Mage looking for LBGT friendly guild (alliance, raiding, pve or rp-pve)

I don’t have particularly high expectations; just a place where stuff like “safe space” isn’t a punchline, and political discussions are kept out of guild chat/voice chat.

Since the above is not hard to reach by any reasonable metric, I’ll further narrow things down. I’d like:

  • Alliance
  • PvE or RP-PvE (don’t care; I always use RP friendly names anyway)
  • Non-hardcore raiding pace. Don’t care about server firsts (or anything remotely near that), but do want to down KT someday.
  • I’ve a flexible schedule currently so raid times typically don’t matter. I do however have family responsibilities so I can’t guarantee a 95% or greater attendance. Maybe 85% or so.
  • Don’t care about loot distribution method. DKP, loot council, whatever.

As for personal qualifications:

  • Flexible schedule, as mentioned above.
  • Played since day 1, got in the closed beta of classic.
  • Always been a theorycrafter. Made my own spreadsheets back in the vanilla/BC days. I’ll be able to play optimally.
  • For classic content experience, I’ve gone through about half of AQ40 back in the day, and about the same on private servers. Never stepped foot in old Naxx; will be fun to do so :slight_smile:
  • Will be maining a mage. Plan to have quite a few alts, so won’t just be bringing a mage if needed.
  • Will hit 60 within 2 months or so.
  • Already understand that I’ll need to gather my own consumables for the harder raids (AQ40/naxx).
  • Very easy to get along with, provided you’re not mean to me or others :slight_smile:
  • Realizes that gnomes are, in fact, the best.

EDIT: If I’m not suited for your guild but you are LGBT friendly, you can post your guild advertisements in my other thread (Unofficial LGBTQI+ friendly guilds registry - advertise here!) to help find suitable people.


This sounds like a perfect match for me, too. Bookmarking in case any possible guilds reply!

I’m also looking for an LGBT- friendly guild. Would prefer Horde side but could be swayed to Alliance if that’s where the players are. Literally listened to a bunch of bros whine that they can’t call people f****ts in discord during last night’s raid and I’m so over it…


Hello, Dragonslayer Covenant is a new friendly guild. We’re planning on raiding in to Naxx, but our primary focus in on the player experience. We want all our raiders to be happy, and have fun while raiding.

We don’t condone any Racist, Sexist, or otherwise offensive things in chat. If you’re looking for a friendly, welcoming environment to start raiding in Classic,
I’d hope you’ll considers us.

We use a variant of the DKP Loot System. So everyone has a fair chance to get geared up and experience the content.

We will be playing on a PVP server, so if you’re not okay with that; it’s unfortunate. I myself initially considered PVE but we decided that the unique experience of World PVP at max level was not something to ignore. There will always be people to help you level, and fend off the Horde!

For information join our discord or contact me directly,
Battletag: Ardent#11734
Discord Contacts: Ardent#0896
Discord Server: RCnR6Ta


I play with The Pod People. We are always looking for new members. We have members all over the globe. Australia, New Zealand, the US.

We are a friendly guild and we are planning to play Horde come classic. If youre interested in knowing more, feel free to message me.

Discord: Phalaris#5085

I can’t seem to add you on Discord - could you try me at reeeiiid#6805 ?

Now that realm names are out, which realm y’all choosing? I’m still shopping around for a guild so I’m interested in where people are congregating.

I’d like Grobbulus (the RP-PVP one) myself, but I can go anywhere. I’d just prefer one other than the streamer server, whichever that ends up being.

For some reason Discord hates me. I’ve searched for people and it tells me they don’t exist. My tag is Azurall#1761

I’m leaning on either Myzrael for PvE or Faerlina for PvP.
Those are the only names that stuck out for me as potentially attracting an LGBT inclusive community but I’m still waiting to see if there’s another server that becomes popular in the community.

Im just going to bookmark this post as well. An LGBT guild would be nice… no need to explain myself. :slight_smile:

My friends decided on Myzrael but Alliance side, but I can always make an Alt.

Y’all are making me consider Myzrael. Any known friendly raiding guilds there?

We’ve got an Aussie LGBTQI guild that we’re forming if there’s any people keen on play on a PVP Oceanic server:

I went browsing through the guilds that have posted so far, but nothing jumped out at me. I’m still looking though.

This is the only Alliance guild that I’ve seen post so far about Myzrael…

Bookmarked this too. I’m trying to see if there’s any interest in some of Taint moving over and playing but so far I’ve seen 2 responses about classic.

https:// remove the space after // , analysis is a semi hardcore pvp realm LGBT “Friendly” guild, buy this i mean we have many gay members but we are also savage jokers (not sex jokes just generally savage) so if your not a carebear youl have alot of fun with us.

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I am totally down for this type of guild. I was thinking of going to Atiesh for normal or buccaneers for RP. I could go for Myzrael thou.

battle net ID = Sacredfire#11523

Someone told me today that some guilds on proudmoore are going to atiesh. I think im going to reserve names on both atiesh and myzrael and see what happens.

Yeah I’m going for the shotgun approach too. Fortunately I’ve some friends with no interest in classic that can reserve some names for me, hehe.

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Come check us out!