Mage Tower - Artifact appearances

You recall correctly. People knew months in advance that it was going down when the first patch for BFA was dropping.

I’m not triggered. Not caring is the very opposite of triggered, obviously. I just don’t understand why you were telling me that.

Might as well bring back every discontinued appearance and mount that’s ever been offered in the game! I :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Short answer: No
Long answer: NOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo.




Will give you all the reasons why this is a poor idea. I AM however bummed, they never did a mage tower equivalent in BFA (but those would be with DIFFERENT rewards).


For Blizz to bring back the mage tower they have to bring back the MIST legendary cloak.

Once you reopen one event you have to open them all. And you also have to wait the same length of time.

I wasn’t happy that Blizz put the 10th anniversary mount in the BMHA that sells for only 200k cuz it’s up very often.

Getting time sensitive rewards after the event is over is BS.

Move to a new reward system and Don’t look back.

Talk of a new druid form appearance for the new races…with an old challenge. This already doesn’t make sense.

New challenge mode, new rewards. Same as always. BfA skipped it for some reason, and that is the actual issue. We need a BfA mage tower equivalent. And then a Shadowlands mage tower equivalent…which MoP/WoD had in their own forms.

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As someone who got a lot of those… I dont care if ppl could get the appearences now.
I am not special in any way just because I have the mage tower or the Pandaria elite stuff.
Damn… why ppl always care about what other ppl have or will have, play your game the way you enjoy and stop saying how others should.


It wouldn’t be right for Blizz to bring it back since they did tell everyone well in advance that it was going away.

A lot of people where under the time sensitive event to work on the mog they wanted. Some spent a good many nights getting killed over and over.

A lot of good memories came from it and to bring it back well you might as well just put it in the store to buy. It’s not about being special it’s just about good memories or stories that you had while getting it.

People enjoy the journey so don’t take that away.

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And I disagree with you, the game needs more time sensitive trophies to provide incentives. I missed out on WoD challenge modes. I have no one to blame but myself. I would not ask they be removed simply because I missed out and the challenge other people willingly put themselves through be diminished.

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I wouldn’t say no to being able to get the Frost Mage skin from the Mage Tower, its literally the only one I liked. Maybe put the event up for one weekend a year, tuned to then-current mechanics. Give you an option of either an old reward or a new one.

Why because it’s natural to a human.

Do you think rich people buy a Ferrari to look like everyone else? No, they do it to get laid.

No different in wow, people want to stand out. Which is a good thing.

If we all wore the same exact transmog and played the same classes, and had the same things WoW would get rather boring quickly.


I’d be totally okay with reintroducing the Mage Tower again so as long as the appearances remain unobtainable.

They should’ve done this in BFA, but god forbid they put some effort in…


Or they buy it to experience a level of automotive excellence that’s be refined over the past nearly 80 years in some of the most stylish cars ever to grace tarmac.

Even then, you are buying it because it’s unique. It’s special in your eyes, and many other people will turn heads when they see you in it.

You wouldn’t buy it and put it in a shipping container for nobody to ever see. You would be showing it off to friends and family. No different than a rare mount in WoW.

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I wouldn’t care if they brought them back somehow but I am of the disposition that all models should remain in the game and be obtainable in some fashion.

Would be nice if you could unlock colors for the artifacts across all classes rather then the one character that unlocked the weapon.


Sure why not.

As someone who didn’t get many of these. I DO care if people get the appearances now.

As it stands there are countless appearances available for transmog and there is absolutely nothing wrong with having less than 1% of those being unobtainable due to skilled/timed events.

I love when I can see a MoP armor set, turn my head and see the effort someone may have put in for it.

I love when someone sees my Frost mage and loves the look of my staff that I put over 100 attempts in despite not knowing how to play the class because I NEEDED that appearance.

I’m more curious why people think this is some ironclad retort. If everyone has an appearance it loses it’s luster. That’s why you don’t see everyone walking around in Judgement or Bloodfang armor.