Mage Tower - Artifact appearances

Hello Everyone!
Just want to get everyone’s opinion about bringing the tower mage back for a week or so to give people a chance to get the artifact appearances from there. As someone who doesn’t have much time to play and came back at the end of the mage tower event, it’s a shame I didn’t get the chance to get the appearances. Yes, I understand the concept - “you snooze you lose” but still those appearance are pretty cool. Lets take the druid artifact for the moment, we have two new druid forms, Zanadalari trolls and Kul Tiran Humans. It would be really cool if blizzard came with unique artifact appearances for them… I think blizzard should introduce more cosmetics to the came - maybe give the ability to get the gear appearance of npc’s - Jaina comes to mind - but anyway, back to my original question - who wants the mage tower back?



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There’s lots of old content I’d love to have a chance to get as I was playing a different class at the time or took a break and missed it.

Mage Tower is one of these. But also elite PvP skins from classes I wasn’t playing at the time.



They can however do another mage tower like challenge in Shadowlands with new awesome cosmetic rewards.


To bring them back and have them resemble any similar difficulty to what they were in Legion, they would essentially have to remake every fight. At that point they should just make all new challenges with new cosmetic rewards.



They could bring the mage tower content back IN BFA… and add new appearances or transmog related to BFA


I’ve always been in favor of it, even if they scale us down and make it difficult again. I don’t like when content is removed, the more they leave in, the more things we have to do in between patches.

But you’re going to get a lot of hate because people around here enjoy having unique unobtainable things they can show off.


The appearances are pretty cool. I’m one of those folks who geared up entirely new classes/specs so I could get them all. I’m very happy and accomplished to do so, and the Tower has a lot of good memories associated with it.

That said, these weapon appearances have a special place for me now. I think I’d be a bit grump to have them return to be obtained so easily with current level gear and such. It’d be really cheap.

BUT, I would love the Mage Tower to return just so I could do those fights again. Those were super fun. Otherwise, I’d be content waiting for the next Mage Tower-like cosmetic content.

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I agree a new mage tower with new cosmetic rewards would be nice - but a chance at old content would be nice too. They don’t have to remake every fight just scale it down. They already doing it with Timewrap dungeons.

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They should never bring back stuff like that (stuff advertised as limited time.) Cheapens the event.


to be fair,

antorus gear cheapened the obtain of the appearance too

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I am kinda okay with expansion exclusive rewards.

So that’s a “no” from me.


To be fair no it didn’t. The fights were designed around the talents, gear and artifacts weapons we had at the time.


Make the fights harder? Make them more difficult to get but give us the chance to get them. I finally have more time to play with my new job to actually invest in the game.


also ret appearance looks cheap in comparison to others

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Hey Secondlifer,

I’m sorry sweetie. I empathize with the idea of not having enough time to invest in the game. That being said, it’s unfair for people that did have enough time, or that MADE the time to get those appearances.

You don’t need any of those appearances to play the game.


I don’t care…?

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don’t get triggered for my opinion

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No. Time limited means time limited. It was announced as such before it even hit live servers.


Can’t really bring back a challenge mode based on classes/specs having access to artifact weapons or talents/abilities they no longer do.

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