exception due to the fact that it exclusively included new rigging. That’s why there’s no special cat form in current tower.

I mean you can doubt all you want, I guess we’ll just never know.

I actually agree with this so far.

Also agreed. So we agree that the sacrifices are included with playing the game. And you didn’t make those sacrifices with the challenges in question. So you don’t get the reward, since you didn’t play that content. I’m glad we cleared that up.

If they were going to do it, they would’ve done it already.

Everybody? No. But the individual I’ve been chatting with certainly falls into the category of playing at the time but chose not to do it.