Mage Tower: A Compromise

It was never touted as that, though. Quite the opposite.

? you dont parse ever, you dont do high keys, and you dont pvp? You don’t play the game above the level of an average player, so its likely that your understanding of difficult is on the lower end :confused:
You also have some wildly absurd notion that because potions and consumables are more expensive atm (specifically because of this, the same way they are at the start of every tier) that it’s cheese? Bro, that’s the most fried take

A lot of them are mega casual players, some are CE raiders and don’t want MT to be a challenge or to be mythic level difficulty of a challenge, even though it should.

Some believe that because their rewards are garbage, it should take garbage skill to beat for everyone.

It’s diff for people, but I think the compromise would be just letting legendaries and/or covenants work in MT and would be better than just nerfing it. Fixing any bugs in it should also be good, too.

I haven’t moved a single goal post, I’ve stuck to my original post in that they buffed it and made it harder intentionally, otherwise they wouldn’t have buffed it in the first place.

That’s you moving your goalposts now. You were stuck on everything being “unintended”. Now you’re agreeing it’s intended. Stick to one or the other please.

Perhaps…but it’s better to have Vers/Haste in every slot rather than a hodgepodge of random stats. He’s just saying he needs to optimize his stats rather than let them be at random.

True…but it wasn’t challenging at that point. Although “throwback”, it was still advertised as “challenging solo content”. What was at the end of Legion wasn’t challenging. When the Mage Tower was first released in 7.2 (still considered a throwback), that was challenging. And that seems to be the iteration they went with.

It was never specified, so you’re correct in assuming:

But it was never truly touched on to which expectation they were going with. Another classic example of people getting their hopes up in my opinion (by hoping for the “trivial” version of the mage tower). I did the trivial version (wasn’t subbed in during 7.2 to 7.3.5) and am happy to have another crack at the harder version.

It’s ones own personal discretion. What’s hard for you may be easy for me and vice versa.

No offense…but unless its “farming”…isn’t the point of progression to push yourself the best you can to beat the encounter you’re trying to progress on? Thus essentially being the best attempt you’ve got, meaning the best parse you’ll do?

I tried a few times this morning before waking the kids up for school…got to phase 2 once. Was super sloppy attempts lol I just laughed it off and have only run one Legion TW dungeon since :stuck_out_tongue:


So I guess your view is that this content isn’t at all for the casual crowd to enjoy.

I guess you missed the purple parses.

Not interested in anything but the gear.

Because it’s a silly side game.

Cutting Edge raiding is “average player” now ?

What ?

Would trivialize most of the encounters though :frowning:
At best, scale back the stealth buff they added a bit. People are claiming 100% buff to HP/damage (I dunno I wasn’t on the PTR) - scale it back to 66-75% and I feel like that would suffice enough for most people.

Even with it being “over tuned and impossible” people are completing it…and a butt load (actual unit of measurement :wink: ) are getting extremely close.

It is for everyone to enjoy, not for everyone to complete.

Yeah, but that’s the only compromise I’d be willing to go with for people because I know blizz only operates on 2 difficulties: mega difficult or mega easy. When they nerf things they nerf them hard and it becomes too easy, but because people got used to it being that easy then they can’t justify buffing it to be harder, thus better to go with the compromise of just letting legendaries be active for people and/or covenants.

In Legion you had Artifact Weapons and Legendaries, plus gearing up, to work in your favor over time as the expansion continued. In Shadowlands due to it being a timewalking thing/feature there is only scaling down now rather than your gear working “as intended” like it did with Legion. In Legion at the end of the expansion you also had double legendaries for a patch, too, working as well.

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Lots of Fury, WW, Ele Shamans are completing it, therefore it must be fine for all 36 specs!

Most people don’t enjoy content they can’t make meaningful progress on.

Heck, I mostly did not enjoy it up to now.

Most people want an easy sailing through everything from videogames to life. I don’t think that’s something that should be, though, as something too easy has too little meaning and as I’ve said before; blizzard only operates in mega difficult or mega easy. I’d rather overcome something mega difficult vs overcoming something mega easy, it takes away from the achievement of getting it in the first place and the challenge.

That’s why things like “participation trophies” are a laugh and actually do more damage to people than just having the winner takes the trophies home, the way it is intended to be.

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It may be cheese but it’s that cheap crap like Velveeta.

No, I just don’t want to die to Frostbolts that hit for 25% of my health, on a 1.5 second timer that I can’t meaningfully heal through without playing completely perfectly.

It’s called a scale.

Easy ----------------------------------|-- Impossible
Easy -----------------|------------------ Impossible

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You don’t get to just zone in and slap something and get a Mythic reskin.

That’s how most legacy raids works though.

(not the best argument).

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You’re right, they should make those ones a little more difficult. As they mentioned, bring them more in line with the other specs :wink:

Doesn’t mean it’s not available. It was advertised as challenging solo content for all to try, but not all will complete.

It’s okay for a challenge to be a challenge and unbeatable to some. It’s not a challenge when 80% of the playerbase can complete it (like the end of Legion for example).

When 10-20% are only capable of beating it…then yeah…you know that’s a challenge. It’s like Cutting Edge. Not everyone can do it. Are mythic raids available to everyone. Yup. Can everyone beat them? Nope. And I say that as someone who’s tried mythic raiding (didn’t care for the try-hard raid lead I had who blew a gasket at every failed attempt), and never once gotten CE.

Heroic is more my pace. Challenging for the group I used to run with for the first 4-5 weeks, and then it was farmed out and time to run alts through it.

“This level of difficulty is unintended” is what they mentionned.

Challenge is a scale. Not a binary.

Blizzard does not operate on a middleground scaling, they operate on mega hard, mega easy.

That’s why they can’t fully get many things, including balancing their systems, correctly. That’s also what a lot of the playerbase hates about blizzard, and why they do not trust blizzard when it comes to balancing.

If you think this is gonna be any different, think again, as this entire expansion, previous expansion, Legion, and any other expansion prove time and time again; they mess themselves up.

I still hope for the best but I always plan for the worst.

I get what you guys want, but I’m saying realistically and going based on the past, they will not be able to achieve that balance. Their nerf or nerfs will cut down the challenge of it by so much it won’t be a challenge to most decent-good skilled players.

Torghast was another example, too, we could use. It is only difficult if you’re attempting a layer 12, tuned around 252 ilvl, on a 210-220 ilvl character where you’re 30+ ilvls below it and on a bad class to do it on, even, otherwise it’s still a breeze.

What the top is for you is what the middle may be for me.

Who’s scale do we go off of? Which person should Blizzard listen to?

When they nerf this, you’ll have to eat those words.

Sorry not sorry. That’s the life of a GD Troll though. Defending something even Blizzard doesn’t defend.

Just checking in on this thread during afternoon coffee break, over 300 replies and white knights/simps STILL defending 9.1.5 Mage Tower in here?? smh :expressionless:

This is a video game with a paid subscription : the one that retains the most subs through positive engagement.

After Blizzard literally admitted the difficulty was unintended too. Shocking what some people can defend.


Even then, we can’t really use that. They nerfed that as well because it was given to the people as they requested it: challenging solo content (if you choose to go solo). And it was too hard for them.

People claim they want challenging, but what they’re really asking for is something that is “challenging with minimal effort” which translates to “easy when giving it your best”