Warrior-Mage Still undecided

Am undecided still after doing weeks of research and the more I research the more i get confused. Warriors great tanking I love tanking. But I love pvping as well
“warriors need pocket heals” Warriors are bad at solo pvp"
So I find out about Free action potion and engineering good for PVP, still that doesn’t convince me about doing pvp-world pvp with a warrior. So Mage, Good at world pvp, good in dungeons, pretty much good at everything. As much as i like tanking I love picking fights in the open world and am starting to think that warrior doesn’t suit that place I want to fill

I think you need both, honestly. The two are soooo different.

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You could always level one of each: Warrior for tanking, and Mage for PvP and DPS.

The other thing to note if you’re going back and forth between PvP DPS and tanking on a Warrior is that respecs aren’t cheap in Vanilla, and there is no dual spec to give you infinite respecs.

Mages are also pretty good at farming once you learn how to effectively AoE farm on them.


that’s true. Uhm maybe I main mage instead. Also do people look for a lot of mages for dungeons and raids? Am i always getting a spot in dungeons-raids instead of other dps classes?

Well considering warriors are extremely gear dependant, you better be ready to raid and you’ll have to compete with so many other warriors too, although there will be no alot of mage too, but you can do fairly well right away (you’ll be squishy though). Also if you are not running with a healer to dispel, get ready to be kited by frost mage… to death

Or, just going outside the box, warrior mage, ie melee damage mage with a staff. :grinning:

I don’t know that people focus too strongly on dps class for dungeons. Mages bring some good utility with sheep and free food so I’d never turn a mage away, but I’d also likely never turn down another pure DPS just to wait for a mage either.

Mages are generally liked as a DPS, since they’re one of the top tier along with Warrior(at high gear levels) and Rogue.

Groups generally wont refuse to invite you based on your class as a DPS, but you aren’t guaranteed a spot. Raids typically don’t want to stack too much of one class because it causes a bottleneck with loot, so if they’re running 10 Mages they may not want more.

im stuck on, Rogue or Mage… Strictly pvp…. also, Gank in major cities.

i love world pvp and pvp overall but I also enjoy tanking :C so there is that. But mage seems better for pvping after all.

Warrior didn’t get good self sustain until WotLK.

In Classic Vanilla the only two talents that heal you are Blood Craze and Bloodthirst, neither heals for an amount that keeps you up against players in PVP.

Most of your utility 1v1 is how hard you can hit people when you are actually in melee range. Anyone good is going to kite and stun you to death because if you can hit them they will die. We are talking about a time when a crit Overpower with a good weapon will potentially take an enemy player from 65% > 0%. Execute hits super hard, plenty to kill them off if not. I’ve won duels and World PVP 1v1 encounters with < 10% HP left because the player let me stay on them for 2-3 globals.

So the meta for every other class, including other Warriors is to keep you from hitting them.

From my rough description you can understand why it is a poor 1v1 PVP class and very good with support form a group.

Too many Warriors, we’re full, sorry. One of the worst things ever is a wishy-washy Warrior. If you’re not confident enough to know you’re going to play a Warrior, you should just plan on playing a Mage.

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